This page contains brief details about the drug , it's indication, dosage & administaration, mechanism of action, related brands with strength, warnings and common side effects.

Background and Date of Approval

Peg-L-Asparaginase is a class of antitumor drug that belongs to the category of medicines known as enzymes known as hydrolases. It was approved on 30 June 2021 to treat Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia.

Mechanism of Action of undefined

Cancer cells need a substance called asparagine to survive. This Injection works by lowering the levels of asparagine in the body.

Uses of undefined

Peg-L-Asparaginase is used to treat Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (a type of cancer of the white blood cells).

undefined Drug administaration and Dosage available

It will be given to you by your health care professional. Do not self-administer. Your physician will decide the dose and duration of your treatment based on the disease severity and other factors.

Warnings, Precautions and Side Effects of undefined


This medicine should not be used if you have severe problems with your pancreas or you may be allergic to any of the ingredients of this medicine. Talk to your physician if you are a diabetic patient as this medicine contains glucose. The common side effects of Peg-L-Asparaginase  Injection are muscle pain, nausea, infections, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.


Use effective birth control during the treatment with this Injection and for at least three months after the last dose. Women should use contraception methods other than oral contraceptives.

Side Effects

The common side effects that are likely to occur while you are on the treatment with Peg-L-Asparaginase  are nausea, muscle pain, weight loss, infections (fever, rapid heart rate, confusion, or a rash), difficulty breathing, inflammation of the digestive tract, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, discomfort, headache, tiredness. If you experience any allergic or unusual reactions after taking this medicine, report to your doctor immediately.

Word Of Advice

This injection should be administered only by the doctor or nurse. Inform the doctor if the patient has any allergic response, blood pressure, kidney or liver problems, and medication taken for different medical conditions. Consult the doctor if the patient is pregnant or breastfeeding mother before taking this medication. Avoid driving while taking this medication, as it can cause dizziness. Avoid handling heavy machinery as the patient may lack concentration.

Frequently Asked Question


  1. Porton Biopharma Limited, Electronic medicines compendium (emc), [Revised on June 2021] [ Accessed on 6th April 2023],
  2. Merck & Co., Inc., US Food and Drug Administration, [Issued on 2000] [ Accessed on 6th April 2023],
  3. Goodman & Gilman’s, The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Cytotoxic agents, 12th edition, 2011, 1720.
  4. KD Tripathi, Essentials of Medical Pharmacology, Anticancer drugs, 7th edition, 2013, 869.


The drug information on this page is not a substitute for medical advice, it is meant for educational purposes only. For further details consult your doctor about your medical condition to know if you are eligible to receive this treatment.