This page contains brief details about the drug , it's indication, dosage & administaration, mechanism of action, related brands with strength, warnings and common side effects.

Background and Date of Approval

Alfacalcidol is a vitamin supplement drug developed by the U.S. Food And Drug Administration and was initially approved in the year 1978 for treating osteodystrophy (changes in bone structure caused by kidney failure).

Mechanism of Action of undefined

Alfacalcidol works by enhancing the absorption of calcium from the intestines and promoting the reabsorption of calcium by the kidneys. It also helps regulate the release of parathyroid hormone (PTH), which plays a major role in maintaining calcium levels in the body.

Uses of undefined

Alfacalcidol helps to treats various conditions where the calcium levels in the body need adjustment. It mainly treats the condition called osteodystrophy (changes in bone structure caused by kidney failure), manages hyperparathyroidism (excessive calcium in the blood due to overactive parathyroid glands) or hypoparathyroidism (insufficient calcium in the blood due to underactive parathyroid glands), also treats hypocalcemia (low levels of calcium in the blood) of newborn infants, and rickets or osteomalacia (deformity of bones due to a lack of calcium).

undefined Drug administaration and Dosage available

Take the Alfacalcidol as advised by your physician. Do not crush, chew, or open the medicine. Your physician will decide the correct dosage and duration based on age, body weight, and disease condition. Only stop taking the capsule if your doctor advises you to stop.

Warnings, Precautions and Side Effects of undefined


This drug is contraindicated in individuals with known hypersensitivity or allergy to it or its component. Individuals with kidney issues, including kidney stones, may require special monitoring and dosage adjustments when taking this drug. Your doctor needs to evaluate your kidney function and determine the suitable dose for you.  If you have a condition known as hypercalcemia, which means you have high calcium levels in your blood, Alfacalcidol should not be taken. Taking this medication could further increase your calcium levels and worsen the condition.


Your physician might prescribe additional medications along with Alfacalcidol, such as a phosphate-binding agent to regulate phosphate levels or a calcium supplement to maintain appropriate calcium levels in your blood. This drug can affect calcium and phosphate levels in the blood. Your physician may need to change your dose if you experience any signs of having too much calcium or phosphate in your blood. Regular blood tests are usually conducted to monitor these levels, especially in children, patients with kidney problems, or those on a high dose of the medication. Inform your physician if you are pregnant, suspect pregnancy, or planning to become pregnant. It is unknown if this medicine passes into the breast milk. Please consult your doctor before breastfeeding. 

Side Effects

The side effects known to occur commonly during the treatment with Alfacalcidol are abdominal pain, headache, dizziness, confusion, and hives. Some serious side effects also include allergic reaction, difficulty breathing, face or throat swell, and severe rash.

Word Of Advice

Tell your doctor immediately about all the medications you have been taking recently, including herbal and supplements, before taking Alfacalcidol. If you forget to take this medicine for the entire day, take your usual dose the next day. However, do not double-dose yourself. Throw away medicines that are no longer needed or are out-of-date. Keep medicines away from children and pets. Do not store these medicines in a damp place such as a bathroom, cabinet, or near the kitchen sink.

Frequently Asked Question


  1. Neon Healthcare Limited, Electronic medicines compendium (EMC), [Revised on Feb 2022] [ Accessed on 14th July 2023],
  2. Sandoz Canada Inc, Sandoz Alfacalcidol Product Monograph., [Revised on Dec 2022] [ Accessed on 14th July 2023],
  3. Aristo Pharma GmbH, NeoFalcon LifeScience, [ Accessed on 14th July 2023]


The drug information on this page is not a substitute for medical advice; it is meant for educational purposes only. For further details, consult your doctor about your medical condition to know if you are eligible to receive this treatment.