8 Common Women's Health Issues To Know About

8 Common Women's Health Issues to Know About
21 Feb 2023
7 mins
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8 Common Women's Health Issues To Know About

    Women experience several health issues starting from their puberty through pregnancy and menopause. Some problems specifically affect women only. By the way, what disorders are exclusive to women? Yes, you guessed it right! Gynecological disorders. They affect all women at some point in their lives. Let us read about the most common women’s health problems.


    8 Most Common Women’s Health Problems

    1. Menstrual Irregularities


    Irregular menses is one of the most common female health problems in today's life. Usually, a menstrual cycle appears once in 21 to 35 days. A menstrual cycle is irregular if the cycles are longer, shorter, heavier, or lighter than usual. Along with the changes in the blood flow, some may also experience stomach cramps. The most common problems arising out of menstrual irregularities are,


    • Amenorrhoea - The absence of periods
    • Dysmenorrhea - Painful periods along with severe cramps
    • Menorrhagia - Excessive bleeding during periods
    • Oligomenorrhea - Delayed periods.


    2. Endometriosis


    A baby develops in the uterus, and the endometrium normally lines the uterus. When the tissue forming endometrium grows in areas apart from the uterus, like ovaries, bowel, or bladder, it results in a condition called endometriosis. This abnormal tissue growth can cause severe pain, heavy periods, and infertility. Many women do not experience symptoms, and trouble getting pregnant is often the first sign of endometriosis.

    3. Uterine Fibroids


    Uterine fibroids are another common gynecological problem in reproductive women. Fibroids are a mass of muscle cells and tissues that develop in the uterus walls. Many women do not experience any symptoms. However, some common symptoms of fibroids include heavy periods, feelings of fullness, frequent urination, lower back pain, painful intercourse, and bleeding between periods.

    4. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease


    As the name suggests, pelvic inflammatory disease is the inflammation of the upper genital tract that occurs due to infection. The infection begins in the lower genital tract and spreads upwards, affecting the fallopian tube, uterus, and ovaries. The majority of these infections are transmitted sexually. It may lead to long-term complications like infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and chronic pain in the pelvic region. Early detection and treatment can prevent these complications.

    5. PCOS


    Polycystic ovarian syndrome is another common female health problems. It is becoming a cause of concern in today's population. PCOS is a blend of different signs and symptoms in reproductive women. It occurs primarily due to hormonal imbalance, where there is an excess of the hormone androgen. The elevated androgen levels in the body cause symptoms like facial hair, hair loss from the scalp, acne, oily skin, and skin discoloration. While there are different causes of irregular periods, almost 91% of women with PCOS have irregular periods. 

    Genetics, diet, lifestyle, and environmental exposure play a massive role in hormonal imbalance. Metformin and oral contraceptives were traditionally prescribed to manage the symptoms. Scientists are discovering other natural ways to manage the symptoms. Inositol supplements are said to be beneficial in controlling acne, facial hair, and infertility. Newer research is conducted to find ways to reverse PCOS.

    6. Vulvodynia


    Vulvodynia refers to pain in the outer part of the vagina that occurs due to no known cause. It is characterized by constant or off pain, irritation, burning, and stinging feelings. Since the cause is unknown, the treatment focuses on managing pain and anger through ointments, capsaicin creams, local anesthetic injections, and botulinum toxin injections.

    This condition is not contagious. It can be managed through minor changes like not wearing tight clothing, reducing stress, and discussing issues with a psychologist to know what works best for you.

    7. Vaginitis


    Vaginitis is a common gynecological problem characterized by symptoms of abnormal vaginal discharge, irritation, itching and burning. It occurs due to bacterial and fungal infections, and other causes include inflammation and allergies. Sometimes vaginitis recurs within months or years. The healthcare team will regularly suggest PAP smears, vaginal swabs, and HPV screening in such cases. Vaginitis can be treated with antibiotics, steroids, lubricants and moisturizers.

    8. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)


    Premenstrual syndrome, also known as premenstrual tension, is one of the common women’s health problems. It affects one in three women before their menstruation. Irritability, mood swings, loss of confidence, anger, anxiety, restlessness, etc., are some of the most common symptoms. 

    Some women also experience physical symptoms like weight gain, bloating, breast tenderness, headache, backache, acne, etc. PMS may be a result of hormonal, chemical, and lifestyle changes. Depending on the symptoms, treatment ranges from painkillers, vitamin and mineral supplements, behavioral therapy, hormone therapy, antidepressants, etc.

    Takeaway Message


    Listen to your body to be aware of your body's signs. Taking care of your health should be your priority. Go for regular health check-ups and gynecological screening to avoid the most common gynecological problems in the future.

    Written by
    Dr. BhairaviMedical Content writer
    AboutPharm D
    Tags :Women health issuescommon female health problemsfemale health concerns