This page contains brief details about the drug , it's indication, dosage & administaration, mechanism of action, related brands with strength, warnings and common side effects.

Background and Date of Approval

The U.S. FDA approved spironolactone on 08/20/2001, to treat heart failure, hypertension and hypokalemia.

Mechanism of Action of undefined

This medication consists of spironolactone which is a potassium baring diuretic. This medication works by lowering the blood pressure by removing the excess of water and electrolyte from the body and maintains the balance without reducing the potassium level in the body.

Uses of undefined

This medication is used in the treatment of heart failure and in hypertension (patient with high blood pressure). It is used to treat low potassium levels in the body which is otherwise known as hypokalemia and reduces the swelling (edema in the body).

undefined Drug administaration and Dosage available

Spironolactone is available as a 5mg, 10mg, 20mg, 25mg, 50mg and 100mg tablet which can be consumed orally with food. Your physician will decide the correct dosage and duration based on age, body weight, and disease condition.

Warnings, Precautions and Side Effects of undefined


This medication is taken as per the advice of the doctor. You should not stop taking this medication when you feel better because it can cause the condition worse. If you are taking this medication for high blood pressure along with medication you have to follow lifestyle changes like exercising regularly and a low salt diet to increase the effectiveness of this medicine. Avoid consumption of alcohol as it increases the side effects of this medication.


Before you start this medication, discuss the kidney, heart and liver diseases that you have had for a longer period of time. Tell about all the medications you are taking for different diseases and inform your doctor about your pregnancy or if you are planning for pregnancy and if you are a breastfeeding mother because it can cause harmful effects and birth defects in a developing child. Blood pressure and potassium levels should be checked regularly and kidney function tests should be monitored while taking this medication.

Side Effects

The common side effects that are experienced while you are on the treatment with spironolactone are stomach pain, headache, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, leg cramps, hair loss, increase in creatinine levels in blood. Report your doctor immediately if you have skin rash, irregular heartbeat and breast pain.

Word Of Advice

 It is suggested to tell your doctor if you have any history of allergic reactions to avoid life-threatening complications. Take this medication in the morning time as it causes frequent urination. Tell your doctor before the treatment commencement if you are pregnant or having heart, liver, kidney, or uterine problems and inform them about the medication that you are taking for different diseases as it may affect or affect other medications. While using this medication, kidney function tests should be monitored regularly. Blood pressure and potassium levels should be checked regularly. It’s important to take this medicine with food at the same time every day.

Frequently Asked Question


  1. Pfizer, [Revised on Feb 2021] [Accessed on 11th Jan 2022],
  2. Mercury Pharmaceuticals Limited, Electronic Medicines Compendium (EMC), [Revised on Sep 2020] [Accessed on 11th Jan 2022],
  3. Neal L. Benowitz, Antihypertensive Agents, Lange’s Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 2018, 173-193.


The drug information on this page is not a substitute for medical advice, it is meant for educational purposes only. For further details consult your doctor about your medical condition to know if you are eligible to receive this treatment.