National Childhood Obesity Week

National Childhood Obesity Week
3 Jul 2023
8 mins
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National Childhood Obesity Week

    Small Changes Today Can Make A Big Difference In A Child's Life


    Welcome to National Childhood Obesity Week, an annual event dedicated to taking action against the growing epidemic of childhood obesity in the first week of July. This week-long initiative brings together to address the alarming rise in childhood obesity rates and promote healthier lifestyles for our future generations. We should build a healthier and happier future for our children. Join us as we strive to create a world where every child has the opportunity to grow up healthy and thrive. Childhood obesity is the most happening public health issue that is addressed nationally and globally. Being overweight can affect the mental well-being of children due to body shaming which leads to the development of low self-esteem.

    Impacts Of Childhood Obesity

    The impact of childhood obesity extends beyond physical health. Obese children are at a higher risk of developing chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and respiratory problems. The transition from traditional, nutrient-rich diets to more processed and high-calorie foods, along with a decrease in physical activity, shows the rising rates of obesity among children. Additionally, obesity can have psychological and social implications, including low self-esteem, and depression.


    India is indeed ranked as the second-highest nation in the world in terms of the number of obese children, with approximately 14.4 million obese children. The latest National Family Health Survey data highlighting the 10-fold increase in the rate of obesity in children compared to previous years emphasizes the alarming nature of the situation. If the current trends continue, it is projected that over 27 million children will develop obesity by 2030.


    On this day, make a commitment to being part of the solution. Replace sugary drinks with water, get outside for an extra 30 minutes a day, and make healthy snacks more available. These little victories will add up over time and set your child up for success. Together, through awareness and action, we can turn the tide against childhood obesity and raise a healthier generation. The journey starts today, so grab your kids and get moving. Our children's health depends on it.


    The Alarming Cause Of Childhood Obesity


    Genetics: A few latest studies have pointed out various mutations in genes like melanocortin 4 receptor gene (MC4R), ectoenzyme nucleotide pyrophosphatase phosphodiesterase 1 gene (ENPP1) are related to weight gain as it runs in the families. These genes play a vital role in appetite regulation, synthesis of adipose tissue (fat cells) and metabolism management. 

    Chronic illness and medications: Certain diseases such as Cushing syndrome, a condition that causes systemic effects due to poor functioning of the adrenal glands, are related to cause obesity. Children affected with Cushing’s syndrome possess high levels of a stress hormone called cortisol in their body which is a key factor for obesity

    Lifestyle modifications: Family behaviors can strongly impact the child’s health. Parents who express no serious attitude towards physical activity and practice poor eating choices can contribute to weight gain and other complications in children,

    Social determinants of health: Children are constantly being exposed to attractive commercials that telecast fast-food chains, high-calorie foods, deep-fried foods, toxic junk, and beverages that tweak up their strong desire to consume them.

    Improper sleep patterns: Children with irregular sleep habits could increase obesity risk in the early stages of life. Late bedtimes and prolonged hours of exposure to blue light can impact insulin levels and other developmental hormones.


    Health Risks Associated With Childhood Obesity


    Childhood obesity comes with some serious health risks, but the good news is that small lifestyle changes can make a big difference! By developing good habits early on, kids can avoid these issues and set themselves up for a lifetime of health and happiness.


    1. Heart disease- Excess weight puts extra strain on the heart and blood vessels. The more overweight a child is, the higher their risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart disease.
    2. Diabetes- Fat cells make it harder for the body to respond to insulin and control blood sugar levels. Obese children and teens are more prone to developing prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.
    3. Sleep apnea- Excess fat in the neck can obstruct breathing during sleep. Sleep apnea causes snoring, gasping for air, and daytime drowsiness.
    4. Joint problems- Extra weight puts extra stress on the joints, muscles, and bones which can lead to pain, arthritis, and difficulty moving or exercising.
    5. Psychological issues- Overweight children often face bullying, low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. Promoting a healthy lifestyle and body image at a young age can help avoid these psychological problems.


    The risks are real, but by making small changes as a family you can get your child's health back on track! Add an extra serving of veggies at dinner, and try to exercise as a family a few times a week. These little improvements will make your child feel happier and healthier in no time!


    Embracing Wellness For Children


    Small adjustments to your daily routines can have huge impacts on your child’s health, growth and development. Making healthy changes as a family can help motivate your kids to build good habits for life. 

    • Get kids involved in meal planning and preparation.
    • Limit screen time and encourage outdoor play.
    • Require kids to be active for at least 60 minutes a day by doing things like riding bikes, playing tag, walking the dog, or joining a sports team.
    • Teach kids how to make smart choices.
    • Help them understand that water and milk are the best drink options.
    • Explain that foods are either "anytime" (fruits, veggies, whole grains) or "sometimes" (sweets, chips) foods.
    • Create meaningful conversations rather than dictating your child.
    • Try new active games and adventures on the weekends or after school when kids have more free time and energy to burn.
    • Promote a positive self-image.
    • Remind kids that everybody is different and the most important thing is that they're growing into a kind, hardworking, and generous person.


    Shaping Healthy Futures


    Let's replace screen time with playtime and junk food with nourishment. Together, we can rewrite the story of childhood obesity. Join us for National Childhood Obesity Week 2023 and take a stand against childhood obesity. We can empower children, inspire healthy habits, and build a brighter, healthier future for our next generation!

    Written by
    Dr.B.DeivaMedical content writer
    AboutPharm D
    Tags :childhood obesityobesitychildhoodobesity weeknational childhood obesity