Cancer Caregiver
20 Apr 2024
8 mins
Are You a Cancer Caregiver? Discover 8 Essential Self-Care Tips for Your Well-BeingDo you ever wonder what it is like when someone close to you gets cancer? It is tough. You suddenly become their main helper, doing all sorts of things like helping them with daily tasks, making sure they get to appointments on time, and being there for them during hospital stays. You might also have to handle their money and help them make decisions about their treatment. It is a big job, and most of the time, you don't really know what you are doing because you haven't been trained for it. And all of this can really wear you down, both physically and mentally. Here are 8 essential self-care tips for new cancer caregivers like you.   8 ESSENTIAL SELF-CARE TIPS FOR CANCER CAREGIVERS   There are different types of caregivers for people fighting cancer. Some may be family members, friends, or loved ones. People of different cultures and races give care in their own way. It is different for every situation, and there is no one way that works best for everyone. Nevertheless, here are 8 essential self-care tips that might help you throughout your journey.   1. Understanding your role as a cancer caregiver Feeling exhausted in your new role as a caregiver? That is okay. It is normal to feel unsure about what to do when your loved one is diagnosed with cancer. Don't be hard on yourself if you can't do everything perfectly. Have you thought about talking to others who have been caregivers before? They can help you understand what to expect. You could also join online groups for support. With time, you will get better at your new role.    2. Seek help Do you sometimes feel like you are doing everything alone? It is okay to ask for help. You don't have to do everything by yourself, even if you are the primary cancer caregiver. You can ask family and friends to lend a hand, maybe by taking turns staying in the hospital or helping with daily tasks. It might feel strange to ask for help, but it is perfectly fine. You can also reach out to professionals like nurses or homecare services for assistance. Having people ready to step in when you need a break can help you feel calmer and avoid stressful situations. And remember, it's okay if someone can't help you when you ask.   3. Understand the diagnosis When you hear the diagnosis, don't get scared. It is important to know what is going on, what treatment is needed, and what to expect next. Talk to your doctor about it. You can also read about it online or ask people in support groups. Your doctor can tell you about any side effects of the treatment and how much it might cost. If you are not sure about something, you can ask another doctor for their opinion. And don't forget to ask your doctor about what challenges you might face while taking care of your loved one and how you can get ready for them.   4. Streamline Your Space Do you feel like you have a lot to handle at home, work, and caring for your family members? It can be overwhelming. But there are ways to stay organized. You can make checklists before talking to the doctor, set reminders for appointments, use a journal to write down any side effects your family member has, and use a medicine organizer to make sure they don't miss any doses. These little tricks can help you manage all the tasks better.   5. Be Positive Do you know that staying positive can really help, both for you and the person you are caring for? It makes everything feel a bit brighter and keeps everyone feeling supported. Even though you can't control everything, you can control how you react. Talking to friends or people who can help, or finding comfort in spiritual ways, can make a big difference. So, try to keep that positive attitude going!   6. Communicate It is really important for both the patient and the caregiver to talk openly and honestly. Listen to what the patient has to say and be honest about how you feel too. Also, try to accept the patient just as they are, with all their physical and emotional ups and downs. Once you start accepting them, things will feel easier. Let the patient know that they are still in control of their own life, even if you are helping out. It is okay if they get upset sometimes; it is normal for them to feel stressed or angry. Just remember not to be too pushy when you are trying to help.   7. Understand Your Feelings It is okay to feel all sorts of emotions when you find out about the diagnosis and take care of someone you love. You might feel sad, angry, or lonely, and that is normal. You don't have to pretend to be happy all the time. It is okay to cry or show that you are upset. If you start feeling really stressed, anxious, or down, it is important to recognize those feelings and get help if they start to affect your health.   8. Look after yourself Even though your family member is sick, it is still really important to take care of yourself, too. If you don't, you might get too stressed or tired. Here are some things you should keep doing:   1. Exercise to stay healthy. 2. Eat good food to keep your body strong and stay hydrated []. 3. Make sure you spend time with other family members too. 4. Take care of your health. 5. Get enough sleep [] so you feel rested. 6. Take breaks and do things that help you relax, like meditation or deep breathing. 7. Join groups where you can get support. 8. Do things that make you happy, like reading or listening to music. And don't forget to enjoy your hobbies!   The Bottom Line Remember, you are also a soldier in your loved one's battle against cancer. Don't forget to ask for professional help when you or your loved ones are having a tough time dealing with cancer. Talking to a counselor can really help. They can teach you ways to handle stress and give you emotional support when you need it. "Even the darkest night will end, and the sun will rise."--Victor Hugo.
Dr Vijayalakshmi
World Liver Day
19 Apr 2024
10 mins
Mindful Choices For Liver Health On World Liver DayIn these busy life schedules, we often forget to take care of one crucial role player, which removes unwanted toxins and impurities from our bodies. Yes, you guessed it right. It's our liver, known as the ultrafilter of the body. For this reason, today is designated and celebrated to create and spread awareness about the importance of the liver and its protection. Continue to read for more information!   HOW ARE LIVER DISEASES DIAGNOSED?   Your doctor diagnoses the type of liver disease by thoroughly conducting a physical examination and taking the history of your signs and symptoms. Your hepatologist may suggest liver function tests to assess the liver enzyme levels, a hepatitis profile to check for hepatitis infection and international normalized ratio (INR) /prothrombin time or PT to analyze your blood clotting ability. The blood reports may indicate the severity of the disease and the intensity of liver damage. Sometimes, even a CT scan or Ultrasound abdomen scan can be recommended for examining the stiffness of the liver. WHAT IS WORLD LIVER DAY?   Every year on April 19, the World Liver Day (WLD) is observed to promote awareness of liver disease among the general population. According to the World Health Organisation, liver disorders account for 3.17% of all fatalities in India, which is approximately 268,580 populations. World Liver Day is an excellent initiative encouraging people to learn more about liver health.    5 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE LIVER    The liver is the second-largest organ in our body. On this World Liver Day, let's educate ourselves about the importance of this organ, as it plays a crucial role in various bodily functions.   1. Helps in controlling blood sugar levels by converting excess blood glucose to glycogen 2. Aids in digestion by producing bile and helps the metabolism of fats, medications and alcohol. 3. Helps in the detoxification of all the toxic substances from the body. 4. Responsible for the synthesis of heme and blood-clotting factors. 5. Involved in the storage of vitamins and minerals.   Do you know?  According to the WHO, it has been reported that liver diseases are among the top 10 [] causes of death in India. Liver diseases are generally referred to as “silent diseases” because the liver has the potential to tolerate all the stress until it reaches a point of irreversible, permanent damage and stops functioning.    8 DANGEROUS TYPES OF LIVER DISEASES 1. Alcoholic liver disease: It is caused due to chronic alcoholism and occurs in three different stages namely the initial stage is liver steatosis or simple fatty liver, the second stage is alcoholic hepatitis which causes inflammation of the liver. Alcoholic hepatitis further leads to a life-threatening condition called alcoholic cirrhosis, the final stage where most of the liver cells get degenerated. 2. Viral hepatitis: It is an infection that causes inflammation of the liver. Viral hepatitis [] can be  caused by five types of viruses, namely hepatitis A,B,C,D and E virus. Viral hepatitis is highly contagious and occurs due to consuming contaminated food, water and unprotected sexual practices. However, hepatitis B is the most common among them and it lasts longer than six months. 3. Liver cirrhosis: It is a condition where healthy liver tissues are replaced with scarred liver tissues due to excessive damage. 4. Drug-induced liver failure: It is caused by a lot of medications such as NSAIDs like paracetamol, antituberculosis drugs, vitamins, herbal supplements and a few antibiotics that can cause detrimental effects to the liver due to overdose. 5. Nonalcoholic liver disease: It is also referred to as “Fatty Liver,” occurs as a result of excessive build-up of fat ( > 5%) in the body. It is also related to obesity and type 2 diabetes. 6. Autoimmune liver disease: It happens when our own immune system attacks our healthy liver cells by either causing damage to bile ducts or resulting in inflammation. The three common autoimmune liver diseases are autoimmune hepatitis, primary biliary cholangitis and sclerosing cholangitis.  7. Inherited liver diseases: They are genetic liver disorders that occur due to the hereditary accumulation of either copper or iron in the body that causes Wilson’s disease and hemochromatosis, respectively. 8. Liver cancer: It begins in liver cells when abnormal cells multiply and form tumour cells. Hepatocellular carcinoma is the common type of liver cancer. The risk of liver cancer is more common in those with liver cirrhosis and those drinking large amounts of alcohol and have a high build-up of fat in the liver INDIA'S LIVER WELLNESS JOURNEY: WORLD LIVER DAY 2024! World Liver Day 2024 has the theme "Keep your liver healthy and disease free" The topic emphasises the importance of routine liver exams because anyone can develop fatty liver, regardless of risk factors like obesity (overweight), insulin resistance (diabetes), and excessive alcohol intake. Recent studies conducted in India have revealed that patients with low body mass indices (25 kg/m2) account for 75% of cases of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD; liver disease caused in people who drink little to no alcohol).   WHAT IS THE IMPORTANCE OF WORLD LIVER DAY   Cirrhosis-related causes account for just half of the 20 lakh deaths per year from liver illnesses worldwide; the other half is attributable to viral hepatitis and hepatocellular (liver) carcinoma. Lack of knowledge regarding the severity of the disease, associated risk factors, and prevention is the cause of the increase in the numbers. On this day, leaders in the hepatological community, including private hepatologists, hepato-oncologists, and healthcare officials, speak to the public about the danger of liver disease [] and ways to prevent it, such as dietary changes and ways of life adjustments. The WLD also gives participants a chance to learn more about the signs and symptoms of liver disease and the significance of early detection, as most liver disorders are asymptomatic.   WHAT ARE THE POSSIBLE TREATMENT PLANS TO MANAGE LIVER DISEASES?   Generally, the treatment is based on the type of disease   1. Doctors may prescribe antibiotics/antiviral agents in case of treating hepatitis. 2. Strict lifestyle modification and diet plan [] is needed to manage liver diseases such as cutting down salt intake and refraining from alcohol and high fatty foods. 3. A liver transplant will be considered for those with end-stage liver diseases or liver cancer; where the diseased liver can be replaced with a healthy liver.   TIPS TO KEEP YOUR LIVER HEALTHY   Love Your Liver And Live Longer   Keeping your liver in proper shape will help to prevent liver diseases.  On this World liver day 2024, let's have a determination to take regular health check-ups to avoid any kind of liver disease.   * To maintain your normal BMI and prevent conditions like fatty liver, it is imperative to perform regular physical exercise that involves cardio, strength and stretching. * Eat a balanced diet rich in fiber. Get vaccinated if you are at high risk of contracting hepatitis [] or having a history of hepatitis infection. * Avoid taking over-the-counter medicines because consuming inappropriate doses can cause excessive liver damage. * Limit alcohol consumption and quit smoking. Keep your blood glucose levels under control. Be aware during blood transfusion, to prevent contracting hepatitis infection. * Get periodic checkups to know the status of your liver enzymes and functions.
Ishwarya R
Hidden Dangers of Counterfeit Medicines
18 Apr 2024
8 mins
The Hidden Dangers of Counterfeit Medicines: Facts & Figures You Might Be Shocked To KnowIn this era, where the replication of designer bags or watches is easily possible, medicine is no longer an exception. The threat of fake medicine is a global crisis, not just a local issue. It's not just about copying patents, it's about endangering lives. This blog, delving deep into the dark side of fake medications, underscores its risks, and is a must-read for every consumer out there.   HOW COMMON ARE COUNTERFEIT MEDICINES?   WHO claims that up to 10% counterfeit medicines []on a global scale while some developing countries have it soaring over 50% as established.    1. Impact on Public Health Programs: Counterfeit medicines are a threat to public health since they can derail entire health campaigns, resulting in a loss of resources that are used to purchase too many medicinal products that are ineffective or harmful.   Education in rural areas is the most vulnerable sector to cutbacks. For example, programs targeting diseases like malaria and tuberculosis are useful in killing the disease, but they might also be stuck in the way of funding.   2. Involvement of Organized Crime: The Illegal production and the distribution of fake drugs are oftentimes controlled by highly-organised criminal networks. It is also difficulty to defined because this illegal trade goes beyond health issue and is a serious security challenge at global level.   3. Difficulty in Regulation and Enforcement: Drug supply chains are interconnected worldwide, making any individual nation’s law regulating and enforcing against fake drugs a herculean task. The problem is that these are coupled with multiple regulatory frameworks and the variation in enforcement capabilities from one country to another. 4. Advancements in Technology Used by Counterfeiters: With the magic of modern technology, genuine pharmaceutical companies develop new methods to authenticate their products and to outsmart counterfeiters which also improvise with advanced technologies and make convincing fake products. This comprise of the exceptional quality, uniform packaging and other printing materials that resemble original products such that it is difficult to differentiate between fake and genuine.   5. Impact on Trust in Healthcare Systems: A high number of fake medicines may cause a loss of public trust as well as healthcare systems and providers in the public can be attributed to them. When individuals get ineffective medical treatment, it not only deteriorates their health but it too, destroys their trust in political bodies and professionals that are affiliated to medical sector.   TOP 7 RISKS OF TAKING COUNTERFEIT MEDICINES   Taking fake medicines is an approximation that can cause treatment failure.   1. Allergic Reactions: Fake drugs can be mislabeled containing an unapproved or unacceptable excipient (a supplementary substance not active but used as a carrier for the active ingredient). This can cause allergic reactions [] in patients when not expected. These allergies may be moderate or severe from a harmless rash to a dangerous anaphylaxis.   2. Interference with Other Medications: Since the fake medicines can potentially cause adverse reactions with the other genuine drugs [] an individual might be taking, it is hard to predict the outcome of consuming such dubious medicines. These exposures bear great risks of these drugs no longer being effective or yawning side effects. Such scenarios have worsened the complexity of existing treatment plan.   3. Lack of Efficacy: If the subject is taking counterfeit drugs with no or very few of the ingredients that have medicinal value, then there is no chance that cure will happen. Such diseases like diabetes [], hypertension, or bacterial infections will inherently take their nightmarish path because they will no longer be treated. There is also the option of having a treatment that is not as effective as it should be which can cause various complications, worsen health and even result in death, provided the critical condition is not treated.  4. Dangerous Ingredients: Fake drugs are mainly affected by low-cost and easily accessible hazardous substances used by counterfeiters either as substitutes or fillers. Making them falsified.  For example, rat poison is very poisonous, causing heavy toxic reactions; floor wax isn't digestible and can lead to gastritits or acute abdominal perforation; and heavy metals like lead or mercury, which can cause organ failure leading to irreversible damage. Presence of such components can lead to an instant death or equally dangerous consequences to a patient who had not any idea of the ingredients.  5. Wrong Dosages: The dosage of active ingredients with precision is of paramount importance for safety and effectiveness of any medication. Falsified medicines, in particular, may behave in erratic manner displaying varying and unpredictable levels of active elements.  The intake of high doses might transform into consequential toxicity, and even cause in the end, a lethal overdose. On the other hand, short periods of insufficient amounts of drugs may not only be ineffective but also develop resistance by themselves, mainly with antibiotics and antivirals. Thus infections become refractory to existing treatment options and subsequently ignite many medical complications.  6. Antibiotic Resistance: The use of adulterated antibiotics that contain below-therapeutic levels of active ingredients is the most deadly because selected survivors of resistant strains of bacteria have a lovely platform to reproduce and survive.  It also results in the ineffectiveness of the treatment, which leads to prolonged and escalated infections. Moreover, it is a contributing factor to the public health crisis of antibiotic resistance []. This worldwide problem reduces the treatment of bacterial diseases, makes it more difficult and expensive, and puts the existing antibiotics in danger.   7. Psychological Impact: With the knowledge that they have been taking fake remedies, low patient morale and thinking are the main causes of their mental distress in chronic diseases. The approach may make matters worse as it can then leads to deteriorating their wellness condition, making the recovery complicated which in the end post-treatment life will be poorer.   THE GLOBAL SCALE OF THE ‘FAKE DRUG’ PROBLEM   * Developing Nations: In many developing countries, we have the absence of a strong regulatory regime and insufficient resources for enforcement leading to an increased rate of counterfeit medications in these places. As per the estimation, almost more than 30% of the drugs [] that are available in the markets of third-world countries are counterfeit. The spread of fakes medications is rapid in areas with minimal or no oversight by regulators and low public education. The damage is immense, with fake essential drugs such as antimalarials and antibiotics being a reality on the ground, thereby leading to unsuccessful treatments and deaths.   * Developed Nations: Surprisingly, advanced countries are also victims of the problem of fake drugs with strong control systems in place. It is just a small fraction of real medicines in the regions that have counterfeit drugs. These commonly are accessed through illegal markets online or unlawful distribution avenues. The fact that even a slight amount of counterfeited drugs pose a problem to the high levels of safety and efficacy standards commonly employed in these health systems should be worrisome.   * Online Pharmacies: The increase in the number of online drug pharmacies has become one of the major reasons for the outbreak of counterfeit drugs. The WHO estimates that among medicines sold through the internet globally, around 50% might be counterfeit. Some buyers love architecture as they find it easy and steadfast; however, they may end up with counterfeit products despite their efforts.   * Economic Impact: The economic pressure arising from the development of fake drugs is also significant. Through a global market for the sale of fake medication, the illicit income is estimated to be about $200 billion []. Consequently, apart from bearing the consequence of the low quality of the products, the pharmaceutical sector also has to bear the cost of treating complications coming from lower quality or potentially toxic fake drugs as an extra cost the health system has to bear.   THE BIG PICTURE    Fake medicines apart from being public health threat inflict a blow also on the country's economic stability. The financial strain is twofold: there is an expensive financial burden for health systems when complex conditions resulted from poor drugs efficacy, the problem is that they are left without the capacity for other parts. At the same time, legitimate drug manufacturers are bombarded with the losses of revenues in billions of dollars each year, owing to the growing distribution of fake drugs. This feature just confirms the vitality.
Dr. Vijayalakshmi
How To Spot Fake Medicines: A Consumer's Guide
18 Apr 2024
10 mins
How To Spot Fake Medicines: A Consumer's GuideHave you ever wondered whether the very pills or medicines you use every day for your health concerns might worsen your condition? You heard it right—fake medicines containing harmful adulterants that can worsen your health instead of improving it. You might be thinking, how can I safeguard myself from these kinds of drugs? Your question is right, and here is a brief guide to address all your questions about fake medicines and ways to protect your health from them. Want to learn more? Continue reading for more information. WHAT IS A COUNTERFEIT MEDICINE?   Counterfeit medicines can be produced by individuals other than the original manufacturer, copying the product without the necessary authorization or rights. It is illegal to produce and sell these products, and they are also a major health concern for our society. They may differ in size, shape, color, and packaging  quality when compared to the original drugs. But they are enough to deceive our eyes.   For example, if we search for Xanax, Ativan, Adderall, or Ambien medicine, it will open hundreds of websites that could offer it without asking for a prescription. ARE YOU TAKING REAL MEDICINE OR SOMETHING ELSE?   According to the World Health Organization [,worldwide%20are%20substandard%20or%20falsified.&text=Furthermore%2C%20most%20of%20the%20burden,and%20poor%20supply%2Dchain%20management.], about 10.5% of medicines worldwide are considered substandard or falsified. Among these, antimalarial and antibiotic medicines are often reported as counterfeit medicines. These counterfeit medicines are often manufactured with incorrect doses or toxic, harmful ingredients that pose serious health risks to individuals. They closely resemble authentic medicines, leading to confusion and making us believe they are the legitimate medications prescribed by our doctors. We're all being deceived here, and we need to double-check when it comes to our health. Ultimately, our health is what suffers from these fraudulent activities.  HOW DO YOU CHECK FAKE MEDICINE?   In the rush to treat diseases and meet the high demand for obtaining medicines, we often forget to verify the authenticity of the medicine that our body truly needs to treat the condition. However, taking the time to assess the authenticity of the medication is crucial, as it can aid in a faster recovery and protect us from the harmful substances found in counterfeit drugs. Here are some of the top 5 ways to check the originality of the medicines.   1. Check the package for conditions, spelling, or grammatical errors. 2. Check the manufacturer details and verify the expiry dates on the label with the details on the outer packaging of the medicines. 3. Check the medicine's appearance, color, and smell with your previously used standard medicine. 4. Consult your doctor immediately if you do not feel any improvement or experience any side effects during or before the medication. 5. Report suspicious medicine to the National Medicines Regulatory Authority. FAKE MEDICINES IN INDIA: A GROWING CONCERN FOR PUBLIC HEALTH   India ranks third in the world for its pharmaceutical industry. However, there has been a simultaneous rise in the production of counterfeit medicines, alongside the growth of the health sector. According to the study conducted by ASSOCHAM in 2022, it is estimated that around 25% of India medicines are counterfeit drugs, which shows the prevalence of this emerging risk in our own country.   Some of the fake medicines seized by DCA officials are labeled under the names of reputed companies like Sun Pharma, Glenmark, Aristo Pharmaceuticals, and Torrent Pharma. It is also found that three variants of antibiotics (Mpod 200, Cefoxim CV, and MEXCLAV 625 tablets) are falsely labeled under a non-existent company named Meg Lifesciences.   It is estimated that about Rs 352 crore out of Rs 14 trillion drugs are contributed as a fake drug in the Indian domestic drug market. WHAT ARE THE POTENTIAL HEALTH ISSUES OF FAKE DRUGS?   Fake drugs not only interfere with the effectiveness of medication, but they can also cause severe health issues for individuals. These drugs may contain substances like chalk, starch, and, in the worst cases, harmful ingredients such as mercury, arsenic, rat poison, or even cement. This can delay treatment and worsen the health of individuals. Fake medication can also cause life-threatening allergic reactions, organ damage, and antibiotic resistance [] in individuals, making it more difficult to treat diseases. DRUG SCAMS NO MORE! SCAN FOR SAFETY   The Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO) has issued a notice to prevent the sale of fake medicine in India. It emphasizes that every medicine should be shipped with a QR code that displays essential details for consumers when scanned. The QR code will contain the information which is given below:   1. It should contain the unique product code. 2. It should contain the generic and brand name of the drug. 3. It should contain the proper address of the manufacturer 4. It should contain a batch number, date of manufacture, and expiry 5. It should contain a manufacturing license number. Advantages of QR code:   1. It helps to provide patients with up-to-date drug and prescription information. 2. It helps to maintain the authenticity of pharmaceutical drugs. 3. It helps to provide a convenience and quality service to the patients. 4. It can help prevent the sale of expired medicines. 5. It is user-friendly, and anyone can scan it with their smartphone.   TRAVEL SMART: TIPS TO AVOID BUYING FAKE MEDICINE The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) [] recommends avoiding the purchase of medicines while traveling to other countries or regions. This is because low- and middle-income countries are estimated to sell a high volume of counterfeit medication to patients. Therefore, the CDC suggests following specific tips to avoid buying fake medicines while traveling. Here are some tips they recommend for purchasing medicines while traveling:   1. Try to buy medicine in licensed pharmacies and ask them to give a receipt. 2. As a pharmacist, you need a better option that is similar to your current medicine. 3. Check whether the medicine is in its original packaging. 4. Check whether the package has poor printing quality. TO WHOM SHOULD WE REPORT AGAINST FAKE MEDICINES?   To eradicate false medication, various organizations work together and share their reports with each other. These reports are periodically published by the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment. Here are the organizations that receive the false medicine reports:   1. Food and Drug Administration (FDA): You can dial 1800-180-5533 to raise a complaint against the fake medicine in FDA. 2. Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO): It is a national regulatory body in India for cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and medicine. You can file a complaint against the fake medicine in the CDSCO portal. 3. Medical Council of India (MCI):  You can file your complaint against fake drugs through the online portal of the Medical Council of India.   If you find that the medicine you got is fake or have any concerns about the medicine you bought, inform your healthcare professional and raise a complaint against the manufacturer by informing the organizations mentioned above. It is our duty to protect our health and the health of those around us. ENDNOTES!   Spotting fake medicine is essential to protect our health and also to improve the treatment outcomes of patients. It is illegal to manufacture and sell a medicine that is substandard and contains harmful adulterants. Patients are requested to check the medicine they are buying either physically or through an online platform. Drug authenticity should be strictly assessed, and punishments need to be increased to prevent counterfeit medicines. Organizations need to establish and raise the security of e-pharmacies to ensure the safety and quality of the drugs. Initiatives like establishing a QR code by CIDCO can help prevent fake medicines and manufacturing in the health sector. Further improvement and initiative are much needed to develop safe and secure healthcare that offers wellness and protection of patients without any corruption.
Ishwarya R
Hemophilia Twinning Program: Advancing Care On World Hemophilia Day
17 Apr 2024
10 mins
Hemophilia Twinning Program: Advancing Care On World Hemophilia DayTurn on the red light!   Since 1989, patient organizations worldwide have celebrated World Hemophilia Day on April 17 to improve awareness and understanding of hemophilia and other bleeding disorders. April 17 was chosen in honor of World Federation of hemophilia founder Frank Schnabel's birthday. Hemophilia is a rare disease and one in 10,000 people is born with it.  On this World hemophilia Day 2024, let's know the key aspects of hemophilia.    WHAT IS THE HISTORY OF WORLD HEMOPHILIA DAY?   The World Federation of hemophilia (WFH) established World Hemophilia Day on April 17, 1989, to commemorate the birthday of the WFH's founder, Frank Schnabel. Hemophilia was identified in the 10th century when individuals began to notice a disproportionate number of male deaths from seemingly minor injuries. At the time, this illness was known as abulcasis. However, due to technological limitations, this could not be treated. An anticoagulant was routinely used to treat an illness prevalent among royal families at the time; however, the anticoagulant thins the blood and worsens the ailment. In 1803, Philadelphia's Dr. John Conrad Otto began researching "bleeders," eventually determining that the disease was passed down from mothers to sons. Hemophilia was identified as a type A or B hereditary condition in 1937. However, effective treatment had yet to be established at that time. The theme of the event this year is "Equitable access for all: recognizing all bleeding disorders."    OBJECTIVE OF WORLD HEMOPHILIA DAY   The goal of World Hemophilia Day is, * To accomplish the WFH (World Federation of Hemophilia) objective of "Treatment for All," emphasize the need to conduct coordinated and concerted activities. * Draw attention to the critical concerns and shine a light on hemophilia and bleeding diseases.   WHAT IS HEMOPHILIA?   Normally when we have a wound or injury, our blood cells, called platelets, and substances called clotting factors mix to make the blood sticky and form a clot, making the bleeding stop at the wounded site. Hemophilia is a rare inherited disease [] that affects your blood's ability to clot.  People with hemophilia lack certain clotting factors, resulting in extensive bleeding from a wound or cut. Bleeding can also occur inside the body, particularly in the muscles and joints like knees, elbows, and hips.  There are mainly two types of hemophilia: * Hemophilia A – It is a common type caused due to lack of clotting factor VIII. It is also known as classic hemophilia. * Hemophilia B – It is caused due to lack of factor IX and also known as Christmas disease.   WHAT IS THE CAUSES AND RISK FACTORS OF HEMOPHILIA?   It is usually inherited, meaning the person is born with this disorder. Hemophilia is caused by changes in the clotting factor genes on the x chromosome. Everybody has two sex chromosomes, one from each parent. A girl child inherits the x chromosome from the mother and the x chromosome from the father. The boy child inherits the mother's x chromosome and the father's y chromosome.  If a woman carries the faulty gene (for hemophilia) on her x chromosomes, she can pass it on to her children. If a boy child is born to this mother, there is a half chance he is born with hemophilia. If a girl child inherits the affected gene, she becomes the carrier of the affected gene and can pass it on to her children without having hemophilia herself.  Males are more likely to have hemophilia than females, and the greatest risk factor is a family history of hemophilia. Acquired hemophilia is acquired after birth when the body starts to make antibodies that destroy clotting factors though it is very rare.    WHAT IS THE SYMPTOMS OF HEMOPHILIA?   Symptoms of hemophilia depend on how many clotting factors are present in the individual. If the deficiency is less (a person has 5 to 50% of the normal amount of clotting factors), the person may bleed only after trauma or an operation. If the deficiency is high (a person has less than 1% of clotting factor levels), the person can easily bleed for no apparent reason.  The symptoms include, * Prolonged bleeding from cuts after a dental procedure or after surgery * Many deep bruises * Bleeding after vaccinations * Blood in the stool or urine * Swelling, pain, or tightness in the joints * Nosebleeds that are frequent and hard-to-stop * Unexplained irritability in infants * Bleeding into the brain (rarely happens)   HOW IS IT DIAGNOSED & TREATED?   Diagnosis: Children with severe hemophilia are usually diagnosed within the 1st year of life. Mild hemophilia may be discovered generally after a dental or surgical procedure or an injury. Clotting factor tests are performed to confirm the diagnosis and reveal how severe the hemophilia is. For people with a family history of this disorder and planning to get pregnant, genetic and genomic testing can help identify the risk of passing hemophilia to a child. There are also certain tests called amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS), which can diagnose hemophilia in the baby during pregnancy. But these tests may carry certain risks that your healthcare provider will discuss before testing.  Treatment: The main therapy for hemophilia [] is replacing the missing clotting factors by injecting them into the veins. The replacement clotting factors can be made from donated human blood or in the laboratory (recombinant forms). In mild and moderate cases, the patients require this treatment usually while having surgery.  In patients with severe hemophilia, replacement therapy can be done on bleeding episodes or as prophylaxis (given once or twice per week to prevent bleeding if the patient has frequent bleeding episodes). Other hemophilia therapies include desmopressin, emicizumab, tranexamic acid, and fibrin sealants.    HEMOPHILIA TWINNING PROGRAM: BRIDGING THE GAP IN CARE   The World Federation of Hemophilia has created a short-term program to collaborate with medical professionals, patients, and young leaders from developing countries for two to four years. Everyone from hemophilia treatment centers, patient organizations, and youth groups is encouraged to participate in this program to improve the treatment and care for people affected by hemophilia in developing countries. The WFH twinning program has established around 265 partnerships over more than 30 years across 119 countries, involving 97 hemophilia organizations, 162 treatment centers, and 5 youth groups. The program has improved diagnosis and treatment plans, increased the knowledge of healthcare professionals caring for patients with bleeding disorders, enhanced outreach initiatives, facilitated resource sharing, increased government support, and strengthened patient organizations.   CLOSURE POINT   You are not alone in fighting against hemophilia!   Despite these obstacles, the hemophilia community has demonstrated extraordinary persistence and flexibility. Healthcare providers have devised novel solutions to ensure continuity of care, patients have discovered new methods to stay connected and support one another, and advocacy activities to increase awareness and promote access to treatment have persisted. Moving forward, we must continue to prioritize the needs of hemophilia patients and move towards long-term, inclusive, and patient-centered care. Investing in research to discover new treatments and therapies, pushing for regulations that promote access to care and resources, raising education and awareness to eliminate stigma and improve understanding of this rare bleeding illness are all part of this effort.
Ishwarya R
lung cancer vaccine lungvax
16 Apr 2024
10 mins
Could LungVax be the Game-Changer in Preventing Lung Cancer?UK scientists at the University of Oxford have raised funding of 1.7 million euros from Cancer Research UK [] and the CRIS Cancer Foundation to develop a lung cancer vaccine on March 22, 2024.   The team is planning to develop a lung cancer vaccine named “LungVax,” which will be the world’s first vaccine to prevent almost all types of lung cancer in high-risk populations. Let us explore the breakthrough potential of this future vaccine, as well as its working mechanism, benefits, and outcomes, in detail.   THE RATIONALE FOR LUNGVAX DEVELOPMENT   The rationale behind developing the “LungVax” vaccine is as follows: 1. Lung cancer is the most often diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. 2. It is also the deadliest common cancer in Britain, with around 50,000 cases and 35,000 deaths every year. 3. The difficulty in developing a successful treatment for cancer due to the complexity of cancer cells 4. Only 10% of people with lung cancer survive [,for%2010%20years%20or%20more] their disease for 10 years or more in UK.   WHAT IS THE BACKGROUND OF DEVELOPING LUNGVAX?    The background of developing LungVax involves leveraging similar technology to the highly successful Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine.   The Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine is a type of vector vaccine that utilizes a modified version of a different virus (viral vector) to deliver material from the COVID-19 virus into your cells. This prompts your cells to produce copies of the COVID-19 S protein, which then triggers your immune system to create antibodies.   Inspired by the success of this approach, India has developed its own vaccine called Covishield []. It is a viral vector vaccine developed by the Serum Institute of India, based on the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine.   WHY LUNGVAX?   We all know that cancer is a disease where our body's cells grow uncontrollably. Hence, it is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between our normal cells and the cancer cells.   One of the biggest challenges in cancer research today is getting our immune system to recognize and target these cancer cell among the normal cells. By developing lung cancer vaccines like LungVax, we can aim to address this challenge. If we can replicate the success observed in trials such as Covid vaccines, there is potential to save numerous lives.   WHAT IS THE CURRENT STATUS OF LUNGVAX DEVELOPMENT?   The UK researchers at Oxford are currently in the process of developing LungVax. They will initially conduct laboratory tests to assess its ability to trigger an immune response successfully. If the results from these tests are positive, the vaccine will progress to clinical trials.   Phase 0: Laboratory studies are yet to commence. (Expected duration: Over the next 2 years)   Phase I: Following positive results from lab tests, researchers will proceed with a clinical trial. They will receive funding and commence initial manufacturing of 3,000 doses of the vaccine at the Oxford Clinical Biomanufacturing Facility to evaluate its safety and efficacy.   Phase II: Then, The vaccine will be tested in a large population at high risk of lung cancer. The inclusion criteria for this phase will include individuals aged 55-74 who are current or former smokers in the UK [].   HOW IS LUNGVAX EXPECTED TO WORK?   Similar to Covishield, LungVax utilizes harmless proteins from the surface of the patient's cancer cells, known as neoantigens. These neoantigens emerge due to cancer-causing mutations within the cell's DNA. By collecting these neoantigens and introducing them into the bodies of affected individuals, they are recognized as red flags by the immune system. In response, the immune system fights back and becomes trained against these antigens. Consequently, when the body encounters lung cancer cells with these surface proteins (neoantigens), the trained immune system identifies these abnormal cells and destroys them.   WHAT ARE THE EXPECTED OUTCOMES OF THE LUNGVAX TRIAL?   1. Reverse the decreased survival rate of lung cancer patients 2. Preventing the earlised stage lung cancer deom emmerging in its first place 3. Expected to cover around 90% of all lung cancers ['We%20think%20the%20vaccine%20could,your%20risk%20of%20lung%20cancer.].   LUNGVAX FAQS   1. Will LungVax replace smoking cessation efforts? With an 80% prevalence of smoking among lung cancer patients (in India), quitting smoking and tobacco cessation remain the primary prevention measures for lung cancer. LungVax will not replace smoking cessation efforts, as stopping smoking is the most effective way to reduce the risk of lung cancer. However, LungVax is expected to prevent the progression of early-stage lung cancer and decrease the remission rates for individuals who have already undergone treatment for lung cancer.   2. Is LungVax the first lung cancer vaccine? No, CimaVax-EGF, a vaccine developed in Cuba [], has shown promise in early trials for treating non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) []. It works by stimulating the body's immune system to produce antibodies against a protein called EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor), which is involved in cancer growth.    By 2017, In Cuba, it has completed phase IV trials and is approved as a maintenance treatment for certain stages of NSCLC.   Outside of Cuba, trials are ongoing in the US, EU, Japan, and Serbia. Initial results from trials in the US showed that combining CimaVax with another drug called nivolumab [] was safe and had promising effects in advanced NSCLC patients. The final results of this trial, released in March 2019, confirmed the safety and efficacy of the combination therapy. Ongoing trials, including a Phase II trial expanded in 2023, aim to assess CimaVax's effectiveness in treating other cancers and different patient groups.   3. Will vaccines like LungVax be beneficial for the Indian population? In India, according to GLOBOCAN statistics from 2018, lung cancer accounts for 5.9% of all cancers (the fourth most common), with 67,000 new cases and 8.1% of all cancer-related deaths. There is an 80% prevalence of smoking among lung cancer patients. Despite efforts to promote tobacco cessation, projects similar to LungVax are crucial steps towards achieving a cancer-free India. With recent reports from Apollo Hospitals labeling India as the "Cancer capital of the world []," research projects like LungVax could potentially reverse this trend. By transforming lung cancer into a preventable and manageable disease, such initiatives could significantly improve survival rates and overall public health.
Dr. Vijayalakshmi