This page contains brief details about the drug , it's indication, dosage & administaration, mechanism of action, related brands with strength, warnings and common side effects.

Background and Date of Approval

Sofosbuvir contains the active component as Sofosbuvir. It is a direct-acting antiviral medication used to treat hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. This medication is often combined with other antiviral drugs to form a regimen that can effectively eliminate HCV from the body. Sofosbuvir has significantly shortened the duration of HCV treatment compared to older therapies. It is effective against multiple genotypes of the hepatitis C virus. This broad-spectrum activity makes it a versatile treatment option that can be used for a wide range of patients infected with different HCV genotypes. It was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on December 6, 2013.

Mechanism of Action of undefined

Sofosbuvir, a direct-acting antiviral medication, exerts a potent therapeutic effect in treating hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections. This medication disrupts the virus's ability to replicate and proliferate within the body by inhibiting the RNA polymerase enzyme necessary for HCV replication. Combined with other antiviral drugs, this targeted action leads to high cure rates, improved treatment outcomes, and shorter treatment durations.

Uses of undefined

Sofosbuvir is primarily used to treat hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection.

undefined Drug administaration and Dosage available

Sofosbuvir is typically prescribed with other antiviral medications for treating hepatitis C (HCV) infection. This medication is usually taken orally once a day, with or without food. It is recommended to complete the full course of treatment as prescribed, even if symptoms improve, to ensure the best chance of achieving a sustained virologic response (SVR) and curing the HCV infection.

Warnings, Precautions and Side Effects of undefined


The use of Sofosbuvir carries several important considerations. Drug interactions can occur with other medications, including certain antiretrovirals and anticonvulsants. Serious bradycardia has been reported when this medication is combined with Amiodarone. Resistance and treatment failure can occur, emphasizing the need for adherence and regular monitoring.


Disclose all medications to your healthcare provider. Patients should be aware of the potential risk of hepatitis B reactivation, particularly in individuals co-infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV). Renal impairment and advanced liver disease require careful monitoring and potential dose adjustments. Due to limited safety data, pregnant and breastfeeding individuals should consult healthcare providers. Discussing the warnings with your healthcare provider to ensure the safe and appropriate use of Sofosbuvir is essential.

Side Effects

Sofosbuvir is generally well-tolerated, and most side effects associated with its use are mild and transient. Common side effects may include fatigue, headache, nausea, insomnia, diarrhea, itching, decreased appetite, and rash or skin reactions. These side effects are usually temporary and resolve on their own. Serious side effects are rare, including hepatitis B reactivation in co-infected individuals, serious bradycardia when combined with Amiodarone, and allergic reactions.

Word Of Advice

Before starting treatment, inform your healthcare provider if you have a history of hepatitis B your liver function and HBV DNA levels (an indicator of hepatitis B infection in the blood) will closely monitor during treatment. Be aware of the risk of serious bradycardia when Sofosbuvir is combined with Amiodarone, and inform your healthcare provider if you are taking this medication. Any signs of allergic reactions, such as difficulty breathing or swelling, should be reported immediately. Pregnant and breastfeeding individuals should discuss the potential risks and benefits with their healthcare provider. Adhere to the prescribed treatment regimen and attend regular check-ups to monitor treatment response.

Frequently Asked Question


  1. Gilead Sciences Ltd, Electronic medicines compendium (EMC), [Revised on 15 Nov 2021], [Accessed on 2nd June 2023],
  2. Gilead Sciences Ltd, US Food and Drug Administration, [Revised on August 2015],[Accessed on 2st June 2023],


The drug information on this page is different from medical advice. It is meant for educational purposes only. For further details, consult your doctor about your medical condition to know if you can receive this treatment.