This page contains brief details about the drug , it's indication, dosage & administaration, mechanism of action, related brands with strength, warnings and common side effects.

Background and Date of Approval

Ivermectin was initially approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on November 22, 1987

Mechanism of Action of undefined

Ivermectin works by targeting and disrupting the nervous system of parasites. It binds to specific neurotransmitter receptors in parasites' nerve and muscle cells, increasing the release of a neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). This excess GABA causes paralysis and eventually death of the parasites by inhibiting nerve impulses and muscle function. Its mechanism is selective for invertebrate parasites, sparing mammals and humans due to differences in the nervous system structure. This disruption of the parasites' nervous system effectively immobilizes and kills them, making it an effective treatment for various parasitic infections.

Uses of undefined

Ivermectin is primarily an antiparasitic agent for treating several parasitic infections in humans and animals. Its approved uses include combating conditions such as onchocerciasis (river blindness), strongyloidiasis (threadworm infection), scabies, lice infestations, and lymphatic filariasis. This versatile medication's ability to target and disrupt the nervous systems of parasites makes it an essential tool in controlling and managing these parasitic diseases.

undefined Drug administaration and Dosage available

Ivermectin can be administered through oral tablets or liquid solutions, topical creams or lotions for skin applications, or injections for certain cases, depending on the formulation and treatment condition. Healthcare providers determine the appropriate route of administration based on the specific circumstances and type of parasitic infection. Always follow the recommended method and dosage as directed by a healthcare professional or indicated on the medication packaging.

Warnings, Precautions and Side Effects of undefined


Rarely, severe allergic reactions can occur, including rash, itching, swelling, dizziness, and difficulty breathing. Ivermectin may cause dizziness, drowsiness, tremors, and other neurological symptoms, especially at higher doses. Some individuals may experience changes in vision, including blurriness or double vision. The liver metabolizes it; in rare cases, it can cause liver-related issues, especially in individuals with pre-existing liver conditions. Itching, rash, redness, and skin irritation can occur, especially with topical applications. Some individuals may experience fatigue or weakness. Muscle or joint pain might occur. Some individuals might experience changes in appetite. Sleep disruption or sleepiness can occur in some cases. If not used as directed or if treatment is stopped prematurely, the parasites might not be eliminated, leading to treatment failure.


If you experience signs of an allergic reaction, such as rash, itching, swelling, or difficulty breathing, seek immediate medical attention. Avoid activities requiring full attention, such as driving or operating machinery, if you experience neurological effects. Individuals with pre-existing liver conditions should discuss their health with their healthcare provider before using Ivermectin. Take this medication with food if it is known to cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Follow the prescribed dosing schedule and complete the full course of treatment even if symptoms improve to ensure complete eradication of parasites. Always consult your healthcare provider for personalized guidance based on your health circumstances.

Side Effects

Ivermectin use can lead to a range of side effects. Common side effects encompass gastrointestinal disturbances, skin reactions, fatigue, dizziness, muscle and joint pain, and changes in appetite. Serious side effects are rare but may include allergic reactions, neurological effects, eye-related symptoms, and potential liver impacts. Adhering to prescribed dosages, promptly reporting severe reactions, and consulting a healthcare provider is crucial to ensure safe and effective use of ivermectin.

Word Of Advice

Consult a healthcare provider before use, particularly if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have liver or kidney conditions, or are immunocompromised. Discuss allergies, medications, and medical history. Consider potential interactions, especially with alcohol, and be cautious if driving or operating machinery due to possible dizziness or drowsiness. Report any severe reactions promptly. Follow prescribed dosages and completion of treatment, maintaining proper hygiene for conditions like scabies. Be aware of potential drug resistance and carefully follow guidelines to prevent it. Children may require adjusted dosages.

Frequently Asked Question


  1. Galderma (U.K) Ltd, Electronic medicines compendium (EMC), [Revised on 28 Nov 2022] [ Accessed on 8th August 2023],
  2. Jennifer Keiser, James McCarthy, and Peter Hotez, Chemotherapy of Helminth Infections, Goodman & Gilman’s Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 2018, 1001-1009.
  3. US Food and Drug Administration, [Revised on  March 16, 2023] [ Accessed on  08/08/2023],are%20only%20available%20by%20prescription.


The drug information on this page is not a substitute for medical advice, it is meant for educational purposes only. For further details, consult your doctor about your medical condition to know if you can receive this treatment.