World Patient Safety Day

World Patient Safety Day
17 Sep 2023
7 mins
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World Patient Safety Day

    World patient safety day is celebrated on September 17th of every year globally. In May 2019, the 72nd World Health Assembly adopted a resolution on "Global Action on Patient Safety," which included establishing this special as an annual event. The choice of September 17th as the date for this observance was significant, as it marks the anniversary of the World Health Organization's establishment in 1948 to raise awareness about patient safety and enhance public engagement in patient safety. It develops strategies for resolving patient harm issues. This day unites healthcare providers, policymakers, patients, and communities to tackle the pressing issue of patient safety. 

    Theme Of World Patient Safety Day 2023

    World patient safety day (WPSD) 2023 theme is “Engaging patients for patient safety.” The WPSD 2023 theme acknowledges the vital role of patients, families, and caregivers in patient safety

    The Objectives Of World Patient Safety Day Are

    • Increase global awareness of the significant burden of pharmaceutical-related damage caused by medication errors and unsafe practices.
    • Take immediate action to enhance drug safety.
    • Engage policy-makers, medical practitioners, pharmacists, and others to eliminate medication-related harm and errors.
    • Motivate patients and their families to participate actively in medication safety.
    • Scale up the execution of the WHO global patient safety challenge: Medication without harm.

    What Is A Medication Error?

    Medication error is an avoidable incident that may lead to incorrect medication use or patient harm while the medicine is under the control of the healthcare provider, patient, or consumer. Approximately one in every twenty patients attending healthcare institutions is exposed to avoidable medicine injury, and nearly one in every four patients encounters severe or life-threatening harm. 

    Stages Of Medication Harm

    Medication-related harm accounts for more than 50% of all unnecessary harm in medical treatment. There are stages where avoidable medication error happens at the highest, which includes

    • Prescribing error
    • Administering error
    • Monitoring error

    Prevention Of Medication Harm

    • Educate medical personnel on appropriate prescription, administration, and monitoring practices.
    • Improve communication among clinical team members.
    • Integrate electronic prescribing and system for clinicians.
    • As part of a multidisciplinary team, provide patient care.
    • Educate patients on potential side effects after discharge and when to seek assistance from their healthcare provider.

    Strategies To Prevent Medication Errors

    • Patients and their families should participate in their care.
    • Create a culture where safety is valued.
    • Execute standard operating procedures to ensure drug safety.
    • Participate in innovation and technology.
    • Give adequate financial and human resources.

    Ways To Reduce Medication Errors

    Healthcare providers, patients, and their families, and the general public also play an important role in reducing medication errors. Here are some of the drug safety tips

    Role Of Health Workers

    • Maintain your knowledge of safe medication practice.
    • Report drug safety issues and share lessons gained with your team and patients.
    • Engage patients in collaborative decision-making and implement actions related to know, check, ask.
    • Throughout the course of treatment, provide clear and complete medication-related information to all clinical team members.
    • Be aware of instances where medication poses a significant risk and ensure that safety precautions are taken.
    • Teach new team members about safe medication systems and practices.

    Role Of Patients And Their Families

    • Ensure to get the knowledge required to take medication as prescribed by the doctor.
    • Maintain an up-to-date list of all medications you take, including herbal remedies, and discuss it with your healthcare providers.
    • Be cautious of your medication's potential side effects.
    • Take your medications exactly as prescribed by your doctor.
    • Keep your drugs in their original containers and check the expiration date frequently.
    • Inform your healthcare provider if you have any concerns regarding your medicine.

    Myth And Fact

    • Myth: Patient harm is only a problem in developing countries.
    • Fact: Patient safety is a global concern, and patient harm occurs in all healthcare systems, regardless of income level.
    • Myth: Patient harm is inevitable.
    • Fact: Most patient harm is preventable.
    • Myth: Only healthcare providers can prevent patient harm.
    • Fact: Patients, families, and caregivers also have a role to play in preventing patient harm.

    Wrap Up 

    This world patient safety day 2023 raises public awareness regarding medication errors and how they can be avoided. Know, check, and ask your patient about the drug before providing it. Educate patients on medication safety and play an efficient role in preventing medication errors and hazards. Raise awareness about numerous strategic techniques for reducing medication errors, ensuring patient safety, and improving patients' quality of life. 

    Written by
    Aswini Priya Velmurugan Medical Content Writer
    AboutMasters in Biotechnology
    Tags :International Patient Safety DayMedication ErrorsPrevent Medication ErrorsWorld Patient Safety Day 2023