This page contains brief details about the drug , it's indication, dosage & administaration, mechanism of action, related brands with strength, warnings and common side effects.

Background and Date of Approval

 N-acetylcysteine + Acebrophylline approved for medical use as mucolytic agents and bronchodilators.

Mechanism of Action of undefined

N-acetylcysteine + Acebrophylline is a combination of two drugs. N-acetylcysteine works by breaking down the disulfide bonds that hold mucus together. This makes the mucus thinner and easier to cough out. It also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which can be helpful for people with respiratory conditions. Acebrophylline works by relaxing the smooth muscles in the airways. This makes the airways wider, making it easier to breathe. Acebrophylline also has a mucolytic effect, which helps to loosen mucus.

Uses of undefined

N-acetylcysteine + Acebrophylline is used to treat and prevent a variety of respiratory conditions, including asthma, COPD, bronchitis, emphysema, cystic fibrosis, pneumonia, and mucus plugs. It works by thinning and loosening mucus, making it easier to cough out, and by relaxing the muscles in the airways, making it easier to breathe.

undefined Drug administaration and Dosage available

N-acetylcysteine + Acebrophylline  is administered orally, meaning it is taken by mouth. The tablet should be swallowed whole with water. The best route of administration depends on the individual's needs and preferences, but oral administration is typically the most convenient.

Warnings, Precautions and Side Effects of undefined


N-Acetylcysteine + Acebrophylline can cause allergic reactions, including skin rash, hives, swelling of the face, throat, or tongue, and difficulty breathing. It can cause bronchospasm, which is a narrowing of the airways. This can make breathing difficult and can be dangerous, especially in people with asthma.


If you experience any symptoms like skin rash, hives, swelling of the face, throat, or tongue, and difficulty breathing, stop taking  N-Acetylcysteine + Acebrophylline immediately and seek medical attention. If you experience any symptoms of bronchospasm, such as wheezing, shortness of breath, or chest tightness, stop taking it immediately and seek medical attention.


Side Effects

N-acetylcysteine + Acebrophylline may cause common side effects like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach upset, headache, dizziness, rash, itching, and hives. Rare but serious side effects include bronchospasm, allergic reactions, liver damage, and kidney damage.

Word Of Advice

If you are allergic to N-acetylcysteine + Acebrophylline, you should not take this medication. Be careful if you have a history of asthma, peptic ulcer, or hemorrhagic disease, as it  can worsen these conditions, so it is important to use it with caution if you have a history of any of them. People with severe renal or hepatic impairment may not be able to eliminate it from their body effectively, which can lead to toxic side effects. Therefore, it is important to use it with caution in people with severe renal or hepatic impairment. If you experience any  side effects, such as bronchospasm, allergic reactions, liver damage, and kidney damage, stop taking it  immediately and seek medical attention. It is important to tell your doctor about all the medications you are taking. Take the medication exactly as prescribed by your doctor.

Frequently Asked Question


  1. KD Tripathi, Essentials of Medical Pharmacology, Drugs for cough and bronchial asthma, 7th edition, 2013, 219.
  2. Goodman & Gilman’s, The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Pulmonary pharmacology, 12th edition, 2011, 1040-1044.
  3. Pozzi E; Acebrophylline: an airway mucoregulator and anti-inflammatory agent; Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease 2007; [Accessed on 09th Oct 2023]
  4. Ziment; Acetylcysteine: a drug that is much more than a microkinetic; Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 1988;


The drug information on this page is not a substitute for medical advice, it is meant for educational purposes only. For further details, consult your doctor about your medical condition to know if you can receive this treatment.