What is terminal cancer, its life expectancy, and treatment options?
6 May 2024
10 mins
What is terminal cancer, its life expectancy, and treatment options?In the hushed corridors of hospitals and the intimate spaces of homes, there’s a profound struggle playing out. It’s not a battle of armies, but a battle fought quietly, courageously, against cancer. Imagine facing each day with the uncertainty of how many you have left. For those confronting terminal cancer, every breath is a testament to strength, every moment a precious gift. They endure pain, fear, and doubt, yet amid this darkness, there's a flicker of hope—a collective effort to ease their burden, to bring comfort and relief. Today, we journey into their world, to understand their struggles, and to discover the many ways we can make their journey a little less daunting, a little more bearable.   WHAT IS TERMINAL CANCER?   Terminal cancer is otherwise known as end-stage cancer, which cannot be controlled or treated with any other treatment options. It is different from advanced-stage cancer, where there exists an option to control the effect of cancer or to cure it completely. Patients who are affected by advanced cancer have a rapid spread of cancer cells to nearby tissues or other parts of the body. Terminal cancer [https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/advanced-cancer#:~:text=Those%20that%20cannot%20be%20controlled,or%20elsewhere%20in%20the%20body] can occur for any type of cancer patient who is in the stage 4 or final stage of the cancer.   WHAT ARE THE END-STAGE CANCER SYMPTOMS?   Terminal cancer patients can experience the symptoms which are given below:   1. Fatigue: Individuals may experience exhaustion or feeling tired without doing any stressful activities. 2. Vomiting: Patients may experience vomiting or forceful throwing up of food from the stomach. 3. Loss of appetite: Individuals may experience a loss of appetite or lose an interest in eating the foods. 4. Weight loss: Patients can experience sudden weight loss due to the eating disorder. 5. Feeling unwell: Individuals may experience uncomfortable feelings or discomfort. 6. Delirium: Patients may experience a serious change in mental ability, which can lead to confused thinking and a lack of awareness of their surroundings. 7. Shortness of breath: Individuals may experience difficulty breathing or discomfort during breathing. 8. Coughing: Individuals may have a continuous cough, which can lead to discomfort. 9. Constipation: Patients may have trouble passing the stool. 10. Trouble swallowing: Individuals may experience trouble in swallowing the foods and liquids which can lead to loss of appetite and weight loss. 11. Myoclonic jerks: Patients may have a sudden muscle jerk that they cannot control. 12. Fever: Individuals may have a rise in body temperature or an abnormal increase in body temperature.   WHAT IS THE LIFE EXPECTANCY OF TERMINAL CANCER PATIENTS?   The Life expectancy of a terminal cancer patient is usually shorter when compared to others who are in different stages of cancer. The life expectancy of an individual is based on various factors,    * Cancer type * The overall health of the individual * Health issues other than cancer.   Some of the methods like Karnofsky performance scale, Palliative prognostic score are helpful in estimating the life expectancy of an individual. However, these estimations are just predictions which help people and doctors to make decisions according to the timelines.   ARE THERE ANY TREATMENT OPTIONS AVAILABLE FOR TERMINAL CANCER?   The fact is that terminal cancer is incurable and does not respond to any type of cancer treatment. But, there are some options in which a person can make [https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/advanced-cancer/care-choices] the rest of the lifetime valuable through non-medicine approaches. Some of the options are given below:   1. Palliative care:  Palliative care is a holistic approach to elevate the quality of patients ' lives and their families who are facing struggles with life-threatening illnesses. It starts when the disease is diagnosed and continues even with the treatment. Palliative cancer is essential for patients who choose to stop the cancer treatment due to its lack of improvement and worsening side effects. Palliative can usually include the following processes, which are given below: * It helps to treat or prevent the cancer symptoms and its treatment side effects. * It provides emotional and spiritual support to the patients. * It helps to address both the patients and the family's concerns.   2. Hospice care: Hospice care is a specialised approach in which medical, psychological and spiritual support are given to patients and their families in situations where there is no option in treating the cancer. Hospice can help to provide comforts and care to the patients and the families members.   Here are the 8 major things you need to know about hospice care:   1. Hospice care is not similar to palliative care: You might be confused that both hospice and palliative care are similar due to the comfort and support they provide to the patient. However, this is not the case; palliative care can be started from the diagnosis of cancer till the treatment or after the end of the treatment, whereas hospice care is focused only on relieving the symptoms and providing support at the end stage of a patient. 2. Hospice care is about caring and not meant to cure: The hospice care is mainly focusing on providing relief from pain and symptoms of cancer. It is not meat to cure any disease in the individuals. 3. Going for hospice care doesn't mean that you have given up hope: Hopsire care can help you provide hope for a good quality of life for the remaining period where you're going to live. 4. Hospice care can be given in any place: Hospice care can be given in the patient's home. But, it can also be given in hospitals and nursing homes, which generally consist of medical and nursing services, medical supplies and equipment, medicines for managing cancer-related symptoms and pain, inpatient care (short term), volunteers for substituting the caregiver [https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/cancer-care/self-care-for-cancer-caregivers], counseling and spiritual care, social work services, grief counseling and support team. 5. Hospice is full of trained people: Hospice consist of trained professionals and volunteers like doctors, nurses, home health aides, social workers, clergy or other counsellors, speech, physical and occupational therapists. 6. Hospice can give support for months: If you want to start hospice care, you can't wait for the last day or week of life. Hospice can provide support even before one month of your last life expectancy. 7. You need to get a certificate: You can receive hospice care if you are registered with insurance (such as Medicare), which requires a statement from your healthcare provider and the hospice medical director indicating that you have a life expectancy of a month or less. This statement initiates hospice care, which can be continued even after six months if your doctor provides recertification for it. 8. You can stop hospice care if you want: Hospice care can be terminated at any time if a patient feels that he/she doesn't want to continue it or is switching over to cancer treatment again.   3. Clinical trial:   Another option people can choose during their end-stage cancer is clinical trials. Clinical trials are procedures that are conducted to find the appropriate dose and to ensure the safety of a medicine before it is approved or entering into the market. Terminal cancer patients who are eligible for clinical trials are joined due to the hope that the new medicine can aid in treating them, or they want to participate to benefit the patient in the end stage of their life.   FINAL NOTES!   Patients who are in the stage of terminal cancer need appropriate guidance that will help them lead a comfortable and fulfilled life in the last period of their lifetime. Let's give care and hope to those super souls who are counting their days.
Ishwarya R
Cancer Caregiver
20 Apr 2024
8 mins
Are You a Cancer Caregiver? Discover 8 Essential Self-Care Tips for Your Well-BeingDo you ever wonder what it is like when someone close to you gets cancer? It is tough. You suddenly become their main helper, doing all sorts of things like helping them with daily tasks, making sure they get to appointments on time, and being there for them during hospital stays. You might also have to handle their money and help them make decisions about their treatment. It is a big job, and most of the time, you don't really know what you are doing because you haven't been trained for it. And all of this can really wear you down, both physically and mentally. Here are 8 essential self-care tips for new cancer caregivers like you.   8 ESSENTIAL SELF-CARE TIPS FOR CANCER CAREGIVERS   There are different types of caregivers for people fighting cancer. Some may be family members, friends, or loved ones. People of different cultures and races give care in their own way. It is different for every situation, and there is no one way that works best for everyone. Nevertheless, here are 8 essential self-care tips that might help you throughout your journey.   1. Understanding your role as a cancer caregiver Feeling exhausted in your new role as a caregiver? That is okay. It is normal to feel unsure about what to do when your loved one is diagnosed with cancer. Don't be hard on yourself if you can't do everything perfectly. Have you thought about talking to others who have been caregivers before? They can help you understand what to expect. You could also join online groups for support. With time, you will get better at your new role.    2. Seek help Do you sometimes feel like you are doing everything alone? It is okay to ask for help. You don't have to do everything by yourself, even if you are the primary cancer caregiver. You can ask family and friends to lend a hand, maybe by taking turns staying in the hospital or helping with daily tasks. It might feel strange to ask for help, but it is perfectly fine. You can also reach out to professionals like nurses or homecare services for assistance. Having people ready to step in when you need a break can help you feel calmer and avoid stressful situations. And remember, it's okay if someone can't help you when you ask.   3. Understand the diagnosis When you hear the diagnosis, don't get scared. It is important to know what is going on, what treatment is needed, and what to expect next. Talk to your doctor about it. You can also read about it online or ask people in support groups. Your doctor can tell you about any side effects of the treatment and how much it might cost. If you are not sure about something, you can ask another doctor for their opinion. And don't forget to ask your doctor about what challenges you might face while taking care of your loved one and how you can get ready for them.   4. Streamline Your Space Do you feel like you have a lot to handle at home, work, and caring for your family members? It can be overwhelming. But there are ways to stay organized. You can make checklists before talking to the doctor, set reminders for appointments, use a journal to write down any side effects your family member has, and use a medicine organizer to make sure they don't miss any doses. These little tricks can help you manage all the tasks better.   5. Be Positive Do you know that staying positive can really help, both for you and the person you are caring for? It makes everything feel a bit brighter and keeps everyone feeling supported. Even though you can't control everything, you can control how you react. Talking to friends or people who can help, or finding comfort in spiritual ways, can make a big difference. So, try to keep that positive attitude going!   6. Communicate It is really important for both the patient and the caregiver to talk openly and honestly. Listen to what the patient has to say and be honest about how you feel too. Also, try to accept the patient just as they are, with all their physical and emotional ups and downs. Once you start accepting them, things will feel easier. Let the patient know that they are still in control of their own life, even if you are helping out. It is okay if they get upset sometimes; it is normal for them to feel stressed or angry. Just remember not to be too pushy when you are trying to help.   7. Understand Your Feelings It is okay to feel all sorts of emotions when you find out about the diagnosis and take care of someone you love. You might feel sad, angry, or lonely, and that is normal. You don't have to pretend to be happy all the time. It is okay to cry or show that you are upset. If you start feeling really stressed, anxious, or down, it is important to recognize those feelings and get help if they start to affect your health.   8. Look after yourself Even though your family member is sick, it is still really important to take care of yourself, too. If you don't, you might get too stressed or tired. Here are some things you should keep doing:   1. Exercise to stay healthy. 2. Eat good food to keep your body strong and stay hydrated [https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/nephrology/drinking-water-health-kidneys]. 3. Make sure you spend time with other family members too. 4. Take care of your health. 5. Get enough sleep [https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/health-care/world-sleep-day] so you feel rested. 6. Take breaks and do things that help you relax, like meditation or deep breathing. 7. Join groups where you can get support. 8. Do things that make you happy, like reading or listening to music. And don't forget to enjoy your hobbies!   The Bottom Line Remember, you are also a soldier in your loved one's battle against cancer. Don't forget to ask for professional help when you or your loved ones are having a tough time dealing with cancer. Talking to a counselor can really help. They can teach you ways to handle stress and give you emotional support when you need it. "Even the darkest night will end, and the sun will rise."--Victor Hugo.
Dr Vijayalakshmi
lung cancer vaccine lungvax
16 Apr 2024
10 mins
Could LungVax be the Game-Changer in Preventing Lung Cancer?UK scientists at the University of Oxford have raised funding of 1.7 million euros from Cancer Research UK [https://www.ndtv.com/science/uk-researchers-developing-worlds-first-lung-cancer-vaccine-5288066] and the CRIS Cancer Foundation to develop a lung cancer vaccine on March 22, 2024.   The team is planning to develop a lung cancer vaccine named “LungVax,” which will be the world’s first vaccine to prevent almost all types of lung cancer in high-risk populations. Let us explore the breakthrough potential of this future vaccine, as well as its working mechanism, benefits, and outcomes, in detail.   THE RATIONALE FOR LUNGVAX DEVELOPMENT   The rationale behind developing the “LungVax” vaccine is as follows: 1. Lung cancer is the most often diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. 2. It is also the deadliest common cancer in Britain, with around 50,000 cases and 35,000 deaths every year. 3. The difficulty in developing a successful treatment for cancer due to the complexity of cancer cells 4. Only 10% of people with lung cancer survive [https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/lung-cancer/survival#:~:text=Survival%20for%20all%20stages%20of%20lung%20cancer&text=45%20out%20of%20every%20100,for%2010%20years%20or%20more] their disease for 10 years or more in UK.   WHAT IS THE BACKGROUND OF DEVELOPING LUNGVAX?    The background of developing LungVax involves leveraging similar technology to the highly successful Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine.   The Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine is a type of vector vaccine that utilizes a modified version of a different virus (viral vector) to deliver material from the COVID-19 virus into your cells. This prompts your cells to produce copies of the COVID-19 S protein, which then triggers your immune system to create antibodies.   Inspired by the success of this approach, India has developed its own vaccine called Covishield [https://www.seruminstitute.com/product_covishield.php]. It is a viral vector vaccine developed by the Serum Institute of India, based on the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine.   WHY LUNGVAX?   We all know that cancer is a disease where our body's cells grow uncontrollably. Hence, it is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between our normal cells and the cancer cells.   One of the biggest challenges in cancer research today is getting our immune system to recognize and target these cancer cell among the normal cells. By developing lung cancer vaccines like LungVax, we can aim to address this challenge. If we can replicate the success observed in trials such as Covid vaccines, there is potential to save numerous lives.   WHAT IS THE CURRENT STATUS OF LUNGVAX DEVELOPMENT?   The UK researchers at Oxford are currently in the process of developing LungVax. They will initially conduct laboratory tests to assess its ability to trigger an immune response successfully. If the results from these tests are positive, the vaccine will progress to clinical trials.   Phase 0: Laboratory studies are yet to commence. (Expected duration: Over the next 2 years)   Phase I: Following positive results from lab tests, researchers will proceed with a clinical trial. They will receive funding and commence initial manufacturing of 3,000 doses of the vaccine at the Oxford Clinical Biomanufacturing Facility to evaluate its safety and efficacy.   Phase II: Then, The vaccine will be tested in a large population at high risk of lung cancer. The inclusion criteria for this phase will include individuals aged 55-74 who are current or former smokers in the UK [https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2024/mar/ps17-million-vaccine-prevent-lung-cancer].   HOW IS LUNGVAX EXPECTED TO WORK?   Similar to Covishield, LungVax utilizes harmless proteins from the surface of the patient's cancer cells, known as neoantigens. These neoantigens emerge due to cancer-causing mutations within the cell's DNA. By collecting these neoantigens and introducing them into the bodies of affected individuals, they are recognized as red flags by the immune system. In response, the immune system fights back and becomes trained against these antigens. Consequently, when the body encounters lung cancer cells with these surface proteins (neoantigens), the trained immune system identifies these abnormal cells and destroys them.   WHAT ARE THE EXPECTED OUTCOMES OF THE LUNGVAX TRIAL?   1. Reverse the decreased survival rate of lung cancer patients 2. Preventing the earlised stage lung cancer deom emmerging in its first place 3. Expected to cover around 90% of all lung cancers [https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2024-03-22-new-funding-development-worlds-first-lung-cancer-vaccine#:~:text='We%20think%20the%20vaccine%20could,your%20risk%20of%20lung%20cancer.].   LUNGVAX FAQS   1. Will LungVax replace smoking cessation efforts? With an 80% prevalence of smoking among lung cancer patients (in India), quitting smoking and tobacco cessation remain the primary prevention measures for lung cancer. LungVax will not replace smoking cessation efforts, as stopping smoking is the most effective way to reduce the risk of lung cancer. However, LungVax is expected to prevent the progression of early-stage lung cancer and decrease the remission rates for individuals who have already undergone treatment for lung cancer.   2. Is LungVax the first lung cancer vaccine? No, CimaVax-EGF, a vaccine developed in Cuba [https://www.roswellpark.org/cimavax], has shown promise in early trials for treating non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) [https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/cancer-care/non-small-cell-lung-cancer]. It works by stimulating the body's immune system to produce antibodies against a protein called EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor), which is involved in cancer growth.    By 2017, In Cuba, it has completed phase IV trials and is approved as a maintenance treatment for certain stages of NSCLC.   Outside of Cuba, trials are ongoing in the US, EU, Japan, and Serbia. Initial results from trials in the US showed that combining CimaVax with another drug called nivolumab [https://www.mrmed.in/molecule/nivolumab] was safe and had promising effects in advanced NSCLC patients. The final results of this trial, released in March 2019, confirmed the safety and efficacy of the combination therapy. Ongoing trials, including a Phase II trial expanded in 2023, aim to assess CimaVax's effectiveness in treating other cancers and different patient groups.   3. Will vaccines like LungVax be beneficial for the Indian population? In India, according to GLOBOCAN statistics from 2018, lung cancer accounts for 5.9% of all cancers (the fourth most common), with 67,000 new cases and 8.1% of all cancer-related deaths. There is an 80% prevalence of smoking among lung cancer patients. Despite efforts to promote tobacco cessation, projects similar to LungVax are crucial steps towards achieving a cancer-free India. With recent reports from Apollo Hospitals labeling India as the "Cancer capital of the world [https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/cancer-care/india-cancer-capital-of-the-world]," research projects like LungVax could potentially reverse this trend. By transforming lung cancer into a preventable and manageable disease, such initiatives could significantly improve survival rates and overall public health.
Dr. Vijayalakshmi
11 Apr 2024
14 mins
Is India the New Cancer Capital?Lately, there has been a buzz around town about India being labeled as the new "cancer capital of the world." This news is spreading like wildfire, making headlines over the past couple of days. But what does it all mean? Is this a new silent pandemic that we have been overlooking?   Let us dive into this hot topic and unpack what is happening. The notion of India gaining this unfortunate title raises serious questions about our healthcare system and public health priorities. Are we adequately addressing the growing burden of cancer and other non-communicable diseases (NCDs)? Are we taking the necessary steps to prevent and treat these conditions effectively?   The truth is that the rise in cancer cases in India is indeed alarming. It is not just about the sheer numbers; it is also about the demographic shift, with cancer affecting people at younger ages than before. This trend hints at deeper issues within our society and healthcare infrastructure that need urgent attention.   WHAT DOES THE APOLLO HOSPITAL'S 2024 ANNUAL REPORT REVEAL ABOUT INDIA'S HEALTH?   The latest annual report from Apollo Hospitals [https://apollohospitals.com/apollo_pdf/Apollo-Health-of-the-Nation-2024.pdf], titled "Health of Nation," paints a stark picture of India's rising tide of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). These diseases, including cancer, diabetes [https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/diabetes/common-side-effects-of-diabetes], hypertension [https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/hypertension/high-blood-pressure-symptoms], cardiovascular diseases [https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/heart-care/diagnosis-of-cardiovascular-disease], and mental health problems are on the rise and are significantly impacting the nation's health. It highlights India's growing cancer rates, which are particularly concerning, earning it the title of the "cancer capital of the world" in the report. By 2025, the number is expected to rise from 13.9 lakh cases to 15.7 lakh, marking a 13% increase within just half a decade.    Some of the Key findings of the Reports are as follows: * Significant rise in cancer cases, with diagnoses occurring at younger ages, under 50 years. At Apollo Hospitals alone, 30% of colon cancer patients are already below the age of 50. * Common Cancers: Breast, cervix, and ovary cancers are most common in women [https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/cancer-care/most-common-cancers-in-women], and lung, mouth, and prostate cancers in men. * Cancer Screening: Low rates, with only 1.9% of Indian women undergoing breast cancer screening. * Obesity [https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/cancer-care/obesity-symptoms-side-effects]: Incidence doubled from 9% in 2016 to 20% in 2023. * Hypertension: Incidence increased from 9% in 2016 to 13% in 2023. * Diabetes: 10% have uncontrolled diabetes, and 1 in 3 are prediabetic. * Pre-diabetes: Prevalent even among individuals under 45 years old. * Sleep Apnea [https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/health-care/know-about-sleep-apnea]: 1 in 4 Indians at risk, with men twice as likely as women. * Depression [https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/mental-wellness/depression-symptoms-causes-treatment]: Increasing prevalence, with 1 in 5 young adults affected. * Stress: Reported by 80% of young adults and seniors, increasing hypertension and diabetes risks.   ICMR'S 2025 PROJECTIONS   While the above report focuses solely on patients at Apollo Hospital, it is crucial to examine the broader status across India before drawing conclusions. Let us turn to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) - National Cancer Registry Programme (NCDIR) for a comprehensive perspective. Since 1981, the ICMR-NCDIR has diligently collected data on cancer cases, providing a detailed portrait of the nation's battle with this disease.   Their latest findings for 2022 are both illuminating and concerning: a staggering 1.46 million new cancer cases were reported [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36510887/#:~:text=Results%3A%20The%20estimated%20number%20of,in%20males%20and%20females%2C%20respectively.], with rates soaring to 100.4 cases per 100,000 people. What's even more alarming is their projection for 2025—a whopping 12.8% increase in cancer cases compared to 2020, aligning with the findings from the Apollo report. This emphasizes the gravity of the situation and underscores the need for comprehensive measures to address the growing cancer burden in India.   GLOBAL TRENDS VS INDIA: THE CANCER CHALLENGE   What do global trends in cancer reveal? Ever wondered how big the cancer challenge is globally? Well, buckle up! According to the Global Cancer Observatory (GLOBOCAN), 19.3 million new cancer cases emerged worldwide in 2020. Surprisingly, India snagged third, right after China and the USA. But wait, there is more – GLOBOCAN predicts that by 2040, India might see a 57.5% increase in cancer cases [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10231735/], hitting 2.08 million! Startling, isn't it?   HOW CAN WE REDUCE THE CANCER BURDEN IN INDIA?   Alright, it is clear that these staggering stats about the rise of cancer in India, along with other non-communicable diseases, are sounding the alarm bells. So, what is the takeaway? What should we do next, and where should India focus its efforts? Now, let us shift gears to the second half of the blog and explore some proactive solutions and actions India can take to tackle this surge in non-communicable diseases.   KNOWING YOUR RISK FACTORS   Understanding the risk factors of non-communicable diseases is crucial for reducing the cancer burden. But how do we achieve that? The increase in cancer cases is driven by factors such as urbanization, an aging population, limited awareness about cancer screenings and unhealthy habits becoming a standard norm. These are further exacerbated by financial constraints among the Indian population. But hey, there is light at the end of the tunnel! Here are a few straightforward steps to address this issue:   1. Wholesome Diet and Physical Movement Did you know that 70% of cancer cases could be prevented simply by improving our diets [https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/health-care/benefits-of-eating-healthy] and staying active? It is a group effort—everyone, from individuals to corporations and healthcare providers, must play a part.   2. Social Equity Addressing social and environmental factors is key. India's fight against cancer is not just about medical care. We need to ensure that everyone, regardless of their location or socioeconomic status, has access to the support they need. That means making healthcare fair and accessible to all. But it doesn't stop there. We must also consider our surroundings – like ensuring clean air and safe living conditions. We must strive to create fair and healthy environments for all, regardless of where they live or their socioeconomic status.    3. Early detection It is about spotting cancer early and getting an accurate picture of its stage. This step is crucial because the sooner we catch it, the better the chances of successful treatment. India's diverse states pose a unique challenge. Still, the government is taking action to improve access to cancer screening and treatment nationwide.   Here is what our experts recommend: * For breast cancer, women between 40 and 74 should consider getting mammograms [https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/cancer-care/mammogram-its-types-purpose-results], especially those between 50 and 69. * When it comes to cervical cancer, starting at age 21, women up to age 65 should consider HPV tests, Pap tests [https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/cancer-care/pap-smear-test], or a combo of both. * For colorectal cancer, folks between 45 and 50 to 75 should look into colonoscopies, sigmoidoscopies, or stool tests to catch any signs early on. * And for lung cancer, heavy smokers between 50 to 80 should think about getting low-dose CT scans. These tests can really make a difference in catching cancer early and certainly reduce the cancer burden in India.   4. Palliative care Now, onto treatment, including palliative care. Here, it is about taking a team approach to treatment, ensuring it is accessible, affordable, and high-quality for everyone. This helps provide comfort and support, especially for those in advanced stages of the disease.   5. Cultivating Perception Spreading awareness about healthier lifestyle choices makes it easier for people to make positive changes.   FINAL THOUGHTS!   The stats point to one clear message: it's time for action. By taking proactive steps, even small ones, we can transform the cancer landscape in India. Let us ditch the grim title of "cancer capital of India" and aim for a brighter future – a "cancer-free capital India." Roll up your sleeves and focus on areas where resources are scarce! Together, we can ensure that every person in India has the support they need to conquer cancer. Let's end this silent pandemic!
Dr. Vijayalakshmi
Head And Neck Cancer Awareness Month
8 Apr 2024
8 mins
Are You Joining the Fight? It's Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Month!DID YOU KNOW APRIL IS HEAD AND NECK CANCER AWARENESS MONTH?   April is designated as Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Month. The primary aim of this awareness month is to increase public knowledge and understanding of head and neck cancers, including their risk factors, symptoms, and treatment options. It is also an opportunity for people to take steps to reduce their chances of these types of cancer and to promote the importance of detection and treatment. Let's learn about these types of cancer in Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Month 2024.  WHAT IS THE MAIN CAUSE OF HEAD AND NECK CANCER?   Head and neck cancer is a group of cancers that can affect the mouth, throat, nose, sinuses, and other areas of the head and neck and may also spread to the surrounding tissues. It can be quite serious; early screening and treatment are critical to achieving the best possible outcomes for patients and their families.  Tobacco and alcohol consumption are the most common risk factors, particularly for cancers of the oral cavity, larynx, and pharynx. You should always be aware that exposure to certain chemicals and toxins, such as asbestos and wood dust, can also be the major cause of developing head and neck cancer. HOW COMMON ARE HEAD AND NECK CANCERS IN INDIA?   The ICMR estimated that head and neck cancer is the most common cancer in India, reported for 30% of all cancers. Every year, there are about 140,000 newly formed cases of head and neck cancer [https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/cancer-care/head-neck-cancer-overview] reported in India, with males being much more susceptible to these types of cancers than females.  WHAT ARE THE SCREENING AND PREVENTION METHODS?   If you are at an increased risk for head and neck cancer, it is essential to speak with your doctor about getting screened. Your doctor may recommend a physical exam, as well as imaging tests, like CT scans or MRIs, to look for signs of cancer.  1. Adopting healthy lifestyle habits, such as practicing good oral hygiene, protecting yourself from the sun, and mainly avoiding exposure to UV radiation from the sun, is necessary because it can increase your risk of lip cancer. Wear a hat and sunscreen with at least SPF 30 when outside. 2. Screening can help identify the type and stage of head and neck cancer, which can help guide treatment plans and improve outcomes. It is a cost-effective way to detect cancer prior to diagnosis, which can decrease the need for more extensive and expensive treatments later on. 3. The head and neck cancer treatment options include surgery, radiation therapy [https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/cancer-care/radiation-therapy-head-and-neck-cancers], chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy. A combination of these treatments may also be used to provide the best possible outcome for the patient. In some cases, a biopsy may be necessary to confirm a diagnosis. HOW TO PERFORM A SELF-EXAMINATION?   Regular oral self-examinations are another crucial way to get awakened by detecting potential warning signs of Head and Neck cancer. Here are some steps you can take to perform an oral self-examination,   1. Find a well-lit area and use a mirror to examine the inside of your mouth, including your gums, tongue, cheeks, roof of your mouth, and back of your throat. 2. Look for any changes in the color or texture of the tissues, such as white or red patches, sores that do not heal, or lumps or bumps. 3. Check for any unusual growths or swellings, particularly on the sides or bottom of your tongue or at the back of your throat. 4. Examine your lips and the skin around your mouth for any unusual changes or sores. 5. If you wear dentures, remove them and check the tissues underneath for any changes or sores.   4 UNLOCKING HEAD AND NECK CANCER: UNVEILING LESSER-KNOWN FACTS   1. Head and neck cancer is the 6th most commonly affecting cancer globally, with an estimated 6,30,000 new cases diagnosed each year. 2. People who use tobacco, consume alcohol, have a history of head and neck cancers, or have a history of HPV infection are at increased risk for oral cancer and may benefit from more frequent screenings. 3. Human papillomavirus is a significant factor in oropharyngeal cancer, which is a type of head and neck cancer [https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/cancer-care/all-you-need-to-know-types-of-head-and-neck-cancer] that forms in the back of the throat, such as the base of the tongue and tonsils. HPV vaccination is advised for the prevention of oropharyngeal cancer. 4. The head and neck cancer symptoms may vary depending on the location of the cancer, but it may include a sore throat that does not go away easily, difficulty in swallowing or chewing, persistent hoarseness or a change in voice, and a lump or sore that does not heal. HOW CAN WE REDUCE THE RISK OF HEAD AND NECK CANCER?   1. Smoking and using smokeless tobacco increases the chances of head and neck cancers. Quitting and avoiding all forms of tobacco helps in reducing the cancer's development. 2. Drinking heavy alcohol is also a risk factor for head and neck cancers. Limiting your alcohol consumption or avoiding it altogether can help lower your risk. 3. Poor oral hygiene can elevate your risk of oropharyngeal cancers. Brush regularly and visit the dentist for checkups and cleanings. 4. Protecting yourself from the sun by avoiding exposure to the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays increases the risk of getting skin cancer on the head and neck. Wear a hat and apply sunscreen which contains SPF of at least 30 when outside. 5. The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a risk factor for oropharyngeal cancer. HPV vaccine [https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/cancer-care/cervical-cancer-hpv-vaccination-in-india] stimulates the body's production of antibodies against HPV. Getting vaccinated can help to reduce the risks of cancer caused by the HPV virus. 6. A diet containing fruits, vegetables, and grains can slow the progression of head and neck cancers. 7. It's also important to see your doctor regularly for checkups and to report any unusual symptoms or changes in your health, such as persistent sore throat, difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, or a lump in the neck. EMPOWER YOURSELF AND OTHERS THROUGH AWARENESS   Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Month is important for education, awareness, and action. By increasing awareness of head and neck cancer, we can encourage people to take steps to avoid their risk and get screened. Together, we can work towards reducing the impact of head and neck cancer on people around the world through early screening and treatment by improving the lives of those who are affected by this disease. Join us this April to fight against head and neck cancer together!
Ishwarya R
Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month
4 Apr 2024
9 mins
Shining a Light: Recognizing Esophageal Cancer Awareness MonthEver wondered why we don't hear much about esophageal cancer, even though it's serious? As April marks Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month, it is the time to shed light on this often-overlooked yet critical health issue. Esophageal cancer, though relatively less common compared to other cancers, poses significant challenges due to its high mortality rate and often late-stage diagnosis. In this blog, we will delve into what esophageal cancer is, its risk factors, symptoms, and the latest advancements in treatment.   WHAT IS AN ESOPHAGEAL CANCER?   The esophagus, a muscular tube linking the throat to the stomach, plays a vital role in digestion. However, when cancer strikes in its lining, it poses significant challenges. Esophageal cancer primarily manifests in two forms: squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma.   KNOW THE NUMBERS   Esophageal cancer's toll is profound, with approximately 47,000 new cases each year in India [https://main.icmr.nic.in/sites/default/files/guidelines/Esophagus%20final%20ICMR2014_0.pdf] alone. A very high incidence of esophageal cancers has been reported in the North-East region of India. Alarmingly, the disease claimed the lives of 42,000 people that same year, underlining its high mortality rate. The five-year survival rate stands at a mere 22%, highlighting the urgent need for improved detection methods and treatment options.   WHO IS AT THE HIGHEST RISK FOR ESOPHAGEAL CANCER?   Several factors heighten the risk of developing esophageal cancer. Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and Barrett’s esophagus (Damage to the lower portion of the esophagus)are significant contributors. Advancing age, male gender, and rarely ethnicity are associated with increased susceptibility to this disease.   WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF GETTING ESOPHAGEAL CANCER?   Early detection is key to improving esophageal cancer outcomes. Familiarizing oneself with the warning signs can facilitate timely intervention. These symptoms may include difficulty swallowing, unexplained weight loss, persistent pain behind the breastbone, hoarseness, chronic cough, and recurrent indigestion or heartburn.   WHAT ARE THE TREATMENT OPTIONS FOR ESOPHAGEAL CANCER?   Treatment modalities for esophageal cancer typically encompass chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery, either individually or in combination. Some of the common treatment methods are mentioned below:   Surgery: Surgeons may remove the cancerous part of the esophagus and nearby lymph nodes. Sometimes, if the cancer is advanced, they may need to remove the entire esophagus. Chemotherapy: This treatment uses drugs to kill cancer cells or stop them from growing. It can be used before surgery to shrink the tumor, or after surgery to kill any remaining cancer cells. Radiation therapy: High-energy rays are used to kill cancer cells. It can be used alone or in combination with chemotherapy. Radiation therapy can also help relieve symptoms like difficulty swallowing. Targeted therapy: This treatment targets specific abnormalities within cancer cells. It's usually used when other treatments haven't worked or when the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Immunotherapy: This treatment helps your immune system fight cancer. It can be used for advanced esophageal cancer that hasn't responded to other treatments. Palliative care: This focuses on relieving symptoms and improving quality of life. It can be used alongside other treatments or on its own for advanced cancer that can't be cured. However, recent strides in medical science have introduced a new frontier: immunotherapy. The Food and Drug Administration's approval of medications harnessing the immune system's power marks a significant milestone. Nivolumab [https://www.mrmed.in/molecule/nivolumab], in combination with chemotherapy or ipilimumab [https://www.mrmed.in/molecule/ipilimumab], offers hope for individuals battling advanced or metastatic esophageal cancer.   WHAT IS THE NEWEST TREATMENT FOR ESOPHAGEAL CANCER?   Immunotherapeutics, specifically immune checkpoint inhibitors, represent a beacon of hope for those facing advanced esophageal cancer. Scientists are currently investigating their efficacy as standalone treatments, eliminating the need for chemotherapy. By targeting mechanisms that cancer cells exploit to evade immune surveillance, these medications hold the potential to revolutionize esophageal cancer treatment.   10 TIPS TO MANAGE THE SIDE EFFECTS OF ESOPHAGEAL CANCER   1. Eating Right: Sometimes cancer treatments can make it hard to eat or digest food. A nutritionist can help make a plan for eating the right things, like soft or easy-to-swallow foods, or taking special supplements if needed. 2. Fixing Tummy Troubles: Treatments might cause issues like feeling sick, throwing up, or having tummy problems. Doctors can give medicine or suggest changes to food to help. 3. Relieving Pain: Surgery or other treatments can sometimes cause pain. Doctors can give medicine or suggest ways to make it feel better, like finding a comfy position to sit or lie down. 4. Making Swallowing Easier: Some treatments might make it hard to swallow. Special exercises and changes in what you eat can help make swallowing easier. 5. Dealing with Feeling Tired: Cancer treatments can make you feel really tired. Doctors might suggest taking it easy or doing gentle exercise to help you feel better. 6. Feeling Better Emotionally: Dealing with cancer and its treatments can make you feel worried or stressed. Talking to other people going through the same thing or doing relaxing activities like meditation can help. 7. Keeping an Eye Out: Doctors will want to see you regularly to check how you're doing. If something feels wrong or gets worse, it's important to tell them so they can help. 8. Taking Medicine: Sometimes you might need medicine to help with side effects like feeling sick or having pain. It's important to take it as the doctor tells you. 9. Taking Care of Your Mouth: Treatments can sometimes make your mouth feel dry or sore. Taking care of your teeth and gums and seeing your dentist regularly can help prevent problems. 10. Moving Your Body: Doing gentle exercises can help keep your body strong and make you feel better during and after treatment.   CHALLENGES AND PROGRESS   While advancements in treatment are cause for optimism, challenges persist. Esophageal cancer's aggressive nature and late-stage diagnosis pose formidable obstacles. However, ongoing research endeavors aim to overcome these barriers, paving the way for enhanced detection methods, personalized therapies, and improved outcomes.   A CALL TO ACTION   Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month serves as a rallying cry for heightened awareness, advocacy, and support. By educating ourselves, advocating for regular screenings, and supporting research initiatives, we can collectively make a difference in the fight against this disease.   CONCLUSION   As we reflect on Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month, let us unite in our commitment to combating this formidable adversary. Through increased awareness, early detection, and innovative treatments like immunotherapy, we can offer hope to those affected by esophageal cancer. Together, let us stand in solidarity, driving progress, and fostering a future where esophageal cancer no longer casts its shadow of fear and uncertainty.
Dr. Vijayalakshmi