Anxiety Awareness Day

Anxiety Awareness Day
10 Jun 2023
8 mins
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Anxiety Awareness Day

    "Anxiety may knock at your door, 

    but that doesn't mean 

    you have to let it in.” 


    Welcome to today's MrMed blog about Anxiety Awareness Day! This special day is observed on June 10th each year. It serves as a platform to increase awareness and understanding of anxiety disorders, their prevalence, and their impact on people's lives. Let's start a journey to shed light on anxiety, a genuine mental health condition that impacts millions worldwide, regardless of age, gender, or background. Anxiety often remains hidden due to stigma and misunderstandings, preventing individuals from seeking help and finding comfort.  


    Anxiety affects approximately 6.8 million adults, or 3.1% of the U.S. population, and remains undertreated, where only 43.2% of individuals receive proper care. Let's take this chance to educate ourselves, raise awareness, and lend a helping hand. 

    What Is Anxiety And Its Types? 


    Anxiety disorders are a classification of mental health disorders that are clinically diagnosed and significantly impact daily life. Anxiety disorders involve excessive fear or anxiety that goes beyond normal feelings of nervousness. They are the most common mental disorders, affecting nearly 30% of adults. However, anxiety disorders are treatable with various effective treatments available. It often requires treatment, which may involve psychotherapy and, in some cases, medication. There are numerous types of anxiety disorders, including:


    • Generalized anxiety disorder
    • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
    • Social anxiety
    • Specific phobias
    • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
    • Panic disorder


    Exercise: The 54321 Method


    Choose courage over fear!


    Before beginning the 54321 methods, practice deep breathing to calm your racing heart rate. This exercise helps you become grounded and reduces anxiety. Take your time and engage each sense, observing a specific number of things using that sense. Proceed at a comfortable pace and allow yourself enough time for this exercise.


    • Focus On 5 Things You Can See: Engage your focus on five visible objects around you. Please pay attention to their size, shape, color, and how they relate to the environment.
    • Focus On 4 Things You Can Touch: Direct your attention to comforting tactile sensations. Notice the texture, softness, roughness, flexibility, or weight of four objects you can touch.
    • Focus On 3 Things You Can Hear: Listen mindfully to three auditory stimuli, including loud and subtle sounds. Identify sounds that bring comfort and calmness, and consider adjusting or minimizing any overly stimulating noises.
    • Focus On 2 Things You Can Smell: Engage your sense of smell by noticing two scents around you. Use perfumes, lotions, or other pleasant aromas, and observe other smells in your environment.
    • Focus On 1 Thing You Can Taste: Explore your sense of taste by experiencing one taste sensation. Use gum, mints, or a sip of a beverage, or pay attention to the natural taste inside your mouth.


    Long-Term Strategies For Coping With Anxiety

    • Identify and manage triggers: Recognize the factors contributing to your anxiety and develop strategies to address them effectively.
    • Seek therapy: Engage in psychotherapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), to better understand your anxiety and learn coping skills.
    • Consider medication: Consult a healthcare professional to explore using medication to alleviate severe anxiety symptoms.
    • Practice daily meditation: Cultivate a regular meditation practice to train your mind to manage anxious thoughts and promote relaxation.
    • Keep a journal: Write your thoughts and emotions regularly to gain insight and reduce anxiety and distress.
    • Socialize: Spend time with loved ones and engage in social activities to reduce stress, foster connection, and combat loneliness.
    • Stay physically active: Regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and maintaining social connections contribute to overall well-being and can help manage anxiety.
    • Adopt a healthy diet and consider supplements: Incorporate foods and supplements known to positively impact anxiety, such as lemon balm, omega-3 fatty acids, ashwagandha, green tea, valerian root, and kava kava.


    How To Show The Support? 


    • Participate in anxiety awareness day 2023 by signing it.
    • Display the printable anxiety awareness day poster at your school or workplace.
    • Share your personal anxiety story and offer support to others. Visit our platform for an easy way to share.
    • Show your support on social media using hashtags like #ActionAnxietyDay, #ACTonAnxiety, and #ACTdontAvoid.
    • Wear blue and orange on Action Anxiety Day and post a selfie.


    Myth And Facts


    Myth: Anxiety is just normal stress.

    Fact: Anxiety is a specific mental health condition beyond regular stress.


    Myth: Anxiety is a sign of weakness.

    Fact: Anxiety is not a sign of weakness; various factors influence it and can affect anyone.


    Myth: Positive thinking alone can overcome anxiety.

    Fact: Managing anxiety requires a comprehensive approach, including therapy, self-care, and positive thinking.


    Myth: Medication is the only effective treatment for anxiety.

    Fact: Therapy and lifestyle changes are also effective in managing anxiety, in addition to medication.

    Myth: Anxiety is not a serious condition.

    Fact: Anxiety disorders are real and can significantly impact a person's life and well-being.


    Myth: Anxiety will go away on its own.

    Fact: Without treatment, anxiety symptoms often persist or worsen over time.

    Calm Your Spirit 


    By wearing the symbolic ribbon color, typically blue and orange, we show solidarity with individuals affected by anxiety and contribute to raising awareness about this important mental health issue. Together, we can break the silence and build a world where individuals with anxiety disorders can flourish and find support.


    "You don't have to be in control of everything. Relax, breathe, let go, and live in the moment."

    Written by
    Aswini Priya Velmurugan Medical content writer
    AboutMasters in Biotechnology
    Tags :Anxiety Awareness Day Anxiety Day Anxiety exerciseAnxiety Awareness Anxiety free