This page contains brief details about the drug , it's indication, dosage & administaration, mechanism of action, related brands with strength, warnings and common side effects.

Background and Date of Approval

The U.S. FDA approved Nevirapine to treat people with HIV infection on June 21, 1996.

Mechanism of Action of undefined

The reverse transcriptase enzyme plays a vital role in the DNA replication of the virus (HIV). RNA. Nevirapine tablet stops this enzyme's activity and helps control HIV infection.

Uses of undefined

Nevirapine is used to control Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1) infection in adults and children of any age, which is usually taken with other antiretroviral medicines.

undefined Drug administaration and Dosage available

Take the Nevirapine as advised by your physician. Do not crush, chew, or open the medicine. Your physician will decide the correct dosage and duration based on age, body weight, and disease condition. Only stop taking the tablet if your doctor advises you to stop. Usually, one tablet will be prescribed for the 1st 14 days.

Warnings, Precautions and Side Effects of undefined


Do not consume Nevirapine if you are allergic to Nevirapine or its other ingredients of this medicine. Inform your doctor if you have taken this medicine previously and had to stop it due to severe rashes, fever, blistering, mouth soreness, inflammation of the eye, or swellings. Before starting the treatment, inform your doctor if you have a severe liver condition or if you take St. John's Wort (herbal substance). Do not continue the medicine if you experience severe rashes, hypersensitivity reactions, or life-threatening side effects, and contact your doctor immediately.


The risk of developing liver problems is higher in women, hepatitis B or C patients, abnormal liver function tests, or if you had a higher CD4 cell count during the initial stage of the treatment. Inform your doctor if you are pregnant or planning to get pregnant or think you may be pregnant or breasting; because breastfeeding is not recommended while consuming Nevirapine. Also, notify your doctor if you are lactose intolerant. During the first 18 weeks of the treatment, it is important to watch out for the sign of liver and skin reactions. Your doctor may regularly monitor your liver functions and blood count.

Side Effects

The most common side effects of rash, headache, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, tiredness, and changes in body fat. 

Serious side effects while taking Nevirapine are loss of appetite, toxic epidermal necrolysis (rare skin reaction), yellow skin Allergic reactions, liver inflammation (hepatitis), difficulty breathing, Stevens-Johnson syndrome (rare skin and mucus disorder), muscle weakness, infections and inflammation, bone problem.

Word Of Advice

Keep out of sight and reach of pets and children Store protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 30°C. Do not freeze. Antiviral medications delay the complications related to AIDS and improve the overall quality of life. Do not skip Nevirapine. Skipping can reduce its effectiveness in controlling HIV and increase the risk of treatment failure. If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember, but if it is about your next dose, skip it and take a regular dosing schedule. Do not double dose. Inform your healthcare provider about other medications that you are taking. Practice safe sex to avoid transmission of HIV.

Frequently Asked Question


  1. Milpharm Limited, Electronic Medicines Compendium (EMC), [Revised on Sept 2022] [Accessed on 18th May 2023],
  2. KD Tripathi, Antiviral Drugs (Anti-retrovirus), Essentials of Medical Pharmacology, 8th Edition, 2019, 860-872


The drug information on this page is not a substitute for medical advice. It is meant for educational purposes only. For further details, consult your doctor about your medical condition to know if you are eligible to receive this treatment.