World Blood Donor Day

World Blood Donor Day
14 Jun 2023
10 mins
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World Blood Donor Day

    A single drop of blood can make a huge difference


    Every year on June 14th, World Blood Donor Day is held to increase awareness about blood transfusions. Your donation and support can help to ensure that this day has a stronger impact, raising awareness around the world that giving blood is a life-saving act of solidarity. It is a World Health Organisation program to encourage governments and health authorities to increase blood donation through voluntary unpaid donors since someone in India needs blood every 2 seconds


    World Blood Donor Objectives


    • Raise global awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products for transfusion.
    • Highlight the critical contribution that voluntary, unpaid blood donors make to national health systems.
    • Assist national blood transfusion services, blood donor organizations, and other nongovernmental organisations in strengthening and expanding their voluntary blood donor programmes through national and local campaigns.


    World Blood Donor Day 2023 Theme


    This year's World Blood Donor Day theme is "Give blood, give plasma, share life, share often," emphasising the importance of blood and plasma donations for lifelong transfusion patients and encouraging donors to donate blood or plasma frequently to ensure a safe and sustainable global supply of blood for all who need it.


    World blood donor day is also marked to appreciate the efforts of selfless individuals in donating life-saving fluid. If you haven't done this before, check out the prerequisites and become a part of this pious act. 


    Importance Of Donating Blood


    There is always a constant need for blood. Blood is a vital fluid for human life as it transports oxygen and nutrients to all body parts. Blood donation can save thousands of lives. It will help people who have met with accidents to breathe life during the phase of trauma recovery. Blood donations also aid cancer patients who have been subjected to chemotherapy to maintain normal blood counts. It is beneficial for people battling hereditary blood disorders such as hemophilia, thalassemia, sickle cell anemia to live a longer life.


    History of Blood Donor Day 


    The WHO initially recognised World Blood Donor Day in 2004. It was declared an annual global event to promote awareness of the need for blood donation at the 58th World Health Assembly in 2005. Karl Landsteiner's birthday is observed as World Blood Donor Day; he was an Austrian-American immunologist, pathologist, and Nobel Prize laureate in 1930 for his conception and discovery of the ABO blood type system and modern blood transfusion.


    Types Of Blood Groups 


    There are four major blood groups (blood types): A, B, AB, and O. The genes you acquire from your parents define your blood group. Each blood type can be RhD positive or RhD negative, for a total of eight blood groups. The ABO system distinguishes four major blood groups:


    • Blood group A consists of A antigens on red blood cells and anti-B antibodies in the plasma.
    • Blood type B contains B antigens as well as anti-A antibodies in the plasma.
    • There are no antigens in blood group O, but there are anti-A and anti-B antibodies in the plasma.
    • AB blood type has both A and B antigens but no antibodies.


    Types Of Blood Donation


    • Whole blood donation is the conventional type of blood donation method where a pint contains all the components of blood, such as red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.
    • Power red donation is called double red cells donation, where only the red blood cells are collected. This type of blood donation is beneficial for treating blood disorders such as anemia, thalassemia, etc.
    • Platelet donation: Platelets are small blood cells that cause blood clotting and arrest the bleeding. Platelet donation is most required in cancer patients since they have a low count of platelets due to the effects of chemotherapy. The process of platelet donation takes about 2 hours. 


    A Guide To Blood Donation 


    The National Blood Transfusion Council has established the following eligibility criteria for blood donors:


    • The donor should be above the age of 18 years and not beyond 65 years.
    • You should have an ideal body weight; if you weigh below 45kg,  you are not encouraged to donate blood.
    • Your hemoglobin counts should not be lesser than 12.5g/dl.
    • If you have contracted malaria and been treated for the same in the past 3 months or 3 years.
    • The donor should not be diagnosed with any cancer.
    • If you have diabetes and on insulin injections, you may not be eligible for blood donation.
    • If you have undergone any heart surgeries or are suffering from heart disease, seizures, or kidney failure, you may not be acceptable for blood donation.
    • If you have got any immunization against typhoid, diphtheria, tetanus, and gamma globulin in the past 15 days, you may not be fit for blood donation.
    • If you have got a Covid vaccination, the National blood transfusion council has advised the public to wait for a minimum of 56 days if received Covaxin and up to 70 days for Covishield for blood donation.
    • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you are not permitted to donate blood.
    • If you are suffering from any infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, AIDS, viral fever, or cold, you may not be fit to donate blood.
    • You are restricted from donating blood if you have got any new body piercings or tattoos in the last three months.


    Things To Follow Before And After Your Blood Donation


    Before The Day Of Blood Donation


    • Drink loads of water and get a good night's sleep before the day of blood donation.
    • Avoid consuming alcohol, smoking, or illicit drugs 24 hours before your donation.
    • Have a well-rounded diet before the donation; ensure to include iron-rich food such as dates, raisins, and spinach.
    • It is your choice to select the type of donation.
    • If you have been taking antiplatelet drugs like aspirin and plan to donate platelets, you must stop consuming blood thinner drugs before two days of blood donation.


    On The Day Of Blood Donation


    • Book your convenient time for blood donation at the registered blood banks or camps.
    • Wear comfortable clothing and prefer short sleeves or roll-up sleeves.
    • Relax and keep calm while donating.
    • Remember to take your proof of address or your donor card if you have done this before.
    • Make sure to take your prescription and reports, as you will be asked to undergo a mini examination before blood donation.
    • A doctor will assess your vitals such as blood pressure, pulse, and body temperature and discuss your medical conditions to rule out any risk factors.
    • A Healthcare professional will record your past medical history, social history, and travel history.
    • The collected blood will be screened to detect the presence of HIV, Sexually transmitted diseases, and hepatitis virus to prevent the disease transmission. Also, this will confirm your type of blood group.


    After The Blood Donation


    • You will be treated with exclusive hospitality, and the healthcare professionals shall provide you with refreshments to relish you with key nutrients.
    • It is recommended to stay in the recovery area for half an hour to regain your strength. If you feel dizziness or lightheadedness, you shall lie down on the cot for some more time.
    • Avoid lifting heavy weights and postpone your workouts post-blood donation for one day.
    • Do Not remove the bandage strip for two days if you feel any irritation around the area. Clean it with soap/ water and replace it with a new one.




    Donating Blood Is Equal To Gifting Life To A Stranger


    Blood donation is a subtle act of kindness that will cost you nothing but will provide the needy another opportunity to live life. In this world blood donor day 2023, let's all join the efforts and be a part of this global campaign to save many lives. 

    Written by
    Dr. Karpagam AnandMedical Content Writer
    AboutPharm D
    Tags :World Blood donor Blood donationBlood groupsTypes of blood donation