Treatment For Constipation during pregnancy

Treatment For Constipation during pregnancy
26 Dec 2022
8 mins
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Treatment For Constipation during pregnancy

    "To be pregnant is to be vitally alive, thoroughly woman, and distressingly inhabited" 


    Maternity is a glorious thing. Still, some side effects of pregnancy can be vexatious, embarrassing, and downright annoying. One such side effect that makes your pregnancy unpleasant is constipation. Yeah, you heard it right; it's constipation. Constipation during pregnancy is a common problem; approximately half of all pregnant women get constipated at some point. Have you ever wondered why you are being constipated while carrying this little one in your pouch? If you think it is because of your pregnancy diet, that's true, but there are even more causes. Treatment for constipation during pregnancy relies on the severity of the condition.  To know more about the causes and remedies for constipation during pregnancy, jump right away into this blog and skim through it.


    Causes Of Constipation During Pregnancy


    Constipation means you are struggling to poop or having infrequent bowel movements. On the whole, a low-fiber diet, anxiety, medical conditions, and minimal physical exercise can cause constipation. Constipation during the first trimester of pregnancy may be due to the hormone progesterone, which relaxes muscles throughout the body, including the digestive tract. It means that food moves through the intestines more slowly, making your stools hard to pass. In addition, your body's blood vessels dilate so they can hold approximately 50 percent more fluid by the time you deliver. As your pregnancy days headway, your hydration levels have to be changed accordingly, or else you will face dehydration, constipation, and headaches. In the later part of pregnancy, these issues may be due to shifting to low-fiber foods (due to morning sickness) and the pressure of your growing bunny on your rectum and colon. Apart from that, consuming prenatal vitamins and minimal physical activity may also make you feel constipated. 


    7 Remedies For Constipation During Pregnancy: Ways To Feel Better 


    1. Fill Yourself With Fluids

    Drinking lots of water is important during pregnancy, particularly when taking a high-fiber diet because it makes your stools soft and easy to eliminate. Drink at least 8 -10 glasses of water. Having fruit juice every day may help you to ease constipation fastly. Some preggers find that drinking warm liquid after waking up makes things move faster out of your intestine. Things to note are your fluid intake may vary due to the hot weather, sweating, and exercise. Make water your best friend; if you are not that fond, try low-fat milk, smoothies, tea, and juices with no added sugar are good options. Make sure to cut down on the drinks which make you urinate more frequently, like tea, coffee, and fizzy drinks. It will make you dehydrate and your constipation worse.

    2. Incorporate A High-Fiber Diet 

    It's easy to get advice on foods to eat and avoid during childbearing, but it is equally important to eat what is right. Cut down your refined foods and switch to fiber food. Ideally, you need to consume 28 grams of dietary fiber per day during pregnancy from various sources such as whole grains, lentils, beans, fruits, nuts, and vegetables. Adding these to your pregnancy diet not only makes your little bud healthy, it also adds bulk to your stools and makes it easier to eliminate.  

    3. Exercise And Pregnancy: Baby, Let's Move!


    It is common to move around less during pregnancy. You are carrying extra weight, which may add extra pressure to your pelvic joints and other bones, making you feel a bit difficult to move. Being slothful during pregnancy makes constipation worse; if you sit for a long time, your waste will also sit with you. Walking is the best way to improve your bowel movements. Exercise to relieve constipation during pregnancy is one of the coolest moves. It will help keep your body physically fit and promote healthy fetal development. It is important to exercise safely and correctly. Running and low-aerobic exercises are also recommended during the first and second trimesters. The exercise routine may vary from person to person. With the right guidance, exercise will be beneficial during pregnancy. It is necessary to discuss with your healthcare professional the type of exercise that might fit your lifestyle.


    4. Watch For Vitamins

    The silent culprit that causes constipation is your prenatal vitamins. Suppose your prenatal vitamin supplement's iron (natural mineral) content is high. In that case, it might be difficult for your digestive system to handle. If you suffer from severe constipation, inform your healthcare provider they may change the vitamins, which are less in iron content. 


    5. Practice Yoga


    Pregnancy is also known as a transformative phase. Your body is changing, emotions and hormones are in flux, and life may feel chaotic and out of control. Practicing yoga can be beneficial for both physical and emotional problems. Certain positions, like the squat pose, and cat stretch pose, can help you to get rid of constipation and aid in good digestion. Get advice from your doctor and yoga instructor before starting to practice yoga. 

    6. Complementary Therapies

    Constipation is inevitable during the early stages of pregnancy; however, you should not ignore it; it can escalate into a more severe problem. You could try complementary therapies like acupressure, aromatherapy, natural home remedies, homeopathy, reflexology, and osteopathy, but just bear in mind that there is no proven evidence about how effective these remedies are in pregnancy. If you wish to try, discuss it with your healthcare provider and then go ahead. 


    7. Listen To Your Body - Don't Chow Down!

    Eating for two is a challenging way. Try breaking up your daily food intake into four or five portions to help with constipation relief. It will help the stomach to digest food without the need to work overtime and will allow food to go smoothly to the intestine and colon. Large meals can overburden your stomach and make it difficult for your digestive system to metabolise what you eat.

    To Wind Things Up


    Being in the pudding club always makes you life-affirming. Follow the tips above to relieve the discomfort of constipation as you wait for your baby to arrive. If you can't get relief for more than three weeks through lifestyle changes, contact your physician; they may prescribe you stool softeners or fiber supplements. 

    Written by
    Dr. Karpagam AnandMedical Content Writer
    AboutPharm D
    Tags :ConstipationNatural remedies for constipationConstipation in pregnancyExercise in pregnancy