World Pancreatic Cancer Day 2023

world pancreatic cancer day 2023
16 Nov 2023
7 mins
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World Pancreatic Cancer Day 2023

    World Pancreatic Cancer Day, observed on the 17th of November 2023, aims to create awareness about pancreatic cancer and educate the public about its signs, symptoms, causes, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment. The World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition initiated World Pancreatic Cancer Day. 

    Pancreatic cancer occurs when the cells in the pancreas begin multiplying and dividing abnormally. The pancreas is in the abdomen behind the lower portion of the stomach. The function of the pancreas is to help in the digestion of food and regulate the blood sugar levels in the body. The pancreas produces two hormones that aid in regulating blood sugar levels. These two hormones are insulin and glucagon. 


    Let’s create awareness by learning more about the signs and causes of pancreatic cancer.

     The Importance of World Pancreatic Cancer Day


    World Pancreatic Cancer Day catalyzes change, fostering awareness, education, and advocacy. Here's why this day holds immense importance


    • Early Detection and Awareness: Early detection is critical in improving the prognosis of pancreatic cancer. Unfortunately, the lack of specific symptoms in the early stages often leads to delayed diagnosis.
    • Advocacy and Support: The day provides a platform for individuals, patient advocacy groups, healthcare professionals, and researchers to come together and advocate for increased funding, research, and support for those affected by pancreatic cancer.
    • Breaking the Stigma: Pancreatic cancer is often surrounded by a veil of misinformation and stigma. World Pancreatic Cancer Day aims to dispel myths, foster open conversations, and promote a deeper understanding of the challenges individuals face with this disease face.
    • Research and Innovation: The day serves as a call to action for increased investment in research and innovation. Pancreatic cancer research is at the forefront of developing new diagnostic tools, treatment options, and, ultimately, finding a cure.
    • International Collaboration: Pancreatic cancer is a global challenge that requires international collaboration. World Pancreatic Cancer Day facilitates the sharing knowledge, best practices, and resources among countries and organizations.


    Signs And Symptoms Of Pancreatic Cancer


    The signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer don’t become prominent until the cancer has advanced. The following are the signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer that are seen as the disease progresses include the following, 

    • Pain in the upper abdomen that moves to the back
    • Appetite loss
    • Unexplained and sudden loss of weight
    • Urine with a dark color
    • New diabetes or worsening of the existing one
    • Nausea, vomiting
    • Fatigue
    • Light coloured stools
    • Jaundice (yellowing on the skin and the whites of the eyes)
    • Formation of blood clots
    • Itchy skin

    Causes Of Pancreatic Cancer


    The exact causes of pancreatic cancer are not known. However, certain risk factors are associated with an increased risk of pancreatic cancer. These risk factors include,

    • Smoking: People who are habituated to smoking are at an increased risk of developing pancreatic cancer.
    • Pancreatitis: It is an inflammation of the pancreas that might occur due to smoking or excessive alcohol consumption. A person with chronic pancreatitis is at an increased risk of developing pancreatic cancer. 
    • Obesity: People who are obese or are overweight and have a lot of weight around the waist are also at risk of developing pancreatic cancer. 
    • Family history: Having a family history of pancreatic cancer acts as a risk factor for developing it.
    • Old age: People who are aged about 65 are at risk of pancreatic cancer development. 
    • Diabetes: Having diabetes, especially Type 2 diabetes, acts as a risk factor for developing pancreatic cancer. 
    • Hereditary syndromes: A family history of having hereditary or genetic syndromes like BRCA gene mutations and Lynch syndrome also act as potential risk factors for developing pancreatic cancer.


    Treatment Of Pancreatic Cancer


    There are various treatment options available to treat pancreatic cancer. Depending upon the type and stage of cancer and the patient's overall health, the healthcare provider will choose the best treatment plan. This treatment plan might contain the following individual treatments or a combination. The treatments available for pancreatic cancer include, 

    • Surgery
    • Radiation therapy or radiotherapy
    • Chemotherapy
    • Immunotherapy
    • Targeted therapy


    Awareness And Preventive Measures To Combat Pancreatic Cancer 


    Although pancreatic cancer can happen to anyone, the risk is particularly high in certain people. Where various risk factors like family history, age, and genetic factors cannot be changed, certain risk factors like smoking, obesity, and diabetes are in our control. 

    This World Pancreatic Cancer Day 2023, spread the word among the people you know about pancreatic cancer's various symptoms and risk factors. Encourage them to adopt a healthy lifestyle by eating a nutrient-rich diet, exercising regularly, and quitting smoking and drinking. 

    Written by
    Arwa. Aliakber Content Writer
    Tags :Pancreatic cancer medicinespancreatic cancer symptomspancreatic cancer causespancreatic cancer risk factorspancreatic cancer chemotherapy