17 Oct 2023
7 min
World Trauma DayWORLD TRAUMA DAY - RAISING AWARENESS AND PROMOTING HEALING   World trauma day, observed on October 17th annually, is a crucial reminder of the pressing need to address trauma globally. Physical and psychological trauma affects millions worldwide, impacting their lives and communities. This day encourages a collective effort to raise awareness about trauma, its consequences, prevention, and treatment. It's a call to action to prioritize trauma-informed care and to foster a world where everyone can heal and thrive.   WHAT IS TRAUMA?   Trauma is an emotional or physical response to an event or a series of events that exceed an individual's ability to cope, disrupting their sense of safety and well-being. Trauma can result from many experiences, including accidents, natural disasters, violence, war, abuse, loss, or witnessing distressing incidents. Moreover, trauma can be acute or chronic, and its effects may manifest immediately or years later. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), trauma is a major global public health issue. In 2016, injuries accounted for approximately 9% of the world's deaths and were a leading cause of death in people aged 5-29. Physical trauma involves bodily injury, often requiring medical attention and rehabilitation. On the other hand, psychological trauma affects the mind and emotions, leading to conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder [https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/mental-wellness/ptsd-day-2023] (PTSD), anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges.  THE PURPOSE OF WORLD TRAUMA DAY   World trauma day aims to shed light on the impact of trauma and emphasizes the importance of timely and appropriate assistance for those affected. It promotes awareness about trauma prevention, early intervention, and access to quality healthcare services. By focusing on trauma-informed care, this day advocates for approaches that recognize and respond to the widespread effects of trauma in individuals and communities. It helps to know people's various coping steps for trauma [https://www.netmeds.com/health-library/post/world-trauma-day-2020-ways-to-cope-with-the-traumatic-experience-of-losing-a-loved-one-to-covid-19].   RAISING AWARENESS   One of the primary objectives of world trauma day is to raise awareness about trauma and its consequences. Through education and advocacy, individuals and communities can gain a deeper understanding of the far-reaching effects of trauma on a person's mental, emotional, and physical well-being. This awareness can help destigmatize trauma-related issues and encourage open dialogue about mental health and seeking help.   PROMOTING TRAUMA-INFORMED CARE   A crucial aspect of addressing trauma is promoting trauma-informed care [https://socialwork.buffalo.edu/social-research/institutes-centers/institute-on-trauma-and-trauma-informed-care/what-is-trauma-informed-care.html#:~:text=The%20Guiding%20Values%2FPrinciples%20of%20Trauma%2DInformed%20Care&text=The%20Five%20Guiding%20Principles%20are,to%20providing%20Trauma%2DInformed%20Care.] across various sectors, including healthcare, education, social services, and law enforcement. Trauma-informed care emphasizes understanding the impact of trauma on an individual and integrating this awareness into policies, practices, and treatments. This approach focuses on creating a safe and supportive environment for survivors, fostering resilience, and facilitating healing and recovery.   TRAUMA AND GLOBAL HEALTH   Trauma has significant implications for public health on a global scale. In many parts of the world, individuals and communities face various forms of trauma due to armed conflicts, natural disasters, poverty, displacement, and systemic violence. Moreover, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has added another layer of trauma, affecting millions physically, emotionally, and economically. Addressing trauma globally involves providing immediate medical and psychological support and addressing the underlying social, economic, and political factors contributing to trauma. A holistic approach that includes mental health support, access to healthcare, poverty reduction, education, and conflict resolution is essential to mitigate the pervasive impact of trauma.   TRAUMA AND VULNERABLE POPULATIONS   Vulnerable populations, such as refugees, survivors of domestic violence, children, and marginalized communities, are disproportionately affected by trauma. World trauma day draws attention to these populations' unique challenges and advocates for tailored approaches to meet their needs. Empowering these groups through trauma-informed programs and services can make a significant difference in their lives and pave the way for healing and recovery.   GLOBAL INITIATIVES FOR TRAUMA CARE   Numerous organizations and initiatives work tirelessly to address trauma and assist affected individuals and communities worldwide. Their efforts encompass medical care, mental health support, education, advocacy, and policy reform. Collaboration among governments, non-governmental organizations, healthcare professionals, educators, and communities is vital to building a network of support that ensures accessible and effective trauma care globally.   STEPS TOWARD HEALING   World trauma day serves as a reminder that trauma is a universal challenge that requires a collective effort to address effectively. By promoting awareness, advocating for trauma-informed care, and prioritizing healing, we can create a world where trauma survivors can rebuild their lives and communities. Let us stand united in recognizing the importance of addressing trauma and working towards a future where every individual has the opportunity to heal and thrive.
Dr Archana
World Mental Health Day
10 Oct 2023
11 mins
World Mental Health Day "Harness Depression, Ignite Transformation"   In recent years, there has been a growing focus on the topic of mental health, emphasizing its importance for individuals in today's rapidly evolving world. From fear, sadness, grief, distress, depression, and anxiety, various emotions are battled by people today. Some people are unaware of their mental health, while people with awareness don't know how to communicate.   Every year, the 10th of October marks world mental health day globally to raise awareness among people regarding mental health. This day was first announced by the world federation of mental health (WFMH) in 1992, and the theme for world mental health day 2023 is "mental health is a universal human right."   10 REASONS TO PRIORITIZE MENTAL WELL-BEING  The mental health is important [https://healthlibrary.telus.com/en/telus-health-care-centres/10-reasons-why-mental-health-is-important] for the following reasons   * Poor mental health also leads to bad physical health like heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. * Caring about our mental health can also help to prevent mental illness development. * Having good mental health gives a more positive vibe and helps us to enjoy our lives more. * Face difficult times in our lives will not be a challenge, if our mental health is good. * Creative thinking will be improved with good mental health. * Better relationships with people can be increased by good mental health. * Helps us to work more productively with full potential. * It allows us to provide meaningful contributions to our beloved family, community, and society. * It Improves our clarity of thought. * Self-esteem is also enhanced with good mental health.   TYPE OF MENTAL DISORDER   It is characterized by clinically significant trouble in a person's intelligence, emotional regulation, or behavior. In the year 2019 [https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/mental-disorders], approximately one out of every eight individuals, totaling 970 million people, experienced a mental health disorder. The pandemic in 2020, primarily fueled by the widespread impact of COVID-19, with noticeably exacerbated issues related to anxiety and depression among a significant portion of the population. Some of the types of mental disorder are given below   * Anxiety * Depression * Bipolar disorder * Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) * Schizophrenia * Eating disorders * Disruptive behavior and dissocial disorders * Neurodevelopmental disorders   CAUSES OF MENTAL DISORDER   Even though the mental disorder's root cause is unknown, it came to be concluded by research that many of these conditions are due to a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors.   Biological factors   * Genetic factor, mental illness can be passed through genetic factors (e.g., identical twins). * Infections, pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder (PANDAS) associated with the streptococcus bacteria. * Brain defects, injury in the brain leads to mental illness. * Prenatal damage of oxygen to the brain may lead to autism spectrum disorder.  Physical factors    * Childhood trauma like emotional, physical, or sexual abuse. * Early loss of beloved ones (parents). * Ignored.   Environmental factors   * Death or divorce. * An unstable family life. * Feelings lonely, low, anger or anxiety. * Changing jobs or schools. * Social or cultural expectations (eating disorder).   SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS   The mental illness can be determined by the symptoms [https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/warning-signs-of-mental-illness]which are given below   * Sleep or appetite changes: Sudden changes in sleeping and eating habits. * Mood changes: Rapid mood swings like feeling depressed or irritated. * Withdrawal: Sudden disconnection with people around you or not interested in doing the things you like to do. * Drop in performance: Sudden change in performance in school or workplace or feeling difficulty in performing the familiar task. * Thinking about problems: Always thinking about problems or emotions that cannot be explained. * Increased sensitivity: Sensitive to small things like sound, smell, or even touch. * Apathy (lack of interest): Not interested in participating in any activities. * Feeling disconnected: Always feeling disconnected from people around you. * Irrelevant thinking: Unusual or illogical thinking or magical thinking. * Nervousness: Always feeling nerves or fear. * Unusual behavior: Sudden changes in behavior that are very unusual. * Changes in school or work (worsening performance): Taking frequent leaves or difficulty maintaining relationships with coworkers or classmates.   TOP 9 TIPS TO TAKE CARE OF MENTAL HEALTH   * Recognize and watch out: There are good and bad days. But when something is disturbing and stressing you out constantly, it becomes important not to ignore it. Recognizing the signs of mental health [https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/mental-wellness/mental-stress-symptoms-effects] problems is important and seeking help before the condition worsens. * Communicate your feelings with the person you trust: Talking to your family, friends, or colleagues and sharing your feelings can help to calm your anxiety and relieve stress. * Get help from a professional: Talking to your near and dear ones is often difficult as you cannot figure out your emotions. In such conditions, seeking professional help (psychiatric, doctor) is important before your mental health is further worsened. * Take care of your physical health:  Both mental and physical health are connected, so it is important to take care of your physical health by doing regular exercising and eating a healthy diet to maintain good mental health. * Meditate: Medication or simple breathing exercises can help to relieve stress [https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/mental-wellness/relieve-mental-stress], improve concentration and mental health. * Get enough rest: Sleeping is important to maintain a better body functioning. Sleeping at least 7 to 8 hours per day is necessary, and changing your sleeping habits can affect your mental health, too. * Practice gratitude: Writing down things you are grateful for, in a diary or journal and talking about them is a positive thing. Despite tough times, gratitude will help you overcome it by positively seeing life and situations. * Practice self-care: Do things you love and enjoy, like painting, listening to music, playing games, or reading books. It will make you feel peaceful and happy, which will help you to achieve better mental health. * It's okay to take time off: Many times, workload, work pressure, family situations, financial stresses, etc., can make a huge dent in our mental health. In such times, taking a short break and recovering your mental health is okay.   SCIENCE IN MENTAL HEALTH   According to scientists, mental illnesses are connected with changes in neurochemicals because individuals who are depressed may have lesser levels of serotonin (neurotransmitter helps to regulate the mood). Special medications like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) help to relieve depression by increasing the amount of serotonin. Similarly, hormones such as dopamine (feel-good hormone), oxytocin (love hormone), and endorphin (relieving hormone) are released when you begin to take care of your mental health.   Your Mental Health Is Your Priority, Your Mental Health Matters   Life is not easy; every day is a new day with new challenges, and mental health often takes a back seat with increasing lifestyle changes. Looking after mental health is very important as it affects not only us and those around us. Some people might think that taking care of mental health is irresponsible or selfish.   However, taking time out for yourself is essential, as your mental health matters the most. Take care of yourself, and do the things that make you happy. Let's raise awareness about the importance of mental health in your surroundings and respect and value other people's mental health. To celebrate this mental health awareness day, do something to make someone happy and bring a smile to someone's face, as happiness is contagious.
Dr Archana Gupta
Migraine Awareness Week
24 Sep 2023
9 mins
Migraine Awareness WeekMigraine awareness week is a crucial annual event observed during the last week of September (24th Sunday to 30th Saturday), dedicated to raising awareness of migraine, a pervasive and often misunderstood neurological disorder. The purpose of this day is to reach out to millions of individuals across the globe who grapple with the challenges posed by migraine.    During migraine awareness week 2023, various organizations, advocacy groups, and healthcare professionals unite to educate the public about the diverse aspects of this condition. They provide valuable information about the different types of migraines, their symptoms, triggers, and their wide-ranging impact on individuals and their families. This special week aims to educate the public about migraine, its symptoms, impact, and treatment options.   HISTORY OF MIGRAINE AWARENESS WEEK   Migraine awareness week originated in 1989 when a group of advocates in the United States initiated a week-long awareness campaign for migraines. The inaugural event took place in March 1990 and has been an annual tradition.   The awareness initiative expanded its reach over the years. In 1993, it extended into Canada, and in 2012, it reached the United Kingdom. Today, migraine awareness week is a global event observed in over 100 countries, making it a worldwide effort to raise understanding and support for those affected by migraines.   WHAT IS MIGRAINE?   Migraine, a common neurological disorder, presents with various symptoms, notably a pulsating headache typically on one side of the head. Physical activity, light, sound, and odors can exacerbate the pain, which can persist for at least four hours or even days. However, it's essential to recognize that a migraine is more than just a severe headache.    This neurological condition can induce debilitating throbbing pain, often confining individuals to bed for days. Other associated symptoms may include fatigue, nausea, visual disturbances, numbness, irritability, difficulty speaking, and temporary loss of vision.   TYPES OF MIGRAINE   Migraines come in various types, often with multiple names for the same condition.   * Migraine With Aura (Complicated Migraine): Approximately 15% to 20% of migraine sufferers experience an aura before their headache.   * Migraine Without Aura (Common Migraine): This type strikes without the warning of an aura but has similar symptoms.   * Migraine Without Head Pain (Silent or Acephalgic Migraine): It includes the aura but lacks the typical headache.   * Hemiplegic Migraine: This migraine type involves temporary paralysis, neurological or sensory changes on one side of the body, and can include head pain or not.   * Retinal Migraine (Ocular Migraine): Characterized by temporary vision loss in one eye and dull eye pain that may spread to the head.   * Chronic Migraine: Occurs at least 15 days per month, with varying symptoms and pain severity. [https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/9638-chronic-migraine] Overuse of headache medications can lead to more frequent attacks.   * Migraine With Brainstem Aura: Features vertigo, slurred speech, double vision, or balance loss preceding the headache, which may affect the back of the head.   * Status Migrainosus: A rare and severe migraine lasting over 72 hours, often associated with intense headache, pain, and nausea, potentially triggered by medications or medication withdrawal.   Symptoms Of Migraine   The primary symptom of migraine is a severe headache, often described as throbbing and affecting one or both sides of the head, sometimes to the extent of hindering daily activities. Additional common migraine symptoms encompass    * Nausea and vomiting * Sensitivity to light and sound * Blurred vision * Dizziness * Fatigue * Mood swings * Neck stiffness * Nasal congestion   Some individuals with migraines experience an "aura" before the headache begins. Aura, lasting from minutes to an hour, varies among individuals and may involve   * Visual disturbances (e.g., flashing lights or zigzag lines) * Sensory changes (e.g., tingling or numbness in the face, hands, or feet) * Difficulty in speech * Weakness on one side of the body   WHAT IS AURA?    An aura comprises sensory, motor, and speech symptoms that typically act as warning signals signaling the onset of a migraine headache. Frequently mistaken for seizures or strokes, auras usually precede the headache but can also occur during or after it. They tend to last 10 to 60 minutes, and approximately 25% of migraine sufferers experience auras. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK554611/] Aura symptoms are reversible, meaning they can be alleviated.    * Seeing bright flashing dots, sparkles, or lights. * Blind spots in the vision. * Numb or tingling skin. * Speech alterations. * Ringing in the ears (tinnitus). * Temporary vision loss. * Visual disturbances like wavy or jagged lines. * Changes in smell or taste. * A peculiar sensation.   Causes Of Migraine    Various factors can trigger migraines.   * Emotional Stress: Stress is a common migraine trigger, as it releases certain brain chemicals and increases muscle tension and blood vessel dilation.   * Skipping Meals: Delaying meals can trigger migraines.   * Food Sensitivities: Specific foods and additives like aged cheese, alcohol-containing beverages, chocolate, and nitrates in processed meats can trigger up to 30% of migraines.   * Caffeine: Excessive caffeine intake or withdrawal can lead to headaches, although it's sometimes used to treat acute migraine attacks sparingly.   * Overusing Pain Medications: Frequent use of headache relief medications can result in rebound headaches.   * Hormonal Changes (Women): Migraines are more common around menstrual periods, during pregnancy, or due to birth control pills and hormone therapy. They are generally worse between puberty and menopause.   * Light: Various types of light, including flashing lights, fluorescent lights, screens (TV or computer), and sunlight, can trigger migraines.   TREATMENT FOR MIGRAINE    Migraine treatment focuses on managing and alleviating symptoms. There are two main approaches.   Abortive Treatment: These medications are taken at the onset of a migraine attack to stop or reduce its severity. They include pain relievers like ibuprofen or aspirin, triptans that constrict blood vessels and block pain pathways and anti-nausea drugs.   Preventive Treatment: These medications are taken regularly to reduce the frequency and severity of migraine attacks, especially for those with chronic or severe migraines. They include beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, antidepressants, and anti-seizure drugs.   Lifestyle changes can also help manage migraines, such as identifying and avoiding triggers, managing stress, regular sleep patterns, and staying hydrated. Consulting a healthcare provider is crucial to determine the most suitable treatment plan.   Wrap Up   Migraine awareness week sheds light on the world of migraines. They're more than just headaches, with various types, stages, and triggers. Also, a migraine episode can occur in four stages [https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/mental-wellness/migraine-attack-symptoms-stages], and each stage has a set of distinct symptoms. Understanding is key, and there are medications and lifestyle changes to manage them. Let's support those affected and raise migraine awareness for a migraine-aware world! #MigraineAwareness
Aswini Priya Velmurugan
National Schizophrenia Awareness Day
31 Jul 2023
9 mins
National Schizophrenia Awareness Day"Mental illness is not a choice,  but recovery is."   National schizophrenia awareness day is observed on July 25th every year. Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder that affects the perception of reality in a person. It is a psychiatric disorder where a person’s way of acting, thinking, expressing emotions, speaking, and behavior gets affected. It might also cause hallucinations and delusions in the patient. Around the world, approximately 24 million people, [https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/schizophrenia] or about 1 in 300 individuals (0.32%), are impacted by schizophrenia.   GOALS OF NATIONAL SCHIZOPHRENIA AWARENESS DAY   * National schizophrenia awareness day aims to raise awareness about the challenges faced by people living with schizophrenia. * The event seeks to highlight and break down the stigma and discrimination surrounding schizophrenia. * By promoting understanding and empathy, the day strives to improve the lives of those affected by the condition. * Participating in activities such as retweeting stories, sharing facts on social media, and joining online platforms can support the cause.   SYMPTOMS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA   There are various schizophrenia symptoms. These symptoms vary depending upon the type and severity of the condition. Like any other illness, the severity, frequency, and duration of symptoms for schizophrenia also differ from one person to another. The symptoms of schizophrenia are   EARLY SYMPTOMS    Early symptoms often begin in the teenage years and early 20s. The period of early symptoms is called the prodromal period, and its symptoms are   * Sleep disturbances * Irritation * Anxiety * Social disconnection * Change in focus * Problem concentrating * Mood swings   The symptoms of schizophrenia are classified as positive and negative symptoms.   POSITIVE SYMPTOMS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA    In the case of schizophrenia, positive doesn’t signify good. It means added thoughts or actions in the patient that they show noticeable changes in their behavior with the following symptoms.   * Delusions: These beliefs are false and not based on reality. The patient often refuses to let go of the false beliefs after being presented with facts. For example, a person experiencing delusion with thoughts that they are extraordinary and have special powers or that someone is trying to kill or harm them. * Hallucinations: These are experiences like hearing or seeing things that are not real. People with schizophrenia often experience hallucinations. Auditory hallucinations (hearing voices) are extremely common symptoms of schizophrenia. * Disorganized thinking and speech: People with schizophrenia might experience a tough time organizing their thoughts. They might find it difficult to comprehend what’s being told to them, and it might look like they are zoning out or are not focused. Sometimes, when they talk, it would not make sense, or they might use mixed words that might be made up or out of context and make no sense. * Abnormal or disorganized motor behavior: These movements may vary from childish behavior to unpredictable agitation. The patient with schizophrenia might start moving around too much for no reason or become passive suddenly and stay still for hours (catatonic).   NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA    Negative symptoms are the decreased or lack of ability of the patient to function normally, which include   * Limited lack of emotions * Low energy * Loss of interest in day-to-day activities * Social isolation * Feeling demotivated * Poor hygiene * Less talking and reduced interactions with people * Facing difficulty in coping with scheduled plans and in following daily tasks   CAUSES OF SCHIZOPHRENIA   The exact causes of schizophrenia are not known. However, researchers believe that various risk factors are associated with the development of schizophrenia. They are   * Heredity factor: A family history of schizophrenia is a potential risk factor. * Chemical imbalance in the brain: People with imbalances of certain chemicals called neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin) are at risk of developing schizophrenia. * Environmental factors: Excessive stress, birth complications (malnutrition) or issues during pregnancy, exposure to toxins, exposure to viruses, and autoimmune disorders are some environmental factors that pose a potential risk factor for developing schizophrenia. * Using certain drugs or medications: Using mind-altering drugs during adolescence and young adulthood can increase the risk of developing schizophrenia.  TREATMENT OPTIONS FOR SCHIZOPHRENIA   There is no way to cure schizophrenia. The goal of schizophrenia treatment is to manage the symptoms, reduce their severity, prevent their relapse and avoid hospitalization. Certain potential treatment options include   * Antipsychotic medications: These medications help ease the symptoms of schizophrenia-like delusions, hallucinations, and thinking issues. * Psychosocial therapy: Apart from medications that relieve the symptoms, psychosocial treatments can help deal with behavioral, social, and psychological issues. Different psychosocial therapies include individual therapy, rehabilitation, family therapy, cognitive therapy [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3181651/]and enhancement, and social recovery therapy. * Hospitalization: In certain instances where the symptoms are too severe, or the patient cannot look after themselves properly, or in case of self-harm, hospitalization is required. * Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT): This treatment is seldom used. It is used only when medications work no longer or if catatonia or chronic depression poses difficulty in treatment.   SCHIZOPHRENIA IS NOT THE END!   People with schizophrenia are often subjected to a lot of discrimination. But it is time to create awareness about this condition and break its stigma. Mental illness is a serious topic and needs to be spoken about more. There are few healthy ways to relieve mental stress [https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/mental-wellness/relieve-mental-stress]. When this condition is left untreated, it can give rise to severe complications. These complications can have a massive impact on the day-to-day life of the person. Certain complications include severe depression and aggressive behavior, which may result in self-harm, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts.   On national schizophrenia awareness day 2023, let us come together to break the stigma surrounding schizophrenia and raise awareness about the challenges faced by individuals living with this condition. By spreading the word on social media, sharing our stories, and engaging in open communication, we can create a more supportive and understanding society. Remember, every little step matters, and together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of those affected by schizophrenia. Let's stand united in advocating for mental health and working towards a world where everyone receives the care, compassion, and respect they deserve.
Aswini Priya Velmurugan
27 Jun 2023
8 mins
PTSD DayNATIONAL PTSD AWARENESS DAY: ILLUMINATING THE UNSEEN BATTLE WITHIN   In the shadows of our society, countless individuals carry the invisible burden of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). National PTSD Awareness Day, observed every 27th June, aims to shed light on this often-overlooked mental health condition, fostering understanding, support, and healing for those affected. This day is crucial in raising awareness, reducing stigma, and providing resources for individuals struggling with PTSD. In this blog post, we will delve into the significance of PTSD day 2023, explore the impact of PTSD on individuals and communities, and discuss ways to support those who have endured traumatic experiences collectively.   UNDERSTANDING PTSD   Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental health condition that may develop after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. This can include natural disasters, combat, physical or sexual assault, accidents, or the sudden loss of a loved one. Post-traumatic stress disorder [https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/mental-wellness/ptsd-causes-symptoms-treatment] can manifest in various ways, including intrusive memories, flashbacks, nightmares, hypervigilance, avoidance of triggers, and emotional numbness. These symptoms can significantly impair an individual's daily functioning, relationships, and well-being. THE IMPORTANCE OF PTSD DAY   This day is vital in addressing this often misunderstood and underdiagnosed condition. By promoting education and understanding, this campaign helps break the silence surrounding PTSD and encourages individuals to seek support and treatment. Moreover, the month provides an opportunity to express gratitude to the brave men and women who have served in the armed forces, as PTSD affects many veterans. Through this day, we collectively acknowledge their sacrifices and work towards creating a supportive environment for all those affected by PTSD.   RAISING AWARENESS AND REDUCING STIGMA    One of the primary objectives is to reduce the stigma associated with PTSD [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23750758/]. The stigma surrounding mental health conditions can be a significant barrier to seeking help, leading to isolation and prolonged suffering. By promoting open conversations and dispelling misconceptions, we can create an atmosphere of empathy and understanding. Educating the public about the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for PTSD empowers individuals to recognize the signs, support their loved ones, and seek professional assistance. WAYS OF CONTRIBUTING TO PTSD DAY   As National PTSD Day approaches, it is crucial to remember that raising awareness and supporting individuals with PTSD is not limited to a month. It is an ongoing commitment that requires continuous effort and understanding. Here are a few ways we can contribute to this cause throughout the year:   * Educate Yourself: Take the time to educate yourself about PTSD, its symptoms, and its impact on individuals and communities. Read books, watch documentaries, and explore reputable online resources. By increasing your knowledge, you can dispel myths, challenge stereotypes, and be a source of accurate information. * Be a Compassionate Listener: If someone opens up to you about their experiences with trauma or PTSD, lend a compassionate ear. Create a safe and non-judgmental space for them to share their feelings and thoughts. Sometimes, the simple act of listening can provide immense comfort and support. * Offer Support: Reach out to individuals with PTSD and let them know you are there for them. Offer your support and be patient with their journey. Understand that healing takes time and may involve setbacks. Small gestures of kindness and understanding can go a long way in showing someone they are not alone. * Advocate for Change: Get involved in local and national advocacy efforts to improve mental health support and resources. Write to your elected representatives, participate in public forums, and support organizations working towards policy changes and increased funding for mental health services. * Practice Self-Care: Supporting your mental health is essential when supporting others. Engage in activities that promote self-care, such as exercise, meditation, hobbies, or spending time with loved ones. By prioritizing your well-being, you can ensure you have the energy and empathy to support others effectively. * Be Mindful of Triggers: If you have a loved one with PTSD, be mindful of their triggers and avoid potential triggers whenever possible. This could include certain sounds, smells, or situations that remind them of their traumatic experience. Sensitivity and understanding can help create a safe and supportive environment for their recovery. * Promote Accessibility: Advocate for improved access to mental health services. Many individuals with PTSD may face financial, geographical, or cultural barriers to accessing the needed help. By promoting affordable and accessible mental health services [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK222783/], we can ensure that everyone has the opportunity to seek support.   SUPPORTING INDIVIDUALS WITH PTSD    During National PTSD Awareness Month 2023, it is essential to provide resources and support to individuals with PTSD. Communities can organise events, workshops, and educational programs focusing on mental health awareness, self-care practices, and coping mechanisms [https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319824]. Encouraging individuals to share their stories and providing safe spaces for open dialogue can foster a sense of belonging and validation. Additionally, ensuring access to mental health services, such as therapy and counseling, is crucial in promoting healing and recovery for those struggling with PTSD.   ADVOCACY AND POLICY CHANGES   National PTSD Awareness Month also catalyzes advocacy and policy changes. By advocating for increased funding and improved mental health services, we can ensure that individuals with PTSD receive the support they deserve. This includes promoting research to develop more effective treatment options, creating workplace accommodations, and implementing preventive measures to reduce the occurrence of traumatic events. By lobbying for policy changes, we can shape a society that values mental health and prioritizes the well-being of all its members.   LET US STAND TOGETHER, RAISING AWARENESS AND EXTENDING SUPPORT.   National PTSD Awareness Day is a powerful reminder of the challenges faced by individuals with PTSD and our collective responsibility to support their healing journey. We can create a more compassionate and inclusive society by spreading awareness, reducing stigma, and providing resources. Let us stand together this June and beyond, raising our voices and extending our hands to those who have suffered the wounds of trauma. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by PTSD.
Dr. Archana
International Yoga Day
21 Jun 2023
9 mins
International Yoga Day Develop a balance among your body, mind, and soul!   International yoga day is celebrated on June 21 to promote the benefits of yoga to improve the global health quotient. During the 69th session of the UN General Assembly in 2014, the Prime Minister of India proposed the concept of a dedicated yoga day. Subsequently, on December 11, 2014, all 193 UN member states agreed without opposition to commemorating the International Day of Yoga annually on June 21. The first celebration of this day was launched on June 21, 2015, by the United Nations [https://www.un.org/en/observances/yoga-day]after recognizing its surprising health merits.    The theme selected for the international yoga day 2023 is "Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam," emphasizing the shared vision of "One Earth, One Family, One Future." This theme reflects the global aspiration for unity and interconnectedness among all individuals and highlights the transformative power of yoga in fostering harmony and well-being on a global scale.     WHAT IS VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKAM?    Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is a sanskrit phrase found in ancient Indian scriptures, which means "the world is one family." This conveys the idea of universal brotherhood and the interconnectedness of all beings. It represents India's cultural and spiritual heritage, promoting compassion, respect for diversity, and peace. Embraced by individuals and organizations worldwide, Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam inspires efforts toward a more harmonious and inclusive global community. Its timeless message remains relevant in fostering a better world for all.   DEEP ROOTS OF YOGA   "Yoga is a mirror to look at ourselves from within." The term yoga is stemmed from the Sanskrit language that denotes the amalgamation of our body and mind to boost self-consciousness. It is an ancient practice that has its ground in India. Yoga involves different body postures and breathing exercises to improve flexibility, strength, and balance.    7 MAJOR STYLES OF YOGA   * Hatha Yoga * Iyengar Yoga * Undali Yoga * Aerial Yoga * Restorative Yoga * Sivananda Yoga * Bikram Yoga * Power Yoga * Ashtanga Yoga   REASONS TO CELEBRATE YOGA   "Yoga Is Beyond Physical Activity"   Practicing yoga postures regularly can reap many health benefits, and it is signified as a journey that invokes our inner self that improves self-realization.  THE YOGA AND HEART HEALTH   * Since high BMI and greater waist circumference are the key factors for heart diseases, practicing yoga can help you shed those extras. Research reports have demonstrated that heart failure patients [https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/heart-care/how-to-keep-heart-healthy] who attended an eight-week yoga program expressed improvement in their overall heart health and thereby improved their quality of life. * Practicing yoga slowly for two weeks has shown benefits in correcting abnormal heart rhythm in patients with arrhythmia. * Patients with high blood pressure (hypertension) and elevated cholesterol levels can find significant differences in their parameters when practicing yoga for about three months. * The theory behind this is that doing yoga shall stimulate the functions of our body enzymes and correct our hormonal balance. Besides this, yoga shall directly influence inflammation and reduce the inflammatory markers responsible for causing blockage of blood vessels supplying major body organs.   Yoga has potential health benefits, including lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, [https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/the-yoga-heart-connection#:~:text=One%20of%20yoga's%20clearest%20benefits,arteries%20and%20increase%20blood%20pressure.] and blood glucose levels. It can also improve heart rate and markers of heart disease, such as the frequency of atrial fibrillation episodes. Additionally, yoga has positively affected exercise capacity, quality of life, and inflammation markers in individuals with heart failure. The five best yoga for heart health are:    * Utthita Trikonasana or extended triangle pose * Paschimottanasana, or seated forward bend pose * Ardha matsyendrasana, or half spinal twist pose * Gomukhasana or cow face pose * Setu Bandhasana or bridge pose  YOGA BOOSTS IMMUNITY  " Everyday is a great day for yoga!"   Performing yoga asanas involve contracting and stretching muscles along with the movement of organs. Doing these yoga postures can increase the lymph flow in the entire body. As lymph is a fluid rich in immune cells, the high flow rate shall increase cellular functioning in fighting infection and cancerous cells. Six yoga asanas that can boost immunity and improve your breathing. They are,    * Balasana or child's pose * Dhanurasana or bow pose * Bhujangasana or cobra pose * Paschimottanasana or seated forward bend * Savasana or corpse pose * Virabhadrasana 2 or warrior 2   DIABETIC-FRIENDLY ASANAS    A sedentary lifestyle is one of the triggering factors for developing diabetes. Yoga shall benefit diabetic patients by bringing down their blood glucose levels by improving insulin sensitivity. Five asanas to manage the conditions are,    * Marjariasana * Paschimottanasana * Adomukhi Svanasana * Balasana * Manduka Asana  YOGA, THE STRESS BUSTER   As yoga involves a series of stretching, breathing, and relaxation, it positively impacts cortisol levels, the hormone responsible for increased stress and anxiety. This cortisol also plays a major role in producing the adrenaline rush; thereby, the build of stress can spike the levels of these hormones, eventually narrowing blood vessels and cutting off the oxygen supply. But for those prone to stressful conditions, yoga helps them offload the stress by enhancing the tranquilizing hormones and relaxing the nerve endings.  Four asanas to manage these conditions are,   * Marjaryasana to Bitilasana (Cat-cow pose) * Balasana (Child’s pose) * Viparita Karani (Legs up the wall pose) * Savasana (Corpse pose)   YOGA FOR DEADDICTION   Suppose you are suffering from smoking tobacco or chronic alcoholism. In that case, it is advised to practice yoga regularly since it can help you to become more determined to quit the intoxicating substances that are harmful to the entire body. Four asanas to manage the deaddiction conditions are,   * Vajrasana (Sitting Mountain) * Balasana (Child's Pose) * Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend) * Baddha Konasana   BONE HEALTH   Doing yoga is equal to weight-bearing exercises. Since yoga poses involve lifting your body weight independently, it helps strengthen bones and retain bone density. This function can help ward off certain bone diseases like osteoporosis. [https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/osteoporosis/five-yoga-poses-for-better-bone-health] Five asanas to improve bone conditions are,   * Virabhadrasana 2 or warrior 2 * Vrksasana or tree Pose * Bridge Pose or setu bandha sarvangasana * Corpse Pose or savasana * Phalakasana or plank pose   YOGA FOR WHOLESOME LIVING   International Yoga Day is a global celebration highlighting yoga's profound impact on physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. On this International Yoga Day 2023, make the core of your healthy living with yoga and commence your soulful self-discovery journey. To enrich and prosper our lives, we need to embrace the teachings of yoga. Practicing yoga in the early morning on an empty stomach is encouraged. People of all ages and genders can practice yoga because it is instrumental in integrating our lives and aids in leading a disease-free life.   It serves as a reminder of our interconnectedness and shared humanity. Through yoga, we can cultivate inner peace, mindfulness, and harmony within ourselves and extend that positive energy to the world. Let us embrace the teachings of yoga, promote unity and well-being, and work towards creating a more balanced and harmonious world for all.   "The yoga poses you avoid the most; you need the most."
Aswini Priya Velmurugan