This page contains brief details about the drug , it's indication, dosage & administaration, mechanism of action, related brands with strength, warnings and common side effects.

Background and Date of Approval

Aloe vera, a natural plant, offers skin benefits as a moisturizer, inflammation reducer, and with antibacterial properties. Glycyrrhizinic acid, from licorice root, possesses anti-inflammatory and antibacterial attributes. Sodium methylparaben serves as a preservative, inhibiting bacteria growth in the product.

Mechanism of Action of undefined

Aloe Vera + Glycyrrhizinic Acid ingredient plays a crucial role in enhancing skin health. It aids in retaining moisture, ensuring that your skin remains adequately hydrated. Additionally, it helps neutralize harmful free radicals, which can damage skin cells and accelerate aging. Furthermore, it actively supports the skin's natural healing process, which is essential for repairing damage, reducing inflammation, and maintaining overall skin well-being.

Uses of undefined

Aloe Vera + Glycyrrhizinic Acid is a topical acne treatment helps eliminate blackheads, pimples, blemishes, and excess oil from the skin. It improves the appearance of the skin and gradually normalizes it

undefined Drug administaration and Dosage available

Clean and dry the affected area, then apply Aloe vera + Glycyrrhizinic acid spray directly to pimples and blemishes. Use it morning and night for three to four weeks or until pimples are gone, harnessing the moisturizing and healing properties of Aloe vera and the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities of Glycyrrhizinic acid for clearer skin.

Warnings, Precautions and Side Effects of undefined


Do not use Aloe Vera + Glycyrrhizinic Acid if you are allergic to any product ingredient. Before taking the product, inform your doctor if you are pregnant, planning to get pregnant, or think you may be pregnant or are breastfeeding. Notify your doctor if you have or have had a history of any skin-related disease.


Notify your doctor if you are pregnant, planning to get pregnant, or think you may be pregnant or breastfeeding. Report to your physician immediately if you experience any symptoms, such as an allergic reaction after using the spray. 

Side Effects

Aloe Vera + Glycyrrhizinic Acid is generally safe to consume and is not associated with significant side effects. However, consult your physician for more advice if you experience any unfamiliar side effects.

Word Of Advice

Before starting the treatment, inform your doctor about all the underlying conditions. Do not breastfeed while taking Aloe Vera + Glycyrrhizinic Acid unless your doctor advises. Please note that the product is intended for dietary use only and should not be used for medicinal purposes or administered parenterally. Notify your doctor if you experience any serious side effects. Contact your doctor for more information. 

Frequently Asked Question


  1. Amar Surjushe, Resham Vasani, DG Saple; Aloe Vera: A Short Review; Indian Journal of Dermatology 2008; [Accessed date 13th Sept 2023];
  2. Marta Sanchez et al; Pharmacological Update Properties of Aloe Vera and its Major Active Constituents; Molecules; [Published date 13th March 2020]; [Accessed date  13th Sept 2023];
  3. Lee Jia Ming, Adeline Chia Yoke Yin; Therapeutic effects of glycyrrhizic acid; Natural Product Communications; [Published date 8th March 2013];
  4. Ck Kokate, AP Purohit, SB Gokhale, Pharmacognosy, Drugs containing Glycosides, 55th edition, 2018, 9.15.


The drug information on this page is not a substitute for medical advice. It is meant for educational purposes only. For further details, consult your doctor about your medical condition to know if you are eligible to receive this treatment.