All You Need To Know About Viral Hepatitis

All You Need To Know About Viral Hepatitis
23 May 2022
6 mins
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All You Need To Know About Viral Hepatitis

    Hepatitis has been causing a considerable health burden in our country. It is the leading cause of accidental death that is highly preventable. Viral hepatitis is a condition of inflammation in the liver due to viral infection. Its consequences can be mild or severe depending on the type of virus. There are five viruses that cause viral hepatitis, namely, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis D and hepatitis E. 


    How Do You Get Viral Hepatitis?


    Hepatitis A virus spreads through contaminated water and food and also when you directly contact an infected person. It is detectable in the faeces and blood of the infected person. Hepatitis A and E is often passed through virus-contaminated drinks and food consumption. Hepatitis B, C, and D is spread through the exposure to infected blood and other body secretions. It may occur with sharing injection drug equipment, and unprotected sex. Hepatitis B and C may also spread from mother to child during pregnancy.


    Who Is More Likely To Get Viral Hepatitis?


    Some living conditions make one more prone to viral hepatitis than others. Some hepatitis infection affects differently according to the person’s gender and medical conditions. Following is a list of social and medical conditions that make a person more prone to viral hepatitis:

    • Living in contaminated and unclean areas.
    • Kidney diseases
    • Living in areas where hepatitis infection is prevalent
    • Sharing of contaminated needles.
    • Sexual contact with an infected person
    • Immunosuppressive treatment
    • Pre-existing liver problems
    • Pregnancy
    • Hemodialysis treatment
    • Alcohol consumption and smoking


    How To Know If You Have Hepatitis Infection?


    Many people do not recognize that they have been infected with viral hepatitis. They do not experience any significant symptoms. If the viral hepatitis is short-term, the symptoms may occur 2 weeks to 6 months after getting infected. Pay attention to the following symptoms and seek medical help immediately:

    • Tiredness
    • Yellow eyes and skin
    • Fever
    • Loss of appetite
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
    • Stomach pain
    • Dark urine
    • Light coloured stools
    • Joint pain
    • Mild fever

    Can Viral Hepatitis Be Cured?


    Unlike hepatitis B, C and D, hepatitis A and E stay only for a short time in the body. The infected person may get better even without undergoing treatment. However, in rare cases, this infection can lead to severe consequences to the extent that a person requires liver transplant surgery to survive.


    Hepatitis B, C and D cause long-term illnesses that may result in liver cirrhosis. In these infections, your body will not be able to fight infections, and the virus stays in your body for a long period, ultimately damaging the liver. In fact, hepatitis B and C are the most common causes of liver cirrhosis and cancer.


    Nevertheless, it is easy to prevent this infection through vaccination, and you can also control the spreading of this infection to others. After the availability of the Hepatitis A vaccine, the viral hepatitis infections have come down drastically. But it is still a problem in developing countries where not everyone has access to clean water and safe, hygienic surroundings.


    When the viral hepatitis infection is diagnosed and treated early, it is easy to prevent health complications. The treatment approach differs according to the type of hepatitis virus you are infected with and whether the infection is acute or chronic. Acute viral hepatitis goes away on its own, and in this case, you need to rest well and drink more fluids.


    Chronic viral hepatitis like hepatitis B, C and D will be treated with interferons and antiviral medications. In severe cases, the healthcare provider might suggest liver transplant surgery.


    Prevention Is Better Than Cure:


    The development of vaccines has been helpful to prevent certain types of viral hepatitis effectively. It is safer to get vaccinated if you live or visit places with unhygienic sanitary conditions or risk-prone areas. If you are frequently travelling, consult your physician and get their opinion on vaccination. If your body has the required antibodies to fight against the virus, you may not need the vaccines. Follow some healthy lifestyle guidelines like quitting alcohol and smoking to keep yourself safe and away from infections.

    Written by
    BhairaviContent Writer
    AboutPharm D
    Tags :Hepatitis infectionviral hepatitishepatitis Ahepatitis Bhepatitis Chepatitis Dhepatitis E