Learn about Obesity Symptoms, Side Effects & Risk of Cancer

Obesity Symptoms, Side Effects & Risk of Cancer
25 Sep 2021
11 mins
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Learn about Obesity Symptoms, Side Effects & Risk of Cancer

    We used to say that health was the ability of the human body to operate efficiently. However, the notion of health has changed over time. Health comes first, followed by everything else. At times we struggle a lot with day to day health related issues for a shorter or for a longer duration of time. Obesity is another long duration health issue that can lead to several other complications in the body. So it is necessary to understand obesity symptoms in detail and what obesity leads to in the future if not cured by time. 


    Obesity is a condition characterized by an excess of body fat, and is more than merely a vanity issue. It is a medical condition that raises the chance of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other health issues. 


    Some of the common Obesity symptoms are

    • Short of breathing while doing physical activity
    • Fatigue
    • Pot belly
    • Snoring
    • Stretch marks are mostly observed on the hips and back of fat people
    • Acanthosis nigricans (Dark velvety skin around the neck and other areas)
    • Eating Disorders
    • Fatty tissue deposits


    Let us now understand, what is the difference between obesity and overweight? 


    Obesity refers to having more body fat than what is average for different heights and age groups. Similarly, being overweight refers to the one who weighs more than a healthy person. In contrast to overweight, obesity usually refers to a substantially larger level of body fat.

    For energy, thermal insulation, and other bodily functions, everyone requires some body fat. Too much, on the other hand, might cause severe health issues. The more body fat you have, the more likely you could get diabetes, renal disease, heart diseases, and other complications. 


    Now it is necessary to understand the signs of being overweight or obese


    Before getting into details let us first understand what is BMI

    Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women 

    The most frequent method to check overweight and obesity is to calculate your BMI (body mass index). BMI is a quick and easy approach to determine whether or not someone is overweight or obese. It enables you to compare your weight to what is deemed 'normal' for a person of your height. A normal BMI range is perfect for a required height and weight ratio.


    The weight categories based on BMI are as follows:

    BMI in kg/m2[weight(kg)/[height(m2)]                Weight category 

    Below 18.5kg/m2                                                            Underweight 

    18.5 to 24.9kg/m2                                                           Normal 

    25.0 to 29.9kg/m2                                                           Overweight 

    30.0 to 39.9kg/m2                                                           Obese

    40.0 & above                                                                  Severely obese    


    Is there any connection between obesity and cancer?


    Various studies have shown the evidences of linking obesity to cancer risk. Despite the limitations of the research, there is continuous evidence that increased levels of body fat are related to an increased risk of a variety of cancers, including:


    -Liver cancer: Liver cancer is up to twice as common in people who are overweight or obese as it is in people who are of average weight

    -Pancreatic cancer: Overweight or obese people are 1.5 times more likely than normal-weight people to get pancreatic cancer.

    -Gallbladder cancer: Overweight people have a 20% higher risk of gallbladder cancer than normal-weight people, and obese people have a 60% higher risk. Obese women have a greater chance of acquiring breast cancer than men.

    -Kidney cancer: Renal cell cancer, the most prevalent type of kidney cancer, is about twice as common in people who are overweight or obese as in people who have average weight. The link between obesity and renal cell cancer is independent of high blood pressure, an established risk factor for kidney cancer.

    -Gastric cardiac cancer: Obese persons are about twice as likely to get cancer in the upper region of the stomach, which is closest to the oesophagus (a muscular tube that connects the mouth to your stomach), as people of average weight.


    Let's understand how obesity tends to increase the risk of cancer? 


    Obesity is related to an increased risk of some health problems through a variety of pathways.

    -Excess estrogen (a kind of hormone) gets produced by fat tissue (also known as adipose tissue), and estrogen level is related to an increased risk of breast, endometrial, ovarian, and other cancers. 

    -Obese persons frequently have low-level chronic inflammation, which can contribute to DNA damage and cancer over time. Obese and overweight people are more prone than normal-weight people to have illnesses or disorders associated with or causing persistent local inflammation, which is said to be risk factors for various cancers.


    After all these, you must be wondering, is it true that losing weight lowers the chances of cancer?


    A consistent research suggests that obese adults are at an elevated risk of at least a dozen types of cancer. But, if you lose weight and exercise, will you be able to reduce your risk of cancer?

    The study published in an article reveals that an aggressive weight-loss program involving calorie restriction and exercise reduces the risk of obesity-related problems in individuals who are overweight or obese.

    Many studies have shown that maintaining healthy body weight and avoiding weight gain can help to reduce cancer risk. Furthermore, as many of us have experienced first-hand, it is generally difficult to lose weight successfully over time. Hence it is important to plan on diet and workout routine if you are about to join the category of obese people.


    By now you would have understood the relationship between Obesity and Cancer


    Various studies have proved that people who are obese are more than likely to suffer from cancer. Consistent findings have been observed in studies all around the globe, and we now have a good understanding of the biochemical pathways by which body fat affects cancer risk.

    According to one study, women who shed at least 9kg (20 pounds) during seven years had an 11% decreased chances of cancer overall. This is the evidence that losing weight can lessen the risk of cancer along with various other diseases.


    Above all these things you need to understand the importance of losing overweight.


    To reap the physical health benefits of weight loss, you do not have to lose hundreds of pounds. If you are overweight or obese, you might be able to improve your general health by losing just a few pounds.

    Researches show that even a 5% to 10% weight loss can benefit your health.  Losing weight can mean a diversity of things, including:

    -Decreased chances of cancer 

    -Decreased risk of diabetes

    -Decreased risk of strokes

    -Reduces chances of heart attack 

    -Improvement in Blood sugar levels

    -Improved Cholesterol level

    -Improved Mobility

    Your doctor can provide you with more specific information on the health advantages of losing weight or obesity.


    You might be able to cut or remove certain medications, which lowers your disease risk. It is necessary to lose weight so that you can stay away from various other health problems. The moment you observe any obesity symptoms you need to check your eating habits and physical activities, in case of more complications consult your doctor for better advice


    One of the leading causes of cardiovascular illness in India is abdominal obesity. Obesity is more common in women than it is in males, according to various research. Obesity and cancer is one of the government's most costly medical and budgetary issues. Obesity can be avoided if people are made aware of the consequences of obesity. It has become important from the point of view of the Government agencies to promote healthy lives, dietary habits, and physical activity.


    Written by
    PratikshaContent Writer
    AboutMBA (Marketing)
    Tags :obesity and cancerfat peoplenormal Bmibmi meaningoverweight symptomsmeasure of body fat