Deep Breathing Exercises To Get Relief From COPD

Deep Breathing Exercises To Get Relief From COPD
29 Nov 2022
5 mins
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Deep Breathing Exercises To Get Relief From COPD

    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, is a more prevalent chronic inflammatory lung condition that obstructs airflow from the lungs. The two primary forms of COPD are emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Both of these conditions typically coexist with COPD, and their severity may vary. Chronic bronchitis is characterized by a long-term cough with mucus, whereas emphysema is characterized by progressive lung damage.

    Causes Of COPD


    The major cause of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is smoking. Long-term cigarette smoke and tobacco use lead to COPD because smoke irritates the airways, triggering inflammation (irritation and swelling) that narrows the airways. Smoke also damages cilia, so it cannot remove mucus and trapped particles from the airways.


    Breathing Exercises For COPD Patients


    Breathing exercises and techniques are crucial for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to maintain their quality of life, increase their exercise capacity, and stay calm during an acute exacerbation.


    Please keep reading to learn about various breathing exercises for COPD patients.

    Pursed-Lips Breathing might help you breathe more slowly and release trapped air in your lungs. It is effective for COPD because it helps you evacuate extra air from your lungs and stops the small airways in your lungs from collapsing too soon. It must be used both during and after physical exercise.


    Steps To Do Pursed-Lips Breathing


    • For one to two seconds, inhale through your nose.
    • Pucker your lips as if you're trying to whistle.
    • Exhale gently and deliberately for 5-7 seconds.
    • Repeat this process until breathing seems normal.


    Diaphragmatic Breathing is otherwise known as abdominal breathing or "belly" breathing. It optimizes the proper usage of your respiratory system for breathing. Your body begins to use respiratory muscles in your back, shoulders, and chest when you experience shortness of breath. It reduces the effectiveness of breathing, eventually worsening your shortness of breath.


    Steps To Do Diaphragmatic Breathing


    • Place your hand on your upper stomach.
    • Inhale properly through your nose.
    • Check to see if your stomach moves outwards with each breath.
    • Try to keep your chest and shoulders as neutral as you can (not moving up or down)
    • Exhale through pursed lips.
    • Make sure your stomach moves inward during exhalation.


    Coordinated Breathing is a great way to breathe when exercising or doing a difficult activity. The primary concept is to coordinate your breathing with periods of tension and relaxation while exercising. 


    Steps To Do Coordinated Breathing


    • Exhale completely via pursed lips when performing the active part of the exercise, such as raising a dumbbell or standing up from a squat.
    • Inhale deeply via the nose when you are in the relaxation part of the exercise, such as lower the dumbbell or yourself during a squat.


    Short Breath-Hold Breathing is the same as pursed-lip breathing, except that you hold your breath for around 5 seconds between each inhalation and exhalation. Holding your breath has various advantages, including improved resilience, mental clarity, calmness, and stress management. 


    Steps To Do Breath-Hold Breathing


    • Inhale for one to two seconds via your nose.
    • Hold your breath for 1–5 seconds after fully inhaling, then pucker your lips as if you were trying to whistle.
    • Exhale slowly and steadily for 5-7 seconds.
    • Repeat until your breathing feels normal again.


    Huff Cough is a technique for removing extra mucus from your lungs during a COPD exacerbation. It is a great strategy to get enough air behind the mucus in your lungs so that there is enough force to bring it up.


    Stop, Reset And Continue


    COPD can have several adverse effects and harm. There are some breathing exercises and techniques for COPD that may be able to reduce the signs and symptoms of the disease. Remember the advice "Stop, Reset, and Continue" when you experience breathlessness during regular activities and exercise. Stop your activity and reset by sitting down until you can regain your breath, then continue your activity. Oxygen therapy in COPD patients gives you extra oxygen so that breathing is easier and you stay more active. These breathing techniques and a healthy diet can help prevent respiratory problems.


    Written by
    Hemamalini. RContent Writer
    Tags :COPDCauses of COPDBreathing exercises for COPDCOPD breathing techniquesCOPD medications