Psoriasis Awareness Month 2023

Psoriasis Awareness Month
8 Aug 2023
8 mins
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Psoriasis Awareness Month 2023

    Spread the awareness. It's time to love the skin you're in.


    Welcome to our blog. In today’s blog, we will explore the mysterious world of psoriasis. Millions of people worldwide are afflicted by this chronic skin illness, which impacts both the skin and the lives of those it touches. Psoriasis awareness month is celebrated every year in August. The occasion was originally recognized in October 1997 by the National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF). Celebrating this month aims to create awareness and educate people about psoriasis, its causes, triggers, symptoms, and available treatment options. This national awareness campaign spreads useful knowledge about psoriasis via radio, television, and newspapers. 

    Theme Of Psoriasis Awareness Month


    It is declared globally to raise awareness about psoriasis awareness month 2023 with the theme, "access for all." The primary objective of this subject is to ensure that those who suffer from psoriatic disease have affordable access to the right treatment at the right moment in time. Psoriasis is a common chronic inflammatory disease that affects 125 million people globally, with prevalence rates varying from 0.3% to 0.6% in different ethnic groups.

    What Is Psoriasis? 


    Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune skin condition that occurs due to the rapid multiplication of the skin cells, causing it to build up in the form of thick red patches covered with whitish scales. It is a condition that has no cure. Psoriasis can affect any part of the body. However, it is commonly seen on the elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back. 


    It usually begins in early adulthood, but it can also happen later in life. People of all ages, gender, or races might develop psoriasis. This condition can become painful and might affect the sleeping and concentration aspects of a person. 

    Causes Of Psoriasis


    Researchers claim genetics and the immune system are important factors in psoriasis, even though the specific etiology is unknown.


    1. Immune system: Psoriasis is said to be an autoimmune condition. The immune system mistakenly attacks the skin cells, resulting in their overproduction. Due to this excessive speed of cell production, the skin cells start piling up. 

    2. Genetics: Certain people inherit genes that might make them prone to psoriasis. 


    Psoriasis Triggers


    The outbreak of psoriasis differs from one person to another. However, some external triggers are


    1. Stress: Increased levels of stress might trigger a flare-up, as, according to researchers, the immune system is likely to respond to stress in the same way as it does to infections and injuries. Reducing stress might help in preventing psoriasis from being triggered. 

    2. Injury: Injuries to the skin, like cuts, scrapes, accidents, sunburns, injections, or vaccines, might also trigger psoriasis.

    3. Infection: Strep throat infections might cause psoriasis to flare up.

    4. Smoking: Smoking and secondhand smoke exposure can trigger psoriasis.


    5. Alcohol: Excessive alcohol consumption might cause psoriasis flare-ups. The flare-ups might also become frequent with continuous alcohol consumption.

    6. Medications: Certain medications, such as lithium, high blood pressure medicines, and antimalarial medicines, have been known to trigger psoriasis or worsen its symptoms.

    7. Weather: Cold, dry weather with less sunlight and humidity can trigger psoriasis.

    Symptoms Of Psoriasis 


    The various symptoms of psoriasis include


    • Patches on the skin that cause inflammation appear red on light-toned people and brown or purple on darker skin tones.
    • Plaques that are whitish on the red patches, scales that are gray on the purple and brown patches.
    • Dry, cracked skin with or without bleeding
    • Sore patches
    • Itching
    • Scaly scalp
    • Thick, pitted, cracked nails
    • Pain and swelling in the joints

    Treatment For Psoriasis


    There is no cure for psoriasis. However, treatment can help relieve the condition and improve the symptoms. The treatment usually depends upon the severity of the rash, location, age, and overall patient health. 


    • Topical treatment: Topical treatments include using salicylic acid, retinoids, corticosteroids, anthralin, vitamin D analogs, and moisturizer.
    • Systemic medications: Injected or oral medications like methotrexate, oral retinoids, cyclosporine, and immunotherapy medications.
    • Light therapy: Using UV light or natural light for psoriasis treatment can help destroy the hyperactive white blood cells attacking the healthy cells.
    • PUVA: It involves a combination of psoralen and UV light. In this method, Psoralen medication is given to the patient 45-60 minutes before starting UV treatment. Psoralens get energized and interact with the DNA, thereby leading to inhibition of cell multiplication. This method of treatment is usually used in patients with severe psoriasis who are not responding well to other treatments.


    Prevention Of Flare-Ups And Self-Care


    Psoriasis cannot be cured. However, adopting some simple precautions can prevent psoriasis flare-ups. Using moisturizing lotions and creams as a humidifier, taking utmost care of the skin, scalp, and nails, and avoiding excessive cold and dry weather can prevent the condition. Avoiding any cuts, scrapes, and infections, limiting the usage of medicines that can cause flare-ups, reducing and managing stress, eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, being physically active, limiting alcohol intake, and quitting smoke are some other preventive tips that can help in reducing flare-ups.

    Five Facts About Psoriasis


    1. Plaque psoriasis is the most typical kind of psoriasis, appearing as raised, red patches surrounded by a white cell buildup.


    2. Children and young people are more likely to develop guttate psoriasis, which typically manifests as lesions.


    3. Red lesions in skin folds, such as those found behind the knees, in the breast folds, under the arms, and in the groin, are the typical symptoms of inverse psoriasis.


    4. Pustular psoriasis frequently affects the hands and feet, resulting in white skin eruptions.


    5. Large portions of the skin become painfully and itchy red due to Erythrodermic psoriasis. 


    6. Psoriatic arthritis is thought to occur in 30% of patients with psoriasis




    This psoriasis awareness month 2023 is to create awareness among your kith and kin about the various triggers and symptoms of psoriasis. Educate people about the complications, preventive measures, and treatment options for psoriasis.

    Written by
    Aswini Priya VelmuruganMedical Content Writer
    AboutMasters in Biotechnology
    Tags :Psoriasis Awareness MonthPsoriasisPsoriasis TriggersPsoriasis SymptomsPsoriasis Treatment