5 Skin Care Myths You Need To Know

5 Skin Care Myths You Need To Know
6 May 2022
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5 Skin Care Myths You Need To Know

    It is quite normal to get carried away with tons of skincare information around. Especially if you are new to skincare, the internet and social media information can be too much for you. Many believe the advice from “experts”, completely unaware that some of that advice is just skincare myths. Believing skincare myths and applying them to your routine will give you no result, or it could aggravate skin problems. Read further to know popular skincare myths you need to stop believing if you want the best for your skin.

    Stop Believing These Skincare Myths Right Now!


    1. Only teenagers get acne:


    Acne is a common occurrence among teenagers who have recently reached the puberty phase because puberty causes a significant surge of hormones. However, teenagers are not the only ones prone to acne. Anybody can get acne if they have poor lifestyle habits, irregular eating, insufficient water intake, pollution, etc. Pregnancy and menopause also trigger massive hormonal imbalances leading to acne. To avoid this, you need to implement essential skincare like washing your face twice a day, removing makeup before going to bed and maintaining a balanced diet.

    2. All SPF protection are the same:


    Applying SPF before stepping out in the sun is essential to protect your skin from damage. We know how SPF is helpful on sunny days and when the climate is chill. It would be best if you apply sunscreen, whether you are indoors or outdoors. But that does not mean that you can use any SPF product written on it and assume that you are good to go.

    Many products, even makeup products, mention that they have SPF on their labels. Moisturizers, foundations and compacts come with SPF, but that is not the same as your sunscreen. You can not replace your sunscreen with moisturizers and foundation creams because a broad-spectrum sunscreen provides more protection against UVA and UVB rays of the sun. 

    Similarly, higher SPF does not guarantee better protection. A sunscreen with SPF above 50 will be beneficial only if you are about to spend 2 hours in the sun between 10 AM and 2.30 PM. Otherwise, SPF 30 sunscreen would do the job for you. You should apply sunscreen after moisturizer and before makeup, 15 minutes before stepping out.

    3. You can shrink your pores with skincare:


    After all, those tiny pores may not be so little in some parts of the skin. The size of pores does not remain the same throughout the skin. These pores act as a host for hair follicles and sebum. People try different products from face wash, creams, exfoliators and face masks to get rid of large pores. But you know what? Pore sizes are genetically determined, and they do not change. Maybe certain products like face masks, cleansers and moisturizers can clean the pores off dirt and oil, which creates an illusion of smaller pores.

    4. Organic and natural products are safer:


    The terms ‘organic’ and ‘natural’ play a huge part in marketing a product because people believe they are harmless. In reality, it differs from person to person. Some of them are not even licensed or regulated. They contain essential oils and other plant extracts that may be too harsh for some skin types. When used without caution, they may lead to allergies and contact dermatitis.

    Natural products are called so because they are extracted from plant sources and formulated with minimal use of additives, preservatives and parabens. This does not mean that they work for all skin types. In fact, without preservatives, skincare products are more prone to bacterial growth, mold and yeast. If you are experiencing skin issues and want to find a product that works for your skin, you should seek a proper consultation with a qualified dermatologist.

    5. Toothpaste rescue your skin from acne:


    This is a pretty popular one. We have seen so many influencers promoting their DIY hacks with toothpaste. They suggest applying a tiny amount of toothpaste to the affected areas and letting it sit overnight. Apparently, the toothpaste kills the zits and clears acne. That is not true, and you know what? It does not work on the skin like it does on teeth. In fact, toothpaste irritates the skin and triggers new acne formation. If you need spot treatment for acne, visit your dermatologist’s clinic.


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    BhairaviContent Writer
    AboutPharm D
    Tags :misconceptions about skin careskin care mythsmyths and facts about skin care