Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency

Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency
22 Jan 2024
7 mins
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Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency

     "A ray a day keeps brittle away, thanks to Vitamin D's sunny play."


    Vitamin D is both a nutrient that we eat through foods and a hormone that our body makes via sunshine. It is a fat-soluble vitamin that retains both calcium and phosphorous in the body, which are the building blocks of bone. When your body doesn't get enough vitamin D or process adequate amounts of vitamin D, it results in Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency in adults is referred to as osteomalacia; in children, it is known as rickets. Unlike other deficiencies, vitamin D deficiency can be very hard to diagnose since it produces no symptoms or its symptoms overlap with many other conditions. However, there are 15 signs mentioned below from which you are more likely to have vitamin D deficiency.


    What Causes Vitamin D deficiency?


    There are several reasons that you may develop vitamin D deficiency, if:


    • Your exposure to sunlight is limited.
    • Your Vitamin D intake is below the recommended level over a period of time.
    • You have dark skin (melanin blocks the skin's ability to absorb vitamin D)
    • You are obese.
    • Your digestive system cannot completely absorb vitamin D.
    • Your kidney is unable to convert vitamin D to its active form.


    15 Signs of Vitamin D deficiency


    Sign 1: Feeling Tired All the Time?

    Do you often feel like you are running on empty, even after a sound night's sleep? This could indicate that your body is low on Vitamin D. People with enough Vitamin D often feel more energetic. It is worth checking your Vitamin D levels if you are always tired since it may be a sign of vitamin D deficiency.


    Sign 2: Catching Colds Often?

    Find yourself catching every cold that goes around? Vitamin D is like your body's shield against illnesses. A lack of it might mean you get sick more easily. Especially with serious infections, low Vitamin D could be a sneaky culprit.


    Sign 3: Achy Muscles?

    Muscle pain and weakness are another alarm. Have you got muscle pain, or are you feeling weaker than usual? Your muscles need Vitamin D to stay strong and healthy. If they are not getting enough, they might protest with pain and weakness. It is as if your muscles are in pain due to the starvation of Vitamin D.


    Sign 4: Back Pain Bothering You?

    If your back is constantly aching, especially the lower part, it might not just be about your mattress or posture. This may be a sign of vitamin D deficiency. Low Vitamin D can weaken muscles, putting more strain on your back. Think of Vitamin D as back support from the inside.


    Sign 5: Breaking Bones Easily?

    Ever wonder why some people's bones break more easily? Vitamin D helps in making your bones tough. Without enough of it, they can get fragile and more prone to breaks. It's like your bones are crying out for more Vitamin D. Hence, spontaneous fractures are alarming signs of vitamin D deficiency. This occurs particularly when you consistently avoid foods that strengthen your bones and joints over extended periods.


    Sign 6: Hair Falling Out?

    Is your hairbrush collecting more hair than usual? Low Vitamin D can slow down hair growth and even lead to hair loss. It's like your hair sends an SOS signal for more Vitamin D.


    Sign 7: Feeling Down?

    Are you getting depressed more often? While it's not the whole story, a lack of Vitamin D can sometimes make you feel down. Your mood might need a Vitamin D boost.


    Sign 8: Gaining Weight?

    Are you struggling with unexpected weight gain? Vitamin D deficiency can lead to obesity. Sometimes, when your body doesn't have enough Vitamin D, it can start storing more fat. Think of Vitamin D as a helper in maintaining your weight.


    Sign 9: Skin Issues Like Eczema?

    Are you dealing with annoying skin flare-ups like eczema? Your skin loves Vitamin D for its immune-boosting and barrier-strengthening powers. Low levels make skin problems worse may result in eczema as well.


    Sign 10: Babies' Dental Problems?

    For the little ones, weak teeth or enamel problems could be linked to low Vitamin D levels during pregnancy. It's like building strong teeth with enough Vitamin D that starts even before birth. so, when you babies have frequent dental problem, then it may be a sign of vitamin D deficiency.


    Sign 11: Problems with Teeth and Gums?

    Trouble with cavities or sensitive gums? Your teeth and gums need Vitamin D to stay strong. Without it, they can become weak and more prone to problems.


    Sign 12: Frequent UTIs?

    If urinary tract infections are a regular hassle for you, it might be a sign of low Vitamin D. Your body needs it to fight these infections effectively. Simple home remedies can tackle UTIs when you opt for vitamin-rich foods.


    Sign 13: Issues with Incontinence?

    Are you struggling with bladder control? Incontinence is a partial or complete loss of bladder or bowel control. This is not only a gastric issue, but also may be a sign of vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency can weaken the muscles in your pelvic floor, making incontinence issues more likely.


    Sign 14: Bone weakening in children

    Rickets, a condition where children's bones get soft and weak, is a big red flag for Vitamin D deficiency. It's super important for kids' growing bones to get enough Vitamin D.


    Sign 15: Are you taking medications for seizures or tuberculosis?

    If so, you should know that these drugs can change how your body handles vitamin D. Common seizure medications like phenytoin and carbamazepine, along with tuberculosis drugs like isoniazid and rifampin, can make your body break down vitamin D faster. This means you might not have enough active vitamin D. Although there are no official guidelines on how often to monitor your vitamin D levels, it's a good idea to have your vitamin D checked once a year, especially during the winter.


    When to visit your Doctor?


    If any of these signs sound familiar – like bone or hair loss, constant fatigue, or frequent sickness – it's a good idea to chat with a healthcare provider. They can check if low Vitamin D is the troublemaker and advise on safe ways to get more, whether from the sun, foods, or supplements. Remember, too much Vitamin D can also be a problem, so it's all about finding the right balance.


    "For bones that don't bend or break, Vitamin D is what you should take."

    Written by
    Dr VijayalakshmiMedical Content Writer
    AboutDr. Vijayalakshmi is a Medical Content Writer at MrMed. She completed her Bachelor of Dentistry (BDS) from Sri Ramakrishna Dental College, Coimbatore, in 2022, where she expertise in dental and clinical research. During her internship, she has also worked on various research projects and presented scientific papers in national UG seminars. Post her UG, she has upskilled in pharmacovigilance regulations and clinical trial methodology through certification courses. She is proficient in researching, writing, editing, and proofreading medical content and blogs.
    Tags :Vitamin D deficiencysigns of vitamin D deficiencyosteomalacia rickets signs of osteomalacia