National Protein Day 2024

National Protein Day 2024
27 Feb 2024
8 mins
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National Protein Day 2024

    "A healthy outside starts from the inside."


    Did you know? Our body comprises proteins and amino acids (smaller protein units), which are severe as a building block of our body. Yes, it is a universal fact that everyone can accept. But we often forget to give importance to that crucial role player, which leads to the disorder or malfunction of the body. Today, we are going to explore the national protein day and its importance.


    History And Significance


    Protein Day is a global event that is celebrated every year on the 27th of February. However, India is celebrating National Protein Day from 2020 onward, after the initiation of the right to protein, a national-level public health initiative to educate people about the importance of adequate protein consumption.


    National Protein Day emphasizes protein intake in our diet and encourages every individual to make informed choices about protein intake.


    The theme for National Protein Day 2024 is #SolveWithProtein, a call to businesses and industry leaders to address the protein demand by providing protein-rich foods that help build a healthy and nutritionally secure population nationwide.


    The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) estimated that the protein consumption in India is estimated as much lower than 48 gms/day, and the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for protein consumption in India is estimated at 0.8 to 1 gm per kg body weight. This is due to the need for more awareness about the daily recommended protein intake. The National Protein Day helps spread awareness about the importance of a protein-rich diet in order to meet the daily RDA.


    Role Of Protein In Our Body


    As I said in the beginning, protein is the major role player that catalyzes most of the chemical reactions in our body, regulates gene expression, comprises most of the cell structural elements, regulates the immune system, and forms the major constituents in our muscle. Some of the roles of protein in our body are given below:


    • Structural Support: Protein is the main component in forming the human body's cells, tissues, and organs. Some structural proteins are keratin, collagen, actin, and myosin, which help give strength, elasticity, and growth to the skin and muscle. 
    • Enzymatic Activity: Enzymes are the form of protein that help speed up our body's chemical reactions. They are important for various metabolic processes like digestion, energy production, and detoxification. 
    • Transportation: It helps in the transport of molecules in our body. For example, hemoglobin acts as a two-way respiratory carrier, which involves the transport of oxygen from the lungs to the tissue and also assists in transporting carbon dioxide back to its origin. Similarly, we have myoglobin, which helps to store and transport oxygen in our muscle cells.
    • Immune Function: In our immune system, we have immunoglobulin (antibody), a globular protein that protects our body from various infections caused by foreign particles like bacteria and viruses. Protein helps to defend the body against infections.
    • Hormonal Regulation: Some of the proteins act as hormones which are involved in the regulation of various physiological processes. For example, Insulin is a type of hormonal protein that controls blood sugar levels in our body.
    • Cell Signaling: Proteins are also involved in the cell signaling process, in which the cell can respond to substances outside the cell through signaling molecules. This can be achieved by the receptor protein that binds to the signaling molecule present in the cell. It helps in the coordination and function of the cell.
    • Gene expression: Proteins play a main role in gene expression, a process in which the encoded information in genes is used to synthesize proteins (functional gene products). Thus, protein plays an important role in various cell functions.


    Protein-Related Health Concerns: A Comprehensive Overview


    It is important to adhere to the recommended dietary allowance of protein through the diet and protein supplements. Deviations in the RDA of protein intake can lead to abnormalities in our body. Some problems related to protein intake are given below:


    • Protein deficiency can lead to poor wound healing in individuals, which can also pave the way for infections.
    • The most common protein deficiencies that occur in children are marasmus and kwashiorkor. This is due to the poor intake of protein in the diet.
    • Insufficient protein intake can also be associated with liver problems such as liver steatosis and liver cell necrosis.
    • Protein deficiency can lead to infections, dehydration, deprivation of vitamins and electrolytes, and also a decreased appetite in individuals.
    • In fact, increased protein intake can be associated with a raised risk of cardiovascular events in individuals.


    5 Protein-Rich Diet


    • Eating plant-based foods like leans, spirulina, beans and quinoa, peanuts, and chickpeas helps meet the daily recommended protein requirement in individuals.
    • It is estimated that consuming animal-based protein diets like milk, whey, casein, eggs, and beef can help to meet nearly 1.00 (protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score).
    • Eating seafood like salmon can provide individuals with high-quality, well-balanced, and easily digestible proteins.
    • It is recommended to eat nuts like almonds that can help you meet your body's protein requirement.
    • Dairy products like milk, cottage cheese, and yogurt can offer a high-protein diet for individuals. Not only are they protein-rich, but they also provide a calcium-rich diet.


    Protein Supplements

    Protein supplements are products specially designated to supply dietary protein intake in our daily lives. They can come in various forms, like powders, bars, shakes, and capsules.

    For example, protein supplements like whey protein (Sugar-free) are effective in supplying the body with essential amino acids, particularly branched-chain amino acids, which stimulate muscle protein synthesis, promote satiety, regulate blood sugar, support the immune system, and help in wound healing in individuals.


    Wrap It up


    Protein is an essential nutrient that needs to be taken in an appropriate amount. The deviation in the RDA may result in various health issues in individuals due to the crucial role played by protein in our bodies. On this National Protein Day, let's educate everyone to overcome and prevent the protein-related health issues that are present all over the nation.

    Written by
    Ishwarya RMedical Content Writer
    AboutIshwary R is a Medical Content Writer at MrMed. She completed her PG from the University of Madras, Chennai. She did her final year project in CSIR-CLRI, Adyar, entitled Studies on production of Biosurfactant by bacillus subtilis using Leather industry bioproduct. She did her offline internship and learned clinical Laboratory skills in Billroth hospital and her online internship in SS Healthcare. She strengthened her skills in research, writing, editing, and proofreading medical content, blogs, and scientific articles.
    Tags :Protein dayNational Protein DayNational Protein Day 2024protein intake